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速测(十五)完形填空+阅读理解(B+C)+阅读理解填词(限时:30分钟).完形填空There was once a boy who was out playing in a field with his friends. As they were playing, the boy came across a stone that looked interesting. It wasnt as1 as the other stones. It was a little bit sparkly(闪耀的). But it was still quite dirty. The boy picked up the stone and 2 to polish(磨光) it.His friends 3 him for this. They said, “4 are you polishing that dirty old stone? It isnt worth anything at all!” But every day, when they went out to play, the boy would bring the stone with him, polishing it whenever they took 5.This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy left his home to 6 his friends as usual. But this time, he had quite a 7 for them. When he showed them the stone, they were amazed. It was, in fact, not an ordinary stone at allit was a beautiful diamond(钻石). The boy stayed up all night, polishing it until it was 8 clean.There will be times in your life where people try to discourage you. They will tell you that youre wasting your time on some 9 task. But when they do this, the best thing you can do is to ignore them and continue to work 10 your goal. You can turn a rough stone into a diamond if you have persistence(毅力) and courage.()1.A.brightB.specialC.commonD.beautiful ()2.A.enjoyedB.refusedC.expectedD.decided()3.A.shouted atB.laughed atC.pointed atD.looked at ()4.A.WhenB.WhyC.HowD.Where ()5.A.breaksB.notesC.photosD.cares ()6.A.callB.joinC.treatD.tell ()7.A.promiseB.choiceC.surpriseD.present ()8.A.completelyB.simplyC.clearlyD.quietly ()9.A.relaxingB.seriousC.meaninglessD.exciting ()10.A.againstB.overC.throughD.toward.阅读理解Passage 1Emergencies(紧急情况) dont happen very often. But when they do, you want to get help first. No one wants to spend time looking up the phone numbers. In 1968, the Untied States government wanted one number that people could call for emergencies. They decided that 911 was easy to remember and people could dial it quickly. The very first 911 call was made on February 16, 1968, in Alabama. Today, 911 is used for emergencies in most parts of the United States and many parts of Canada.Other countries may use other numbers. In Great Britain, its 999. If youre not sure which emergency number is used in your area, check your phone book.When to callNever call 911 as a joke or just to see what might happen. The only time you should call 911 is when a person is badly hurt in danger right now! So call when there is a fire, a car accident, or sudden sickness, etc.When in an emergency callWhen you dial 911, its always OK to give out your information. Speak slowly and clearly when you explain whats happening. What happened? Where are you? Who needs help?Dont hang up!If you have to call 911, do not hang up until the operator tells you its OK to do so. That way, you can be sure that the operator has all the information to offer help fast. A dog named Faith dialed 911 when her owner who was in a wheelchair fell and needed help. She had been taught to use a speed-dial(快速拨号) function.11.The emergency number 911 was first used in in the USA.A.1958B.1968C.1978D.199912.Why was 911 chosen to be the emergency call?A.Because other countries also used the number. B.Because it was suggested by the phone company.C.Because it was simple and easy to remember and dial. D.Because it was also used in many parts of Canada.13.People cant call 911 when .A.a bus hits a boy badly B.a girl feels bored C.an old lady falls off the stairs and is unable to stand upD.some people cant get out of a burning building14.Which is the right thing to do?A.Wait for the operators words to end the call.B.Tell the operator what had happened and hang up.C.Test if your phone can get through to 911. D.Tell the operator everything as quickly as possible.15.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.911 is an emergency number almost throughout the United States.B.We havent got a worldwide universal(通用的) emergency number yet.C.Usually phone books list emergency call numbers.D.The dog Faith pressed the three numbers 9-1-1.Passage 2There is a story about a man who lost his legs and left arm in an accident.After the accident, only a finger and thumb on his right hand remained.He was a brilliant, creative, and educated man. He had gained a lot of experience while travelling around the world, so he became very depressed after his accident. He was afraid that he would spend the rest of his life suffering and no longer be able to spend his life in a meaningful way. Then, he realized that he still had partial function of his right hand and could still write even though it was very difficult. An idea occurred to him,“Why not ? ”He wrote to the prison m
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