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使用V-Ray RT进行GPU渲染的使用方法1.对渲染器进行配置2.切换CPU或GPU,一定要先关掉帧缓存渲染结果窗口,否则无法切换!说明:1.VRay-RT的实时渲染,可以使用CPU和GPU完成,要进行二者的切换,一定要先关掉渲染结果的帧缓存,选OpenCL就是进行GPU渲染。2.目完VRay-RT的实时渲染,还受许多限制,许多材质类型及渲染效果还得不到支持,还不能做为出图的最终渲染,其渲染结果跟产品级渲染还没法比,适用于简单材质的产品效果的预视,对材质及场景复杂的建筑效果图来说,没有太大的实用价值,不过对于使用双显卡,双显示器的用户,可以在使用一个显卡做图的过程,用另一个显卡来渲染大效果,也是很好玩的事啊!by Ma5英文软件简介V-Ray for 3ds Max is the core development of Chaos Group, which allows users to quickly and easily create realistic images while giving them full control over the 3D production process. After 8 successful years on the CG market the second version of V-Ray for 3ds Max is already officially released and with a revived logo.V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max is a complete rendering solution, which combines the power of the distinguished V-Ray rendering engine with the flexibility and unprecedented speed of the interactive rendering system V-Ray RT, now running on GPUs. Check out the new enhanced features of V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max.To check out V-Ray 2.0 upgrade availability and price policy, please click here.The V-Ray rendering system has a rich set of features and we have listed some of the major ones below. Please be aware that every feature is a subject to change without advanced notice. To read the full list of features and capabilities visit the V-Ray documentation. Core architectureMulti-platform object-oriented APIFully multithreaded coreUnified sampling system based on Schlick samplingDistributed renderingEfficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracingModular architecture - many components of the system can be replaced with custom onesGeometryEfficient geometry handlingTrue instance renderingOn-demand dynamic geometry creationOn-demand geometry loading from disk filesDisplacement mappingCatmull-Clark and Loop subdivision surfacesExtensible with custom geometric primitives through the V-Ray SDKImage samplingThree different image sampling methodsFull-scene antialiasingProgressive path tracingSupport for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc)Advanced color (tone) mapping controlsExtensible with custom image samplers through the V-Ray SDKIlluminationPhysically accurate full global illumination solutionsDifferent GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cacheReusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic objectsPhysically accurate area lightsEfficient illumination from HDR environmentsProcedural sun & sky modelsExtensible with custom lights through the V-Ray SDKIES photometric lightsShadersPhysically plausible materialsBlurry reflections/refractionsAccurate hilightsSub-surface scatteringSupport for efficient material layeringExtensible with custom shaders through the V-Ray SDKCamera effectsDepth-of-field with bokeh effectsAccurate motion blurPhysical camera modelExtensible with custom cameras through the V-Ray SDKExtrasToon effectFur generator/raytracerExtended matte/shadow capabilitiesSupport for Render-to-Texture mode of 3ds MaxVRaySphereFade to isolate only specific portions of the scene for compositingFrame bufferV-Ray specific frame buffer with integrated color corrections and display of multiple rendering elementsDirect rendering to disk for extremely large images, either as OpenEXR files or as .vrimg filesNOTE: The new version V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max will not currently support MetaSL shaders. The opportunity to create your own or download high quality materials from MetaSL Material Library will most definitely become a part of our next major release. Copyright 2011, Chaos Software中文界面渲染实例
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