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新目标英语七年级上Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、听力局部15%I.听录音,根据所听顺序为以以下图画编号.6% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II.看图听句子,选择一个与图意相符的答案. (4%) -_ -_ -_ -_III.听问句,选答句. (5%)A. My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can.D. It is five yuan, E. I like oranges. 二、笔试局部 (85%)I.按图写单词 (8%)A_ B_ C_ D_E_ F_ G_ H_II.选词填空根据需要改变单词大小写(7%)paint,sing,where,table,guitar,join,volleyball,name,can,what,club1.Ren Lijuan wants to join a_.2.Rick likes sports.He plays_.3._ you play the piano4.Bai Jie can dance and _.5._ club do you want to join6._ are your shorts They are on my bed.7.-I want to join the art club.-Oh, can you _III.连词组句 (请注意大小写和标点符号)(10%)1.play brother can the your drums Can your brother play the drums2.cant he no. _.3.you play drums the can _4.drums sing the can and yes I play. _.5.to band rock join want do you our _6.do I yes. _.IV. 单项选择(10%)1. Can John play the _ well2. Lucy cant ride a bike.She thinks it is _.A.hard too B.too hard C.to hard D.hard to3. _you swim No, I_.A.Can;canB.Can;dont C.Do;cant D.Can;cant4. My sister cant _ in a river.5. The girl _ blue eyes is Jessies sister.6. Can you play football _.Its hard.A.Yes, I canB.No, I cant C.No, I can D.Yes, I cant7. Can he play_ ping-pong8. My sister can play _ guitar, while my friend Jack can play _ baseball.A.a;the B.the;a C./;the D.the;/9. Can you see a bird _ the tree No, I cant see_.A.in;anyB.in;a C.on;some D.in;some10. CantyouseeitontheblackboardA. Yes , Icant B .Yes ,Ican C.No, Ican D. Yes , he can V. 改错 (每句话中有一个错,将其找出并改正)(10% , 找出得1分,改对得1分)1. Can you get some oranges in the tree A B C D2. There are some chicken on the place. A B C D3. I can see a cat and a bird on the picture. A B C D4. I have two sisters.One is a worker.Other one is a doctor. A B C D5. She can plays the piano. A B C DVI. 看图,完成以下对话(20%,每空0.5分)1.A:I want to join the music club.B: Can you _ _ _A: Yes, _ _.B: Can you _ _ wellA: _, _ cant.But I can sing very well.2.Zhen Zhuo: I want _ join _ _ club.Mr.Black: Can you _ _ drumZhen Zhuo: No, _ _.Mr.Black: _ _ play _ trumpetZhen Zhuo: _, _ cant.Mr.Black: Can you play the guitarZhen Zhuo: Sorry, I cant play _ _, either.Mr.Black: _ _ _ doZhen Zhuo: I can play _ _ very well.Mr.Black: Thats good.You can join the music club.Zhen Zhuo: _ _ very much.3.Lei Hao: I want to join _ _ club.Miss Fang: What _ _ _Lei Hao: I can paint pictures.Miss Fang: _ _paint horsesLei Hao: No, I _.Miss Fang: _ _ you paintLei Hao: I can paint fish very well.VII. 阅读理解 20%(A) 读短文答复以下问题Dear Zhang Qian,Thank you very much for your letter.You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument.Now I tell you.I like swimming very much,and I like volleyball, basketball and ping-pang.Swimming is my favorite sport.I am good at chess, too.My favorite instrument is violin.I like playing the violin every weekend.What about you Whats your favorite sport Do you like to play the violin Whos your favorite player And who is your musician Please tell me.I want to hear from you again.Yours,Ren Lijuan1.Who is the letter from _.2.Who is the letter to _.3.What does Zhang Qian want to know _.4.What does Ren Lijuan like _.5.What does Ren Lijuan want _.(B)开心阅读:Do You Want To Be A Musician Do you want to be a musician Come to our club , and youll be very happy in the cl
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