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The Count of Monte Cristo”The Count of Monte Cristo” is a very popular novel, which is written by the famous French writer Alexander Dumas。 This work is Alexander Dumas most famous work and one of the greatest novels in Western literature。 Such novel is very fantastic and worth reading by every literate and educated person in their lives。In this story, Edmond Dantes sailed back and he was going to merry with he loved girl named Mercedes。 He was very promising because he would become a captain if everything went well。 But one of his workmates namedDanglars was jealous of his gains. So Danglars framed Dantes with Fernand, a man who also loved Mercedes。 They wrote a letter to government said that Dantes was a crazy supporter of Napoleon. The deputy, named Villefort, put innocent Dantes into a dark and isolated island prison assumed to be inescapable.At first, Dantes was full of hope because he believed that he was innocent, he imagined Villefort would set him free sooner or later。 However as time went on, he became hopeless and wanted to die。 At that time he met Faria Abbe,a dying prisoner who knows the secret of a great hidden treasure on the small island of Monte Cristo。 Faria Abbe taught Dantes rich knowledge, made him could act as a noble, and told Dantes where his treasure was。 After Farias death, Dantes escaped from the prison and regained his freedom and found out Farias treasure successfully. At that time, Dantes had been 14 years in prison. All had changed, so did the people in the 14 years. Dantes became a very rich Count from a young and foolish teenager, and changed his name to the Count of Nonte Cristo. And then began to show his gratitude as well as take his vengeance。When he came to know his boss Morrel had ever tried to help him and his father, he gave Morrel a new ship and helped his family。 Paying off a debt of gratitude, the Count of Nonte Cristo, began to take vengeance.The plot of the Counts vengeance to Danglars, Fernand and Villefort is excellent and full of ups and downs。 He had sequentially entered their circle。 The Count of Monte Cristo shamed Fernands sonAbel with duel and made Fernand mad。 Then tricked Danglars with economic net and disinformation which made Danglars went bankrupt completely. Though a careful plan, the Count made Villefort treasonable, and tore their family up without his own hands。The background of the story establishes on the Bourbon Dynasty and the July Dynasty. The class contradictions at this time are very complex and the social economic and political power structure are suffering big changes。 The bourgeoisie are on their final contest against with the feudal barons. The working class as an independent political force also took to the stage of history。 AS a republican, the author depicts the social contradictions and the class struggle clearly after the July revolution of the French.The Count of Monte Cristo is intended to reveal the social which is dark, and emphasizes money first。 The misery of Dantes can explain all of this completly. And Danglars, Fernand and Villeforts apprentice also proved this point, but the fact is not only so。 It also shows that money and fame can create destructions which is beyond our imagination. Compared to the 19th century, the status of money now seems to be more and more important. Did the destruction of the human nature is becoming more and more deep? If there is black nature, there must has the white one。 The Morels are not engulfed by money, but the finally got the money without invited. However Mrs. Valve, a materialist and a lover of money, ended with empty hands. This shows that the gods have eyes.The count of Monte Cristo is a very adorable character as people all like him。 He dares to love and dare to hate. He also has a very straightforward style, and be of great intelligence。 Because have been suffered from many vicissitudes of life, he raise a spirit with a particularly persistence。 The count of Monte Cristo is a perfect figure compared with other characters, but he was not made of or invented by imagination. He is the part the authors realistic reflection。 The author Alexander Dumas is also a very straightforward person, he fete the guest in the castle for years, and many of them, Alexander Dumas even dont know their name。 From this we can see that the writer has the same personality as The Count of Monte Cristo。 In the hall of the castle, there is a statue of Alexander Dumas, and a motto ”I love the people who love me”。 We can got that the Count of Monte Cristos nature is inherits Alexander Dumass。 In fact, this motto article, Alexander Dumas speak only half of the sentence。 The Count of Monte Cristo, the characters of the novel reflects the full meaning of it。 That is, I love the people who love me: I hate the people who hate me. This is fair, also accords with emotional balance。 However to do it is not easy in the real world。 People will be very indecisive, and may be at a loss
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