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2023中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and in Zhangjiakou in 2023.AholdsBwill holdCwere heldDwill be held2、-Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him.-_. Ill bring some wine.AYou are welcomeBIt dependsCJust a minuteDSounds like fun3、-When the car ?-I am not sure.Adid,invent Bwas,invented Cdoes,invent Din,invented4、Dont be afraid of new words. You can _ in a dictionary.Alook at themBlook for themClook them up5、He has too much homework, and it is kind of difficult, so he _ finish it on time.AcantBmustntCshouldntDneednt6、The Giants Causeway runs for several _ miles on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.AhundredBhundredsChundreds ofDhundred of7、Summer vacation is coming. Whats your plan?I _ my grandparents in the countryside.AvisitBvisitedCwill visitDwas visiting8、In April, the weather in some places changes a lot. People remember when they have four seasons in one week.AorganizedBdescribedCexpressedDexperienced9、Mr. Zhang _ maths in this school since he was 26.AteachesBis teachingChas taughtDwill teach10、Id like _ orange, but I dont want _ orange juice.Aan, /Ban, anCa, anDan, a. 完形填空11、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us we can 1 what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be 2 on the following day or two is called weather forecasting.。For many countries and in all countries people 3 the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Some distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much vapor(雾气) in the 4 , and so rain will probably come. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather. Their joints(骨关节) hurt. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming 5 they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is 6 It is probably because of the insects 7 they are hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle 8 at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning, just about a river, then the day will be 9 If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow 10 in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.1Atell Bread Cwrite Dmake2Agoing Bdoing Clike Dabout3Adid know Bhave known Ccould tell Dhave studied4Aair Bearth Cspace Dworld5Auntil Bwhile Chowever Dalthough6Aby the way Bon the way Cin the way Din this way7Awhen Bwhere Cwhich Dwhile8Alate Bclearly Cstrongly Dquickly9Awarm Bcold Cwindy Dsnowy10Ashines Bperforms Cdisappears Dappears. 语法填空12、短文填空Some people think that they 1(get) ill if they use their brains(大脑)too much. It is not true. Through many researches, scientists 2(show) us that the more you use your brains, the better they 3(be), and the wiser you will become.Of course, if you want to keep your mind clear and be energetic(充满活力的), you 4(take) a proper rest and study properly. To the teenagers 5(use) their brains in the morning is good for their health.There are many ways 6(rest). One is a peaceful rest. Sleep is a peaceful rest. Another is an active rest. For example, 7(take) a walk outdoors, do morning exercises every day. 8(change) the way of the brains activities(活动)is also a good way to rest. In everyday life, 9(eat) some eggs, meat, fresh vegetable and fruit is also good for the brains. 10(wish) you a wise man and a happy life. 阅读理解A13、 John Hunt is a teacher at Burleson High School.Once he told his students he couldnt remember the last time hed had a birthday cake.The conversation ended and he thought nothing else of it.But the students decided to do something special to celebrate their teachers 56th birthday on Thursday.They bought him gifts and a cake topped with a picture of his favorite pet cat,Felixand then threw him a surprise party.Video shows John was very surprised when he walked into his classroom,which t he students had decorated
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