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Unit 6 Clothes Lesson 3教案2一、Teaching content1. The pupils understand、read and remember the poem2. Playing the guessing game in the class.3. Using the sentences : What am I wearing? I think, a (green shirt) and (blue jeans). Put on your二、Teaching aim1. 知识与能力:The pupils can read and remember the poem; play the games in the class.2.过程与方法:listen, read, speak and remember; play games.3.情感态度价值观:Pupils can use sentences to describe the clothes that they wear. They are interested in learning English.三、The key points: Pupils can use the sentence: Put on your四、Difficult teaching points:Pupils can use the sentences: What am I wearing? I think, a (green shirt) and (blue jeans).五、Teaching aids:Teaching pictures of clothes, ppt. radio, cassette.六、Teaching processStep1.Review the words and phrases1. Present the title- Unit6 Clothes 2. Read the words: T-shirt/dress/ jeans/sweater/ shirt/ socks/ shorts/ shoes/ trainers/ skirt/ cap Pupils read the words in lines; spell some words3. Say the phrases as: a yellow shirt/ brown jeansShowing the pictures in ppt.; pupils say out the phrasesStep2. Learn the poem.1. Read the title: Explain: poem; Can you remember the text?Pupils can understand the text.2. Listen to the poem for the first time.3. Listen to the poem for the second time and learnRun out of the doorActions: Stand up/ Sit down/ jump/ Fly like a budgie/ Get out of the bed/Run like a rabbit/ Run slowly/ Run quicklyxx, run out of the door. (Pupils understand the text.)Using the similar phrases and word to learn the sentence- Run out of the door 4 groups read one group by one group; read in lines; boys and girls read4. Listen and read one sentence by one sentenceSome pupils read; boys read, girls read; read together5. T remember the poem; A pupil remember; Practice in pairs; Some pupils remember; remember together6. Expansion:Put on my.Step3. Play the game1. Look at some pupils to describe the clothes of the childrenWhats she/ he wearing? She/ He is wearing2. T:What am I wearing?/Whats Miss Li wearing? Ss:3. Look at part 10: Learn to sayWhat am I wearing? & I thinkExplain the word- “I think”4. Play the game-some pairs5. Practice in pairs and actStpe4. Home task Draw parents clothes, use the sentences to describe their parents clothes 七、Blackboard design Unit 6 Clothes Get out of the bed. Run. Run out of the door. Put on your/my What am I wearing? I think“节约用水,人人有责”,课后,我们一起召开一节主题班会课,学习一下“节水”精神吧! 可以根据班级需要展开这个活动哦!目的:教育学生懂得“水”这一宝贵资源对于我们来说是极为珍贵的,每个人都要保护它,做到节约每一滴水,造福子孙万代。活动过程:1.主持人上场,神秘地说:“我让大家猜个谜语,你们愿意吗?”大家回答:“愿意!”主持人口述谜语:“双手抓不起,一刀劈不开,煮饭和洗衣,都要请它来。”主持人问:“谁知道这是什么?”生答:“水!”一生戴上水的头饰上场说:“我就是同学们猜到的水。听大家说,我的用处可大了,是真的吗?”主持人:我宣布:“水”是万物之源主题班会现在开始。 水说:“同学们,你们知道我有多重要吗?”齐答:“知道。”甲:如果没有水,我们人类就无法生存。小熊说:我们动物可喜欢你了,没有水我们会死掉的。花说:我们花草树木更喜欢和你做朋友,没有水,我们早就枯死了,就不能为美化环境做贡献了。主持人:下面请听快板水的用处真叫大竹板一敲来说话,水的用处真叫大;洗衣服,洗碗筷,洗脸洗手又洗脚,煮饭洗菜又沏茶,生活处处离不开它。栽小树,种庄稼,农民伯伯把它夸;鱼儿河马大对虾,日日夜夜不离它;采煤发电要靠它,京城美化更要它。主持人:同学们,听完了这个快板,你们说水的用处大不大?甲说:看了他们的快板表演,我知道日常生活种离不了水。乙说:看了表演后,我知道水对庄稼、植物是非常重要的。丙说:我还知道水对美化城市起很大作用。2.主持人:水有这么多用处,你们该怎样做呢?(1)(生):我要节约用水,保护水源。(2)(生):我以前把水壶剩的水随便就到掉很不对,以后我一定把喝剩下的水倒在盆里洗手用。(3)(生):前几天,我看到了学校电视里转播的“水日谈水”的节目,很受教育,同学们看得可认真了,知道了我们北京是个缺水城市,我们再不能浪费水了。(4)(生):我要用洗脚水冲厕所。3.主持人:大家谈得都很好,下面谁想出题考考大家,答对了请给点掌声。(1)(生):小明让爸爸刷车时把水龙头开小点,请回答对不对。(2)(生):小兰告诉奶奶把洗菜水别到掉,留冲厕所用。(3)一生跑上说:主持人请把手机借我用用好吗?我想现在就给姥姥打个电话,告诉她做饭时别把淘米水到掉了,用它冲厕所或浇花用。(电话内容略写)(4)一生说:主持人我们想给大家表演一个小品行吗?主持人:可以,大家欢迎!请看小品这又不是我家的大概意思是:学校男厕所便池堵了,水龙头又大开,水流满地。学生甲乙丙三人分别上厕所,看见后又皱眉又骂,但都没有关水管,嘴里还念念有词,又说:“反正不是我家的。”旁白:“那又是谁家的呢?”主持人:看完这个小品,你们有什么想法吗?谁愿意给大家说说?甲:刚才三个同学太自私了,公家的水也是大家的,流掉了多可惜,应该把水龙头关上。乙:上次我去厕所看见水龙头没关就主动关上了。主持人:我们给他鼓鼓掌,今后你们发现水龙头没关会怎样做呢?齐:主动关好。小记者:同学们,你们好!我想打扰一下,听说你们正在开班会,我想采访一下,行吗?主持人:可以。小记者:这位同学,你好!通过参加今天的班会你有什么想法,请谈谈好吗?答:我要做节水的主人,不浪费一滴水。小记者:请这位同学谈谈好吗?答:今天参加班会我知道了节约每一滴水要从我们每个人做起。我想把每个厕所都贴上“节约用水”的字条,这样就可以提醒同学们节约用水了。小记者:你们谈得很好,我的收获也很大。我还有新任务先走了,同学们再见!水跑上来说:同学们,今天我很高兴,我“水伯伯”今天很开心,你们知道了有了我就有了生命的源泉,请你们今后一定节约用水呀!让人类和动物、植物共存,迎接美好的明天!主持人:你们还有发言的吗?答:有。生:我代表人们谢谢你,水伯伯,节约用水就等于保护我们人类自己。动物:小熊上场说:我代表动物家族谢谢你了,我们也会保护你的!花草树木跑上场说:我们也不会忘记你的贡献!水伯伯:(手舞足蹈地跳起了舞蹈)同学们的笑声不断。主持人:水伯伯,您这是干什么呢?水伯伯:因为我太高兴了,今后还请你们多关照我呀!主持人:水伯伯,请放心,今后我们一定会做得更好!再见!4.主持人:大家欢迎老师讲话!同学们,今天我们召开的班会非常生动,非常有意义。水是生命之源,无比珍贵,愿同学们能加倍珍惜它,做到节约一滴水,造福子孙后代。5.主持人宣布:“水”是万物之源主题班会到此结束。 6.活动效果: 此次活动使学生明白了节约用水的道理,浪费水的现象减少了,宣传节约用水的人增多了,人人争做节水小标兵
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