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七年七年级级下下学学期英期英语语期末期末试试卷卷一一、单单选选题题1.She isof medium height and she haslong hair.Aa;aBa;/C/;/2.We all feelafter hearing of thenews.Aexcited;excitedBexciting;excitingCexcited;excitingDexciting;excited3 Whats the matter with Tim?D/;a .AHe is writing lettersBHe has a bad coldCHe has long curly hairDHe should lie down and rest4,all of us agreed to go there with herATo her surpriseBTo her surprisedDTo she surprisedCTo she surprise5.Itall day yesterday.Yes.It oftenhere in winter.Asnowed;snowedBsnows;snows6.Would you likesoccer with us?Csnowed;snowsDsnows;snowedSure.I likesoccer very much.Ato play;playBplaying;playingCto play;playingDplay;to play7.Hi,Mike.How was your trip last week?It was.I had a good time visiting my best e-friend from Nanjing.AterribleBexcellentCboring8.Therestill some milk in the fridge,we dont need to go to the store today.AbeBareCam9.Why are you standing,Alice?I cant see the blackboard.Two tall boys are sittingme.AbehindBnext toCbetween10.What do you usually doSunday morning?AonBatCinDbadDisDin front ofDfor二二、完完形形填空填空阅读短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Summer vacation is coming.People will be free.The Parkers are taking a trip to Sanya.How will they 11the place?The son Dale says,Lets take the12.Taking a journey by train is really relaxing.We can enjoy the beautiful scenery(风景)from the window.The daughter Alice says,But the train station is far from our home.If we go there by train,we have to 13early.So lets drive a car.Why?Asks Dale.Because we can stop at any time we14,answers Alice.But I think taking a journey by car is15.Sometimes we may get lost(迷路).What about taking a bus?Asks Dale.Oh,I dont like that.There are always16people on the bus.And it17a long time.Alice shows no interest in the bus trip.Then they ask18parents for help.But they like19ways.Mr.Parker wants to take the plane because its the fastest way.He says that they shouldnt spend too much time on the way,because they wont have enough time to visit the city.But Mrs.Parker wants to go by ship,because it is cheap and they can save some money.Everyone thinks20.Which do you think is the best way?11A get inB arriveC reach toD get to12A busB planeC trainD car13A relaxB leaveC sleepD eat14A wantB goC walkD stop15A funB funnyC boringD bored16A too manyB many tooC much tooD too much17A spendsB costsC usesD takes18A theyB themC theirD theirs19A otherB othersC the otherD the others20A happilyB quicklyC fastD differently三三、阅阅读读理解理解阅读理解To control the COVID-19 outbreak(新冠疫情),many schools in China started the new semester(学期)online.School in many cities,like Beijing and Guangzhou,started online classes on Feb.17.Shanghai started on Mar.2,and Changsha started on Feb.10.Huang Yahui,a 14-year-old girl from Beijing No.66 Middle School,used her computer at home to take online classes.She told the reporters,Our daily schedule starts from 7:30 am to 5 pm.We have Chinese,Math,English and self-learning classes about infection prevention(传染病预防),and class,meetings.And we do eye exercises in the daytime and do homework at night.Huang and most of her classmates enjoyed the online classes.And they found it useful to keep learning in a new way.With the epidemic situation(疫情形势)getting better in China,many schools are starting to reopen.Huang went back to school on Jun.1.21.When did schools in Beijing start online classes?AOn Feb.7.BOn Mar.2.22.How did Huang Yahui take online classes at home?COn Feb.10.DOn Feb.17.AWith her iPad.BWith her computer.CWith the TV.DWith her smart phone.23.Why did students take online classes during the winter vacation?A.To enjoy a long vacation.B.To prevent(阻止)the COVID-19 infection(感染).C.To have classes in a new way.D.To spend time with parents.24.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Students in different cities took online classes at the same time.B.Students didnt have any homework after online classes.C.Students can go back to school because the situation is getting better.D.Students didnt like online classes.25.To keep fighting against the COVID-19,students cantafter getting back to school.A.wash hands oftenBwear a mask(口罩)Cstay close to each otherDdo homework阅读理解Dessert houseWe have three kinds of desserts:small,medium and large.A small dessert with strawberries,bananas and ice cream is 10 RMB.A medium dessert with apples,tomatoes and cheese is 12 RMB.A large dessert with pears,potatoes and ice cream is 15 RMB.Welcome to our house.Its open from 8 am to 3 pm.Noodle HouseWe have some great specials.Special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles,and the large bowl is just 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB.Special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles,and the large bowl is only 5 RMB and the small 2.5 RMB.Special 3 is beef and potato noodles.The large bowl is 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB.Special 4 is tomato and egg noodles.The large bowl is only 3 RMB and the small 1.5 RMB.Large drink is only 5 RMB.And all the fruits are free.Come and get your noodles today!Its open from 10 am to 6 pm.26.How many kinds of desserts does Dessert House
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