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2022高考英语一轮复习 选修8 Module 5 语言运用题组求精准优质练习外研版2022高考英语一轮复习 选修8 Module 5 语言运用题组求精准优质练习外研版年级:姓名:选修8 Module5www.ks5u.com选修8Module5语言运用题组求精准(25mins).完形填空I was born legally blind.Of all the stories of my early childhood,the one about a 1 is my mothers favorite.I was only two when the2 occurred.We had just arrived home from a trip.Mom lifted me out of the car and 3 to speak to the driver.I took advantage of my brief 4 to dash across the lawn (草坪)and hit a large maple tree!I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and 5 on my backside.Mom 6 me to start crying,but I just sat there for a minute.Then I 7 myself up and kept right on going.Mom always 8 here that,as many times as I 9 across the lawn after that,I never again 10 into that tree.Mom loves to use this story as an11.It reminds her that children dont enter life 12 to take risks or unwilling to 13 again when they fall down.She never wanted me to lose that 14 as I grew older.When I 15 my major life decisions,I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn.I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents home to look for a 16.Through years of 17,I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.We are almost certain to get18 at some point during the process of achieving our goal.When that happens,dont sit in the grass and 19.Just get up and keep on going.It will all be worth it 20.1.A.tripB.race C.treeD.driver2.A.incidentB.changeC.illnessD.problem3.A.fearedB.refusedC.forgotD.turned4.A.delayB.absenceC.freedomD.rest5.A.landedB.sleptC.laughedD.wept6.A.promisedB.encouragedC.allowedD.expected 7.A.wokeB.pickedC.warmedD.gave8.A.addsB.repliesC.admitsD.supposes9.A.droveB.livedC.stoodD.ran10.A.crashedB.brokeC.climbedD.looked 11.A.answerB.exampleC.excuseD.order12.A.ableB.ashamedC.afraidD.anxious13.A.askB.shareC.learnD.try14.A.honestyB.toughnessC.kindnessD.curiosity 15.A.regrettedB.reviewedC.madeD.explained16.A.jobB.friendC.fortuneD.house 17.A.memoriesB.effortsC.researchD.experience18.A.mixed upB.fed upC.knocked downD.settled down 19.A.playB.relaxC.dreamD.cry20.A.all at onceB.in the endC.in either caseD.as a result.语法填空Hangzhou,the capital city of Zhejiang Province,lies in the central eastern coast of China.It is among the seven most ancient cities in the country.When the great Italian 1(explore) Marco Polo visited it in the 13th century,he 2(declare) Hangzhou “the most beautiful and elegant city in the world”.The natural beauty of Hangzhou is unmatched even within China,3 (make) it one of the most popular destinations for domestic and international travelers both.The West Lake and the 4(culture) relics that populate the area such as reflecting pools,decadent temples,and classical Chinese gardens make it 5 star highlight of Hangzhou.Dating from more than 2,200 years,the city is almost as old as human civilization 6(it).It was the capital of the Wu and Yue states in the 10th century for 5 dynasties.It wasnt 7the Tang Dynasty that Hangzhou really flourished,coming to a peak in the Song Dynasty when it became the capital of a united China.Throughout the more recent Ming and Qing Dynasties,the city grew 8(rapid).As a tourism site,Hangzhou is well-known 9 the beauties resulting from the immense West Lake.There are also numerous historical sites nearby,10(accompany) by the influence of silk and tea culture.Altogether,Hangzhou and the West Lake offer visitors a very complete natural and historical experience in China.参考答案选修8Module5语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者天生就是盲人,两岁时有一天趁妈妈无暇顾及之时,飞快地跑过草坪,却不小心撞到了一棵树上。跌倒后的作者并没有坐在原地哭泣,而是爬起来继续跑,并且以后再也没有撞到那棵树上。这种不怕冒险、遇到挫折仍勇于尝试的精神一直伴随着作者的生活、学习和工作。1.C根据第二段中的“hitalargemapletree”可知,作者主要讲述的是自己两岁时撞上一棵枫树的前后经过以及由此感悟到的人生哲理。2.A下文讲述的是整个事件(incident)的经过。3.D根据此空前面的“Momliftedmeoutofthecar”和下文作者独自跑开可知,此处母亲应该是抱作者下车后转身(turn)去和司机说话。4.C根据第一段首句“Iwasbornlegallyblind.”可知,作者天生是盲人,身边应该总有人照顾;再结合文中的关键词“tookadvantageof”,“dash”和“fast”可知,作者当时应该是趁大人不注意,即获得短暂的自由(freedom),一溜烟就跑开了。5.A根据“IwasrunningsofastthatIbouncedoffthetrunk”可知,作者跑得太快撞上树干后一屁股坐到地上。landononesbackside意为“摔了个屁股蹲儿”。6.D根据“butIjustsatthereforaminute”可知,妈妈以为(expect)作者会哭,但是作者没哭。7.B根据上文“Ijustsatthereforaminute”和下文“keptrightongoing”,以及最后一段倒数第二句“Justgetupandkeepongoing.”可知,此处应该是指从地上爬起来。pickoneselfup意为“(跌倒后)爬起来”。8.A此处承接上句,指每次说到这里时,作者的妈妈总会补充(adds)后续。addthat.意为“补充说,继续说”。9.D与第二段中的“dashacrossthelawn”呼应。10.A与第二段中的“hitalargemapletree”呼应。crashintosth.意为“撞上某物”。11.B根据下文可知,妈妈在后来的孩子教育上一直拿此事举例(example)。12.C根据本句中的or可知,此空与后面的unwilling并列,表示不敢/害怕(afraid)。13.D此处用“whentheyfalldown”比喻失败或受挫后,害怕冒险或再次尝试(try)。14.B根据第二段中作者撞倒后继续坚强前行和本段上句中的“这件事提醒了妈妈,孩子们在失败、受到挫折后,就害怕或者不愿意再尝试了”可知,妈妈希望作者保持这种坚韧不拔(toughness)的精神。15.Cmakeadecision/decisions是常用搭配,意为“作出决定”。16.A根据下一句可知,此处指作者出国留学
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