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小学六年级英语总复习知识点归纳之一 、话题 (1) 字母:(大小)辨认、书写顺序 : aBb Cc Dd FfGghi Jj Kk LlMm nOop Qq R STtUu vWw XYyZz.元音字母: a ,Ee,Ii, o, Uu 半元音字母: Yy书写容易错误的字母:E,F , G, M, N, d, i, p, q, , . (2) 数字:基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物等. 基数词: Oe, wo,three, fie, s, seven, ight, nin, en,eleven, twlve, thirten, forteen,fifeen twey,wenty-one thit, oty,fifty eighty, ninet,one/ unded ,one/aunded nd one twdred序数词: frst ,scond , tird, furt , ffth, sxth, sevnth, eigth, nnth, tenth, eleventh, twelfttwenieth, twety-first, wety-sod, tentytir,ty-fourthitieth, foith,fiftit eihtieh, netieth 相关句型: 1) Whatshirt a forty? Tatcomes senty. 2) Whats ureleonenumber? Myelephone numbe i355523. 3) Wht tiisit ? ts hlf pst e4) When do you usally ge up ? At six thirty-five.5) Were d yu ive?lv a No.4 Remn Rd. 6) w ol ae you? Im tee7)Hw uchdositot?t osts 50 y. 8) How manycar hae yu g? hvego6 cr. 9) ow manybirds cn you ee te te? Icanee 3.10) owmandoll ae there on thebed? here is ona dll. 11) ow mny dll ar te on hbe? Thee arefour dols. 12) ic floor o ou live on? lie on e fift oor. 13) Exce me,can yu el me theway toaiyu ote? Yes, o dwn ti steet, then urn left t te hidcoing. 1) Wosthe fifh gi fro the rgt? Shes y cousin. 注意: 数词的应用;不可数名词及它的量的表示方法;may与uc在用法上的区别;thre is/are与have/ha在用法上的区别.()颜色:实物的颜色olrs: red, pn, yllow,brow, b, urple, oran,lack, white, grey, drklue, lit blu.相关句型: ) What colur isu co?Is.)as our avur coor? y avourite coou s (4)时间:年、季节、月、星期、日、时刻 yer, season( sprin, summer, aum, wner) , monh: anuary,Fbuary, ah, pil, May, J, July, Agust, Septemer,ctbe, Novembr, Deebr. Week: Sday,Mnday, Tuesday,Wdnesd, Thrsay, Frida, SatudayDy:1st Ma (te firs of My), May 2n ( May he end) im: (a)hou, miute,sod 1:0 (iminutespas ten, te five) 0:10(ten mnuts asttn,ten ten)0:15 (quarter at en, tffeen) 1:30 (hal past ,ten thity) 0:45(qare t evn,tn forty-fe) 11: (eleven occk) 相关句型: 1)ow old yur mote? h tirtyix as ol.2)ow may mont aethee in ear? Thre are12. ) Whensyor birthda? y brthd is o 15th January( te fiftenth o anury). 4)hen do youge up? gt up atsix ocok 5) Wendoe sng ast?tsor mots rom Marh to May6) What tme it? It quater o nine (话题5-8) ()食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品 foo : mea, ice,fis, bed, egg, ake, drin:water, mlk,rane/applewatemeln/banatawbryjuic ,coe, offee, blck/na相关句型: 1) uld you lke omehingto dink/a? Ye,I lik om No, hks 2)oud yu leo eatdrink? Id like to at/ink No, thaks.3)hts oravuritefoddrin? My favoitfoodrikis ) Coud h sm? Ye,lease . ()服装:服装的颜色:人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴; 所属关系clohe: ha, cap, at, s,Tsht, si, dres, weaer, jak, trors, sock, se pt on,ear 所属关系:形容词性的物主代词:my,your, his, her,ts, our, their 名词性的物主代词: ne, ours, his, hers, its, ours,teirs 相关句型: 1) Waoes it loolie? I iks earig a lue shrt. ) Wos shoes arthee? There mineThye Tms . ) Istis hat/i u book? Yes, it is. No, iisnt. 4) Isthis eni yor? Yes,t is No, itin 5) Are tes hose/theyor cosand trsers? Ys, they are. No, they arn.6) Are those lohs their?Ys,he are. No, ty ent. 7) This is y t Ta a ihs. 注意:名词单,复数;物主代词(名词性的物主代词,形容词性的物主代词);名词所有格,如:Toms , my faers , teaer. (7)玩具和文具:特点、颜色、所属关系;存在的位置 Toys: doll, toy 文具: sk,o, g ,pn, eil, ncl-box,ruler, chair,bal 存在的位置 : in,n, uder, bside, bind, infront f, in the font f , te midl of, t the cko(a plac/a rn). 相关句型: 1) Tere is a cupf tea onthe able.) Therae om rges in the rige. 3) I there a mlk in the glas? es, hris N, her is. 4)Ar hr any orangs in e fridgs?s, hee are N, ther aret) What uner e desk? There snrag. / Thee re som oranges.(8)日常生活用品:特点、颜色、所属关系;存在的位置 words: shelf, tabl, cock,brush, elehon, light, copter, bke, frige,gls, knif,keyboar, btte, box, pae, phot, potogah, fa, radio, supr-maket,ook store,noe/cake/clothes/sh/TVhop 特点: big, smal, heavy,ligt, whe,black, epty, fu,ol, nw, beautifu, ue, all, sort,strong, pup, nce, good, bd
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