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Industrial Standard of Peoples Republic of China建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范Safety and Technical Code for Frame-Type Steel-Tube Scaffolds in ConstructionJGJ 128J43Beijing Industrial Standard of the Peoples Republic of China建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范Safety and Technical Code for Frame-Type Steel-Tube Scaffolds in ConstructionJGJ 128Mainly prepared by: Harbin Industrial UniversityApproved by: The Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of ChinaImplemented from: Dec. 1, China Building Industry Publishing HouseBeijing Notice for issuance of industrial standard “Safety and Technical Code for Frame-Type Steel-Tube Scaffolds in Construction”Jian Biao No. 223As required by “Notice for issuance of the plans for formulation and revision of standards and codes of project construction in 1989” released by the Ministry of Construction (89 Jian Biao Ji Zi No.8), “Safety and Technical Code for Frame-Type Steel-Tube Scaffolds in Construction” prepared by the former Harbin Architectural University has been reviewed and approved to be industrial standard, in which articles 3.0.4, 6.2.2,, 6.5.4, 6.8.1,,,,,,,, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.5, 8.0.7, 8.0.10 and are compulsory. This standard is numbered as JGJ 128, and will be put into practice from Dec.1, .This standard will be under management of Beijing Zhong Jian Architecture Scientific Technology Research Institute (subsidiary to the Ministry of Building and responsible for management of safety standard and technology in architecture engineering), and will be explained in detail by the current Harbin Industrial University. It is published by China Architectural Industry Publishing House under the organization of Standard Rating Research Institute, subsidiary to the Ministry of Building.The Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of ChinaOct. 11, PrefaceUpon requirement by 89 Jian Biao Ji Zi No. 8 document issued by the Ministry of Building, the group in charge of compilation of standards has formulated this code after an extensive investigation, serious summary of practical experiences, consultation of the relevant international standards and advanced foreign standards, and extensive collection of comments and proposals.This code is mainly consisted of: 1 General Rules; 2 Terminologies and Symbols; 3 Material Property of Elements and Fittings; 4 Load; 5 Design Calculations; 6 Configuration Requirements; 7 Erection and Removal; 8 Safety Management and Maintenance; 9 Template Support and Full Scaffold.This standard will be under management of Beijing Zhong Jian Architecture Scientific Technology Research Institute (subsidiary to the Ministry of Building and responsible for management of safety standard and technology in architecture engineering). The unit mainly in charge of compilation is authorized for explanation in detail.Mainly prepared by: Harbin Industrial UniversityParticipants: Shanghai Architecture Construction Technology Research Institute Shan Tou International Scaffold Company Beijing Li Jian Template CompanyWuxi Fareast Architectural Equipment CompanyMainly drafted by: Xu Chongbao Pan Ding La Lu Zhang Tiezheng Zhang Liangji Gu Hongjong Zheng Qiuping Zhang AiruGao Weicheng Jin Yi Ning Renzhi Yang WeidongTable of Contents1 General Rules62 Terminologies and Symbols62.1 Terminologies62.2 Symbols103Material Properties of Elements and Fittings124Load135Design Calculations155.1 Construction Design155.2 Stability and Erection Height of Scaffold155.3 Wall Connector176Configuration Requirements196.1 Porte Cochere196.2 Fittings196.3 Fasteners206.4 Connection of Porte Cochere at Corners206.5 Wall Connector216.6 Pathway Mouth226.7 Inclined Ladder236.8 Groundsill and Foundation237Erection and Removal247.1 Construction Preparations247.2 Foundation247.3 Erection257.4 Acceptance267.5 Removal278 Safety Management and Maintenance289 Template Support and Full Scaffold299.1 General Rules299.2 Template Support309.3 Full Scaffold339.4 Erection and Removal34Appendix A Quality Classification of Porte Cochere and Fittings35A.1 Quality Classification and Treatment Regulations of Porte Cochere and Fittings35A.2 Judgment of Quality Grade35A.3 Marks39A.4 Spot Check39Appendix B Sheets Used for Calculations39Explanation of Wording in This code431 General Rules1.0.1 This code is prepared for implementation of national laws and regulations related to safe production during design and construction of frame-type steel-tube scaffolds so as to ensure them to be technologically advanced, economical
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