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TEAM MEMBERS UDERIAKING THE WORK执行丄作的成员:We have been instructed in this Safe Work Procedure and understand that failure to comply with the instructions may lead to discipli nary acti on我们已经经过安全工作程序的指导,并且知道如果违反程序的要求将会受到严格的处分Sur name:Sig nature:签字:Date:日期:Sur name:Sig nature:签字:Date:日期:Sur name:Sig nature:签字:Date:日期:SEQENCE OF BASIC JOB STEPSHAZARDSCONTROLS/RECOMMENDED基本的工作步骤隐患SAFE WORK PROCEDURE控制方法工作计划准备Pla n preparati on1 施工计划不详细、不周全造成施 工 混乱, 易造成伤人,如交叉作业。 Injury easily caused by in completes plan such as inters electing work.2、施工许可PTW未办理,JHA、STA 会议交底不清,警告、标志不 明,工人不知道、不熟悉安全要求, 违章作业造成伤害。Injury caused without JHA or blurred STA Meeti ng or in explicit warning sing or workers not familiar with safety requireme nt.1 施工员每日工作前,必须有当日的详细工作 计 划与安排,并与安全部门沟通。The tech nician must com muni cate with safety department for the daily work piano before day worki ng2施工前JHA、PTW、警告标志必须贴在明显 处,施工员要招开STA会议,对工人详细讲解当 天的工作程序和安全要求。JHA, PTW, Warning sings should be put up obviously. The tech ni cia n should tell the workers the day work procedure and safety requireme nt by hold ing STA meeti ng.3工人不熟悉IIP现场规章制度安 全要求。The workers are not familiar withIIP field safety rules4. PPE 佩戴不正确。Not weari ng PPE properly3. 有员工进入IIP现场必须经过IIP HSE部门 培 训,方可上岗作业。All the workers entering the IIP site should be trained by IIP HSE.4. 人根据岗位特点及JHA、PTW、STA要求正 确佩戴PPE。Workers wear right PPE accord ing to the kind of work and JHA, PTW, STA requireme nt.材料运输Material Tran sportati on1. 交通事故Traffic accide nt2. 输中材料捆绑不牢伤人The material not tied tightly during tran sportati on3 搬运方法不当伤腰、伤手伤脚。In correct methods cause injury whe nuni oadi ng4.吊车吊运伤人。Injury caused by the crane lifting5 滑轮固定不牢伤人The pulley not fixing tightly1、运输材料米用人力车、汽车运输,材料必须 捆绑牢固。Material can be delivered by the map powered car can the material should be tied tightl y.2、用正确的搬运方法,超过100公斤以上重物 用吊车吊运卸车。Using the right carrying methods Heavy loads above 100kg can be uni oaded by crane 3、米用人工传运时,工人必须相互呼应招呼,待另外一人把握牢固时方可松手。The workers must com muni cate with each otherwhen delivering with hand .One couldn t relax until the other one is read y.4、滑轮必须与构筑物捆绑牢固方可使用。Pulley must be tied tightly with the con struct ions before being used 5、超过10M以上高度,材料米用吊车吊运,绳 子、滑轮辅助吊运。The material shall be delivered with crane and assist an ted by ropes6、车辆行使按IIP现场行使路线行使,限速1公 里/小时。Vehicles should be driven according toIIP requirement the maxim speed within 10KM per hour.7、施工人员必须从梯子上下。The workers must1、 无证操作造成触电1、 电工必须持证上岗,非电工严禁从事电工作施工用电Con structi onElectricityElectrical injury by operati ng without lice nse.2、电工接电时与他人合闸造成触 电。Electrical injury by switching on with others when electrical work.业。设警告标识 electrical operator should work with license, non-electrical operator couldn o electrical work. Sett ing warni ng sig ns.2、 操作时设警告标识,戴绝缘手套,一人看护 一人操作。Setti ng warni ng sig ns, weari ng insulated gloves, one operates the other one sta3、 选择劳保用品不合适造成失火 触 电。Electrical injury by unsuitable PPE and tools4、选择的用电材料不合格不合适 造 成失火触电。Electrical injury by unq ualified electrical material5、 工用电安装不规造成失火触电。Construction electricity fixing not fit for the requirement cause fire and electrical injurynding by duri ng operati ng.3、电工必须正确佩戴PPE,选择电工专用工 具。 Electrical operator must wear proper PPE , choose the special tools.4、配电箱、电缆必须有合格证,必须符合国家 用电规。 Distribution box and cable and cable must be qualified and fit for the rules of temporary electricity in our country5、施工用电,配电箱、电缆必须经过 IIP、 HSE 检查合格方能使用。配电箱必须设接地,离地不 得 低于50CM。严格按照三级配电二级漏电保护。电 缆 离 地 大 于 2.5M 。 construction electricity ,distribution box and cable should be used6 电缆与建筑物钢性物质接 触造成触电失火。Cable touching with the steel material of con structure causeafter acceptance by IIP HSE. Distribution box must joi n to the ground with the dista nce no less than50CM, strictly according to 3rd distribution no nd less tha n 2 leakage protecti on .cable is 2.5CMhigh from the ground.7、电缆接头不规造成触电失 火。 6、 缆用绝缘瓷瓶或木方,与钢性物质隔离。 TheJoint of cable done unqualifiedcable should be in sulated with steel material bycause8、用电量过载造成失火。Over loading of the quantity of electricity using cause fire1、不合格的吊车吊具造成人员受in sulated ston eware or wood 7、电缆接头必须用防水插头或用绝缘防水胶布包 裹严密。The cable joint must be tied tightly with waterproof switch or insulated adhesive plaster.8、 符合临时用电设计要求,用电量大于50KW 或5台以上用电设备,必须有施丄用电组织设计。Fit for the requirement of temporary electricity .if the quantity of electricity use is more than 50KM,or the quantity of electricity equip .is more than 5, there will be design for construction electricit y.吊装作业Lifti ng work伤、机械损坏 unqualified crane rigging c
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