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English Education in Countryside Primary Schools摘 要英语是农村小学的一门新型课程,让农村孩子学习英语说英语很重要,培养学生积极主动地学习英语更重要,但是教学中还是存在优生和差生,如何培优补差是英语教师们尤为关注的问题。我认为可以从三个方面考虑:一,全面了解学生,调查走访。二,全面调动学生积极参与。三,全面鼓励学生,设计不同程度的作业。为了给中学输送更多精英,我们会尽自己最大的努力把学生这块石头雕琢成精湛的艺术品。关键词:a,英语; b,农村; c教育; AbstractEnglish is a new course in rural elementary school. It is important to make rural students speak English, and it is even more important to develop students initiative to learn English. But, since there are still excellent students and poor students in class, how to cultivate the excellent students and help the poor students is a big concern that us teachers should care about. As far as I can see, we may think about this question form the following three aspects. Firstly, having a comprehensive understanding of students, and visiting their home if it is necessary. Secondly, stimulating students passion in learning English. Thirdly, encouraging students comprehensively and designing different degree of homework. In order to prepare more elites for the middle school, we will try our best to carve the stones the students into wonderful pieces of art.Keywords: a,english; b,country; c,education; Contents摘 要IAbstractIIContentsIII1 Introduction12 Having a comprehensive understanding of students,and visiting their home it is necessory23 Stimulating students passion in learning English34 Encouraging studengs comprehensively and design different degree of homework45 Conclusion5Bibliography6I1 IntroductionPaying attention to every student to have them develop in a balanced way has become the core idea of the reform of the New Course. Therefore, the idea“Cultivating the excellent students as well as helping the poor students” aims at improving students basic qualities, respecting students initiatives, and exploding students potential capabilities. Whats more, the purpose of the book Join In is to let all the students learn and use English to communicate in an enthusiastic and creative way, which requires us teachers focus on the individual and teach students in accordance of their aptitude. Now Im going to discuss my own perspectives on how to cultivate the excellent students and help the poor students in the course of English teaching. 2 Having a comprehensive understanding of students, and visiting their home if it is necessary.Its of great importance to have a comprehensive understanding of students or to visit their home since English is a new subject in rural schools. However, the time for students to learn English is limited in that there are only two classes a week for students in grade three according to the teaching schedule. Students need to study English after class, thus the environment of schools and homes become a crucial factor. The best groups of English communication can be made up of several students or parents and children. If parents can learn English like their children do, they will be able to encourage them and make progress altogether. For example, there is a parent who works in TianHe Airport. He always takes his child to the airport and encourages him to speak to the foreigners. Although his child can merely have some basic talks with foreigners such as“Hello. How are you?” “Nice to meet you.” “ Thank you”, the child gradually falls in love with English, and has improved a lot in English speaking. In addition, he finds confidence in speaking English. Another example is about a visit to my students home. A stay-at-home childs grandmother told me that her grandson would get up with saying “Good morning”, and went to bed with saying “Good night”. I was so pleased and proud for my teaching method worked, and felt glad that my student could taste the sweetness of learning English. What makes me happier is an aunt of my student told me its truly useful to learn English for one year for the student even spoke English with a waiter in a KFC. “Can I have a hamburger ?” “Here you are.” “Thank you.”This is their communication content. Indeed, putting knowledge into practice is a reward and reaction of English teaching. Both children and parents enjoy this process. Family teaching becomes really important if parents want their children learning English and can be free from getting bogged down in the textbook. In conclusion, having a comprehensive understanding of students plays a crucial role in English teaching.3 Stimulating students passion in learning English.In the process of English learning, teaching methods are also important. It should be a major concern to teachers about how to attract students to cooperate with them and how to cultivate students initiative and curiosity. As what the president of Harvard University, Rudenstine, said at The World Famous University President BBS, “If there is no pure curiosity and thirst for
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