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杭州市2019年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Is that coat ?- Yes, its coat.Ahers, herByours, yourChis, hesDmine, yours2 . I want to eat one of the _.AdishBdishesChorseDhorses3 . Do you enjoy_ newspapers?AseeingBreadingCwatchingDlooking4 . I have _pen. _ pen is blue.Aa; TheBthe ; ACa ; ADthe; The5 . I find many different _ Chinese food in China Town in Los Angeles.AkindBkindsCkind ofDkinds of6 . The sun _ bright in the sky and made the room bright.AlayBcoveredCshoneDmoved7 . are brothers. family name is Black.AThey; TheirsBThem; TheirCThem; TheirsDThey; Their8 . Why not hold a Chinese Poetry Competition to welcome our motherlands 70th birthday? . Lets make a plan together in our group.AThats all rightBYes, pleaseCGood ideaDNever mind9 . I hate vegetables. I _ eat them.But theyre good for your health! You should often eat them.AneverBoftenCusuallyDalways10 . (题文)My parents always tell me _ more vegetables and fruit.AeatBeatingCeatsDto eat11 . Would you like to come to the party? _.ANo, I cant.BNo, please dont.CYes, Id love to. DYes, you will.12 . When will our sports meeting be held?_. Ask our monitor and he may know.AYoure welcomeBThats all rightCI have no idea13 . How many _ are there on the table?AmilkBmilksCbottle of milkDbottles of milk14 . Hes a reporter from BBC. Hes busythe CEO from a big company.AinterviewingBofferingCregardingDreading15 . If youhim the truth, youll prove how honest you are.AtellBwill tellCtoldDhave told16 . It makes me _ better.AfeelBfeelsCfeelingDto feel17 . Have sports training every day, _you wont be healthy in the future.AbecauseBorCunlessDsince二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(其中两个选项为多余选项)AIts reported that one of them plans to sell the flying car.BSo the driver can park it like a car.CHow fast it is!DHave you heard of flying cars?EBut anyway, its worth the price.FCan they fly high?GActually, they are not exactly a new idea.A: 18 . B: What? Flying cars? Thats impossible!A: 19 . Many companies have been trying to make safe ones.B: Really? I know nothing about it.A: 20 . B: Sounds great! Whats it like?A: It is nearly 6 meters long and seats two people. It have wings that fold. 21 . And it can turn into an airplane in just seconds.B: It is very expensive, isnt it?A: Yes, around one million yuan.B: Wow! 22 . 三、阅读单选It was summertime. Donna walked into the classroom. Good afternoon, everybody! she said. Where is everybody? That was a joke Donna told every day. Usually the class started with only two or three students in the classroom, and then the other students came as the minutes went by.Donna knew that the students didnt like studying English. The head teacher had told her the reason. The students thought English was confusing. Donna waited until all the students were sitting in their seats. She smiled and said, Okay, well. Lets get started. Please turn to Page 36. Today were studying participles as adjectives(分词作形容词). Students often feel confused when they learn about the present and past participles, so we need to practice a lot. Today, were just going to practice using present participles as adjectives.Donna looked at all the blank faces around the classroom. Then she wrote two sentences on the blackboard.The present participle tells us what kind of emotion the subject(主语) is causing. For example, when we say grammar is boring, we mean that the subjectgrammarcauses an emotion of boredom. If we say, The movie is interesting, we are saying that the movie causes an emotion of interest. Any questions so far? Is anyone confused?The classroom was quiet. Donna knew it would take some time for everyone to understand what she was talking about. After a while, Donna got a little excited because she saw looks of understanding on some of the students faces.23 . What is the passage about?AA classroom game.BAn English class.CA special test.DA speech contest.24 . How did Donna explain the usage of present participles as adjectives?ABy telling a story.BBy asking questions.CBy giving examples.DBy showing a movie.25 . From the passage, we can learn that Donna was a .AteacherBhostCwriterDreporterWhats the meaning of “dark horse”? Its someone who wins when no one expects it.Han Xiaopeng took Chinas first gold on snow. He became an Olympic “dark horse” last Thursday by winning the gold medal in mens freestyle aerial skiing(自由式滑雪空中技巧) at Turin in Italy. He made two almost perfect jumps for the
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