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7A Unit1 单元测试卷一、单项选择(20)1. What _ Sandy usually have _ lunch?A. do; for2. Now, he can _ the classroom.A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleansB. do; atC. does; forD. does; /D. is clean3. -What time is it by your watch?-_ 11:30 a.m.A. At4. My brother is good at _.A. runing B. swim C. MathsB. OnC. InD. /D. Practicing to dance5. The shop _ at 9:00 a.m. and _ at 9:00 p.m. It is 9:30 p.m. now. So it _.A. opens; closes; is closedC. opens; closes; closesB. is open; is closed; closesD. is opening; is closing; closed6. _ your brother happy _ them?A. Do; seeing B. Does; to see C. Is; to seeD. Are; seeing7. -Can you _ it in English?-Sorry, I know _ English.A. say; little8. The teacher _ glasses teaches _ English.A. wears; us B. with; our C. in; our D. with; us9. He was born _ the night _ October, 3rd. And he began to learn French _ 8.A. at; in; of B. in; on; at C. on; in; about D. on; of; atB. speak; little C. call; a littleD. tell; a little10. There is _ “r”, _”u”, _”l” and _”e” in _ word “blue.”A. a; an; a; an; a B. an; a; an; an; the C. a; a; an; an; the D. an; a; a; an; a11. Kitty is a _ girl. She likes taking _ of others. And she listens to the teacher _in class.A. careful; care; carefullyC. care; careful; carefullyB. carefully; careful; careD. careful; carefully; care12. My sister is ill. I have to _ her at home.A. look at B. look up C. look after13. -_ is your mother?-She is _ English teacher.A. Who; the B. What; / C. What; anD. look forD. Who; a14. -_ she _?-She is tall and slim.A. What does; like15. -Excuse me, _ do you call football in America? -Soccer.A. How B. What C. Which D. Why16. My parents _ teachers. My family _ in Suzhou.B. Whats; likeC. How is; likeD. Hows; lookA. are both; all liveB. both are; all live C. are all; all live D. all are; both live17. -Im poor at geography.-Dont worry. Let _ help you.1 A. David and IB. I and DavidC. David and meD. me and David18. -_ your brother have a Walkman?-Sorry, I dont think he has _.A. Do; itB. Is; itC. Is; oneD. Does; one19. Your English is _, John. You _ practice it any more.A. good enough; needntB. enough good; dont needC. good enough; neednt toD. enough good; dont need to20. -our school football team won the match yesterday.-_ good news it is!A. What aB. WhatC. What theD. How二、完形填空(10)Food is very important. Everyone needs to _21_well if he wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _22_. We begin to get knowledge( 知识) even when we are young. Small children are _23_ in everything around them. They learn_24_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older they begin to_25_ story books, science books and anything else they like. When they find something new,they have to ask questions and _26_ to find out the answers.What is the best _27_ to get knowledge? If we learn _28_ ourselves, we will getthe most knowledge. If we are _29_ getting answers from others and dont ask why, we willnever learn more and understand _30_.21. A. sleep22. A. sportB. readC. drinkC. knowledgeD. eatD. meatB. exercise23. A. interested B. interesting C. weak24. A. everything B. something C. nothingD. goodD. anythingD. read25. A. lendB. writeB. haveC. learnC. thinkC. way26. A. tryD. wait27. A. place28. A. onB. schoolB. withD. roadC. toD. by29. A. seldom30. A. harder三、阅读理解(20)B. alwaysC. certainlyC. wellD. sometimesD. betterB. muchAHello! My name is Becky Sharp. Im 11 years old. I have one brother. His names Jason andhes 14. I dont have any sisters.We live with our mum, dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north ofEngland. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema onSaturdays.Do you like sport? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United. I sometimes palyfootball with my brother. I am good at it but my brother isnt.I have lots of pets-one tortoise(乌龟) and six goldfish(金鱼). I want a dog or cat, but mymother doesnt like them.31. There are people in Beckys family.A. ThreeB. fourC. fiveD. six32. Becky and her family live in .2 A. a big roomB. a cinemaC. the west of EnglandD. a small houseD. We dont know.D. goldfish or cats33. Dose Becky play football well?A. Yes, she dose.B. No, she doesnt. C. She is not very good.34. Beckys mother doesnt like .A. tortoises or goldfish B. tortoises or dogsC. dogs or cats35. What dose pet mean(表示是意思) in Chinese?
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