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北京小升初专业辅导机构 咨询电话 010-51667414 / 51667424小学上半年五年级英语期末试卷题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到单词的正确答案(8)。( )1、th A. ere B. ose C. ese( )2、h n A. a B. u C. e( )3、s e A. ul B. ur C. ho( )4、m A. any B. uch C. ore( )5、 ty A. six B.fif C. fiv( )6、 ig A. p B. b C.d( )7、 ow A. k B. c C.h( )8、cu A. t B. b C. p二、听录音,看图选出恰当的一项(5)。( )1、( )2、( )3、( )4、( )5、三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子(5)。( )1、A. Its a language club . B. Its a tiger club .( )2、A. Is this a lion ? B. Is that a lion ?( )3、A. The tiger cubs cant jump through a ring . B. The tiger cubs can jump through a ring . ( )4、A. Are these roosters? B. Are those rabbits?( )5、A. We do painting on the paper . B. We do drawing on the paper .四、听音标号(6)。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听录音,选出你所听到问句的答语(6)。( )1、A. Its a horse . B. Is a horse . C. They are horses .( )2、A. Its 9 oclock . B. Its 90 yuan . C. Im 19 year old .( )3、A. Certainly . B. Sorry, I dont know . C. Yes, I like .( )4、A. We have . B. Yes, there is . C. Yes, there are .( )5、A. No, they cant . B. Yes, they do . C.Yes, they can .( )6、A. We often do listening . B. We often borrow books from the library . C. We often sing and dance .笔试部分(30分)六、从所给单词中找出与其相对应的中文意思,把单词前的字母序号填入相应的括号里(16)。a. very b. please c. lesson d. read e. game f. there g. draw h. football i. soap j. walkman k. rabbit l. run m. great n. mouse o. animal p. many1、画( ) 2、课( ) 3、足球( ) 4、老鼠( )5、兔子( ) 6、非常( ) 7、请( ) 8、游戏( )9、动物( ) 10、太棒了( ) 11、那里( ) 12、读( )13、跑( ) 14、肥皂( ) 15、随身听( ) 16、许多( )七、选择题。(4)。( )1、She three baby pigs . A. have B. has C. is( )2、 Thank you . . A. Ok B. Youre right C. Youre welcome ( )3、 Whats this English ? Its a horse . A. in B. / C. on ( )4、 What are those ? hens . A. These are B. Those are C. They are 八、情景交际(4)。( )1、 作为一名售货员,见到顾客先要说: A. Can I help you ? B. Can you help me ?( )2、 当你看到一群可爱的小猫,你会如何说? A. How cute ! B. How nice !( )3、 当你看到外宾到学校参观,要先说什么? A. How are you? B. Welcome to our school .( )4、 当你认为那是很有趣的,你会怎样说? A. Thats exciting . B. Thats interesting . 九、用所给句子编写一段对话,每个句子只能有一次(6)。 What about this pair ? What can I do for you ?It looks nice. How much is it ? Well take it . Here is the money . I want to buy a pair of shoes . Its eighty yuan . Thank you . Bye-bye .编写对话,首句已给出: What can I do for you ?
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