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Unit 1 Li Ming Comes to Canada General goals for unit 1Levels 7 and 8 in the learning English program tell a story . Li Ming comes to Canada to learn English . He stays with Jenny s family and experiences Canadian schooling , food and culture . He also teaches Jenny , s family about Chinese culture .In this unit , Li Ming arrives in Canada and learns , along with your students , vocabulary for common household objects , rooms and tasks .二、Specific goal for unit 11、 Mastery vocabularyStudents can read , write , say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :Adjectives : clean dirtyNouns for rooms and furniture : bathroom bathtub dishes kitchen living room refrigerator room shower sink stove toiletPossessive pronouns : mine yoursStandard question : What time is it ? It9 s .Transitive verbs : cook dry make wash2、 Oral vocabularyStudents can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :Common phrases :Let s help (name) (verb) (noun)What would you like for (breakfast lunch supper ) I would like (food)3、 They can understand the meaning of more extra words .三、Important point : 1 and 2Difficult point : Master the pronunciation of nouns for rooms and furniture and ask and answer the important sentences .四、Class time : Eight classes .课后小结:本课是一个复习,巩固,让学生适应长假的课时,所以在本课的讲解中,我由浅 入深,先由问候语入手,逐步延伸到What time is it ?句型.学生掌握良好有的个别的学生 对suitcases的单复数的概念还有点模糊,有待于在教学中不断改进.本课总体来说一个复习课,没有太多的生单词,而在讲课时不能出色的完成,可以说我准 备的不够,以后要引以为戒,备好每一节课,上好每一堂课.第一课时 Lesson 1 At the AirportStep 1 : Class opening and Review1) Greeting2) Review Play“ The number gamen to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand .(2) Review the phrases :What day is it ? What time is it ?Step 2 : Presentation and practice1、 Teaching What time is it ?1) Use a big clock to teach What time is it ? ”2) Demonstrate : More the hands on the clock as I ask and answer the question . Then get volunteers to answer the question . Here, s a simple way to say some times in English .1:45 one forty five2:10 two ten5:37 five thirty seven8:00 eight o clock3)Extend knowledge :2:10 two ten or ten past two4:30 four thirty or half past three9:00 nine o clock or nine4) Practice : Practice in pairsAsk the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question .2、 Teaching the text ”3、 When the students listen to the tape , think over the question :When do Jenny , Danny , Li Ming live ?Why is Li Ming coming to Canada ?When does Li Ming arrive ?When will Li Ming go home ?How long will Li Ming like in Canada ?How does he come ?What time did Li Ming s plane arrive ?Who meets him at the airport ?Did he have a good trip ?2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups .3)Ask the students to answer the questions .4)Read by themselves , then read role-play .Step 3 ConsolidationMake up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to include in their dialogue the question and answer . “What time is it ? It s Enounce the students to be creative and to use as many English phrases as they can .Step 4 SummaryThis lesson we understand that Li Ming arrived Canada . Danny and Jenny meet Li Ming at an airport . We learned how to ask and answer the phrases “ What time is it ? It s ” .Step 5 HomeworkActivity book课后小结:在讲解本课时,我采用了 倒置的方法教授.先讲第二部分的几个单词,在运用 挂图展示去讲解儿个房间的名称,最后运用对比的方法去教授名词性物主代词.(your yours .my mine)效果不错,学生掌握的非常好.基本上都能当堂掌握.本课备课充分,条理清楚,学生掌握良好!第二课时 Lesson 2 Jenny s HouseStep 1 Class opening and Review1) Review the phrases : What time is it ? It s .2) Play “spell it “to review the words : house bedroom bed .Step 2 Presentation and practice1、 Teach the words : room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .接上回l)Use my pastors of rooms to demonstrate each word . Ask the students to find the same point of these words .2)Practice the new words :Read after meRead one by onePlay Simon says ”Read by themselves(5)Play a game point ” , one student say the words , the other students point quickly .2、 Teach the word of bedroom : bed , closet , door , dresser , lamp , window .1)Ask the students to say What s in your bedroom ?2)As the students say the words , I write them on the blackboard .3)Practice :a : Read row by row , one by one .b : Play a game . I say a word , the students point to the picture of their books quickly .3、 Teach the text1)Play the tape as the students follow in their books .2)Write the sentences and read : This is /These are .3)Explain the words : mine yoursa : Ask the students what s meaning of the two words .Explain : mine = my . yours = your .b : I say some sentences using mine and yours . Ten ask the students to substitute the two words using my or yourFor example : T : ( Point to a book ) This is mineS : This is my book .4) Read by themselvesStep 3 Consolid
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