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毕业论文罗密欧与朱丽叶和泰坦尼克号人生观对比The Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. Titanic 学生姓名 学 号 院 系 专 业 英语(国际商务方向)指导教师 The Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. TitanicIn partial fulfillment of the requirementFor the B. A. degreeDepartment of Foreign LanguagesBinjiang CollegeNanjing University of Information Science & TechnologyMay, 2012AcknowledgementMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Mr. Liu Jiehai, for his painstaking reading of this thesis, valuable suggestions, and unwavering patients to help me accomplish this final draft.I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. Sincere thanks are due to Professor Wang Hui, for her helpful suggestions in the improvement of this thesis. I want to extent warm thanks to my classmates. Their diligence and perseverance have always been an uphill push to me.Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and professors in the English departments for their help during my four years college life.ContentsABSTRACT:- 1 -摘要:- 1 -1.INTRODUCTION22.SOCIAL STATUS: FETTER AND FREEDOM32.1ROMEO AND JULIET32.1.1THE FAMILY LIFE42.2TITANIC42.2.1ROSES PURSUE FOR FREEDOM53.EDUCATIONAL DISPARITY:RELIGION V.S. HUMANITY63.1JULIETS BELIEF IN GOD63.1.1ROLE OF BELIEF73.2ROSES EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND83.2.1VALUE OF COURAGE84.EVALUATIONS: FROM SAMUEL JOHNSON AND JOHN RUSKIN94.1EVALUATION TO WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE94.2OUTLOOK ON LIFE105.REFERENCES12 IThe Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. TitanicAbstract: Young people are dreaming of possessing the love as Romeo and Juliet and Titanic which are both stories about two young people falling in love at first sight. However, the point of view towards life is different. The article carries a comparative analysis in the social status and educational disparity of the heroines in different ages so as to reveal their points of view towards life. We believe that the heroines tragedies of love are very experiences helping them to be mature. In these days, the love helping young people become mature does not only depend on how they choose life when they are faced with the challenge of death. Personal habits in daily life, choices of future life, and some other actual factors become the new challenges towards young people in love. Taking the failure in love as a chance help people learn to endure every kind of trial in unknown future. Key words: Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, outlook on life, comparative analysis摘要:青年人对罗密欧与朱丽叶和泰坦尼克号中描绘的爱情充满着向往,同为一见钟情的爱情故事,但蕴含的人生观却大不相同。本文尝试对不同女主角所处时代背景,教育背景等因素进行对比分析,以揭示不同的人生观。本文认为女主角的爱情悲剧实为帮助他们成长的经历。时代变迁,能够让人成长的爱情方式,也不再单一局限于在生死一线时候恋爱中男女对于生命选择。日常生活之俗事,以及对于未来生活的选择同样在考验着恋爱中的男男女女。通过爱情带来的挫折作为个例,在未来人生中还充满着各种让人痛苦去承受的磨难和不幸。关键词:泰坦尼克号;罗密欧与朱丽叶;人生观;对比分析 1. IntroductionNow the deadline of graduation is approaching with an amazing speed. In the past three years, young people meet with many splendid things in this beautiful place. One of these wonderful things can make young men and women can feel happy at the first sight when meeting each other that is called as love. However, there is always something unexpected at the end of love. Not all love is as beautiful as it happened to young men and women at first sight. The love is always scared by various conditioned factors. Time is the most merciless killer of all those cruel factors. In specific speaking, the really murder is the unknown future. At the moment that we have to leave the person we love deeply, some of us choose to be faced with the sadness firmly, while a few people of us are always too weak to handle everything happened to them. As a result, they are becoming to give up their own future. For a long time, it is a tough debate on how to handle the bad mood because of being disappointed in a love affair. The fact is that they love each other actually, and they enjoy the happiness that the love gives. If they must part due to the graduation, should they give up everything except love to follow the happiness? Romeo and Juliet and Titanic are both describing the stories of two young people falling love at first sight. Characters love of the two works was affected by external factors, and the ending is similar. The two female leading roles were faced with the death of their sweethearts. Or in fact, we can think that the two female leading roles make different choices when they are faced with the lost of their perfect love in their minds. The development of their future fates depends on their different choices. As the women living in a new age, we should choose to live a better life firmly when being disappointed in a love affair, and never give ourselves up as hopeless. That is because love is beautiful thing. It happens to us, which int
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