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订房确认单RESERVATION CONFIRMATION FAX SHEET致 /To:传真/Fax:电话/Tel:电邮 /Email:发件日期/Date:页数(含本页)/No. of pages including this one:感谢您预订 大酒店客房!现对您的预订确认如下:Thank you for your reservation at theHotel. Following are the details of your reservation confirmedby us:宾客姓名Guest NameMr/Mrs/Madam/Ms先生/太太/女士/小姐人数Number of Guests成人No. of Adults儿童No. of Children国籍Nationality证件类别ID Type证件号码ID No.住宿天数Number of Nights入住日期离店日期Arrival DateDeparture Date预订房型Room Type每日房价(人民币元)Room Rate (RMB/ night)预订数量Number of Rooms备注Remarks观景双人间 Deluxe Scenery Twin Room豪华双人间Deluxe Twin Room高级单人间 Superior Single Room豪华单人间Deluxe King Room商务套间 Business Suite豪华套间Deluxe Suite房价说明Rate Details1. 房价已含税Tax inclusive2. 免收10%服务费Free of 10% service charge房费总额(元)Total Room Cost(RMB)元付款方式Method of Payment现金Cash信用卡Credit Card预订确认号Booking ID预订保留时限Deadline to Hold Reservation特别要求Special Requests可满足不可满足OKSorry1. 口2. 3.备注Remarks1.2.3.其它优惠 Special offers(1)每房每日提供两份免费中式自助早餐;Complimentary daily buffet breakfast for two persons per room(2)客房内均可免费拨打市话和国内(不含台港澳)长话;Complimentary local call and DDD call(3)客房内均可免费宽带上网;Complimentary broadband Internet access(4)住店宾客每日可免费游泳(夏秋季开放)和免费使用健身房1次。Complimentary use of swimming poll(for summer and autumn)and gymnasium once per person per day以上若有任何疑问或变更,请及时与我们联系。Should you have any questions or changes about the reservation, please contact us as soon as possible.经办人签名Clerk (signed)销售部 Sales Department/ 前厅部 Front Office
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