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2017年第二学期初三月考试卷 2018.3Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26. Tom is often praised for his good school work. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A. /preist/ B. /preisd/ C. /prezd/ D. /preizd/27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. It was clever of you to solve the problem.B. Soft drinks are much in demand during hot days.C. Meal times are shown on the notice boards.D. We elected our monitor by a show of hands.28. If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me phone.A. atB byC. onD. through29. Jane is not popular at work because she does t accept opinion.A. the othersB. anotherC. otherD. others30. Neither side would give way toA. the otherB. any otherC. anotherD. Others31. The doctor gave me some useful on how to improve my physical health. A. suggestionB messageC medicineD. advice32. Im sorry that I cant give you any advice because I know about it.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few33. The comic strips should be full of action to keep the readers .A. interestsB. interestingC. interestedD. interest34. Computers are becoming smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very .A. easilyB more easily C most easilyD. easier35. Cathy has to do the same thing every day. She be very bored with her job.A. canB. mustC.shouldD. need36. Mr Jones expected the insurance company him such money for the vase.A. paidB. payingC. to payD. pays37. By the end of last month, I half of the project.A. finishedB. have finished C. had finishedD. will finish38. The two young men denied the valuable painting from the safeA. to stealB. stoleC. stealingD. steal39. awful guy John is! How could he beat an innocent woman to death?A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. What a40. Water supply after the cities water company found a strange smell from the river water. A. has stoppedB .was stoppedC .had been stopped D. was stopping41. You ll not make any progress you get rid of your bad habit of study.A. becauseB. afterC. ifD. unless42. I like reading, I always spend my pocket money on books.A. forB. butC. SoD. or43. After the accident, citizens are wondering about the dangerous building in the city. A. whether the government will take actionB. will the government take actionC. whether will the government take actionD. how will the government take action44.-I failed my driving.- ; they say the best drivers always fail the first time.A. Go aheadB. Never mind C. No problemD. Come on45. -In my opinion, we should help the old in our neighbourhood as often as possible. A. Never mindB. I think so, tooC. Thats all rightD. Yes, please【答案】26. 【D】27. 【C】28. 【B】29. 【B】30. 【A】31. 【D】32. 【A】33. 【C】34. 【A】35. 【B】36. 【C】37. 【C】38. 【C】39. 【B】40. 【A】41. 【D】42. 【C】43. 【A】44. 【D】45. 【B】II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分) A boring B, short C took place D at the end of E.but Do you know what the earliest films are like?The earliest films were very_46_ .They were shown only one minute or less. People could see simple action films of trains, cars,crowd streets,and other similar things. Soon theatres began to show 20-minute pictures of pieces of new 47 the stage show. Later, people used a new way to make better films. They put the beginning of one scene upon the end of another scene to put a story together. In 1903 a film about a story was made. Much of the action _48_at the same time-the man in prison running away, the policemen running after them and planning to catch them. These films were simple, 49 that time people like these films very much . A why B effect C afford D either E be able to Mr.Hunter is very busy all the time. He drives a taxi in the daytime. He works hard to get enough money for his family. His wife had two sons six years ago. They had no money to_50_ servants. The woman had to leave the shop and began to look after the babies. Now the two boys are six years old and they are too naughty to listen to their mother.Mr.Hunter always feels tired when he gets home. After dinner he wants to go to bed, but he has to teach Bruce and Bruno to write and read. The twins dont listen to him,._51_, and they often make faces or much noise in the room. They dont like anything but playing with dogs and cats. It was difficult for a him to teach them anything and it often makes him more tired. He didnt know what to do. Why not send them to school? Mr Hunter asked last Saturday. T
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