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www.ks5u.com高中学业水平考试模拟测试卷(二)(时间:90分钟满分:100分).情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列简短对话,从A,B,C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。1Putting on a happy face not only helps to make friends,but also makes us feel better._. AId love to BIm with you on that CIts up to you DIts my pleasure解析:A用来回答别人的邀请,表示自己愿意;B的意思是“事实上我同意你的看法”,所以结合上下文可知选B。C的意思是“随便你”,不符合;D用来回答别人的感谢,意思是“我非常乐意”。答案:B2Hi,Jenny,its you! Whats up?Hi, _could you take a look at the pipe in your kitchen? I think its leaking. AWould it be possible BIf you like CIm sorry but DI wonder if解析:Im sorry but 表示因打扰对方表示歉意。Would it be possible和 I wonder if 后面应当接从句,而且用陈述语序,即:I wonder if you could take a look at the pipe in your kitchen.答案:C3I decided to travel round Yunnan for a year._? You have just started a new job. ACome on BHow come CWhy not DWhat for解析:句意:我决定去云南旅游一年。怎么会这样?你刚刚开始一份新的工作。故选B。Come on“开始;快点;前进”;How come“为什么会,怎么会”;Why not“为什么不,何不”;What for“为什么”why。答案:B4Im taking the exam tomorrow._. ACongratulations BCome on CA wonderful time DGood luck解析:A项是在别人取得成绩或获得成功后表示祝贺的用语;B项表示“过来;快点”等意;C项是表示祝某人玩得高兴,三者都不符合语境;只有D项表示对别人将要做的事情的美好祝愿。答案:D5Im dead tired.I cant walk any farther,Jenny._,Tommy.You can do it! ANo problem BNo hurry CCome on DThats OK解析:No problem.“没问题”;No hurry.“不忙”;Come on.“加油”;Thats OK.“没关系”。句意:Jenny,我累死了。我不能再走了。加油,Tommy,你可以做到的。所以选C。答案:C.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A,B,C和D项中选出最佳选项。AAn “apple polisher” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe(贿赂), but is close to it.All sorts of people are “apple polishers”, including politicians and people in high officesjust about everybody.Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his party, but failed.There are other phrases meaning the same thing as “applepolishing”“softsoaping” or “butteringup”A gift is just one way to “softsoap” somebody, or to “butter him up”. Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving someone high praisetelling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how talented and wise he is.Endless are the ways of flattery. Who does not love to hear it? Only an unusual man can resist the thrill of being told how wonderful he is. In truth, flattery is good medicine for most of us, who get so little of it.We need it to be more sure of ourselves. It cannot hurt unless we get carried away by it. But if we just lap it up for its good value and nourishment, as a cat laps up milk, then we can still remain true to ourselves.Sometimes, however, flattery will get you nothing from one who has had too much of it. A good example is the famous 12th century legend of King Canute of Denmark and England. The king got tired of listening to endless sickening flattery of his courtiers(朝臣). They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless power.He decided to teach them a lesson. He took them to the seashore and sat down. Then he ordered the waves to stop coming in. The tide was too busy to listen to him. The king was satisfied. This might show his followers how weak his power was and how empty their flattery was.6Which of the following activities has nothing to do with “applepolishing”?AA boy tells his girlfriend how pretty she looks.BAn employee tells her boss how good he is at management.CA knight is said to be of limitless power by his followers.DA teacher praises her students for their talent and wisdom.【语篇解读】 本文论述了现代社会存在的一种普遍现象:人们往往为了自己的一点儿利益去送礼或者说一些阿谀奉承的话,而且有时即使这样做了也未必就能实现自己的愿望。解析:根据“Anapple polisher is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment.”可知选D项。答案:D7What does the writer want to prove with Cromwells example?AEverybody can be an “applepolisher”BCromwell was not a good “applepolisher”CGeorge Fox and his party were not “applepolishers”DThere are people who dont like being “applepolished”解析:根据第二段“All sorts of people are apple polishers, including politicians and people in high officesjust about everybody.Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his party, but failed.”可知高层的领导者都可能是拍马屁的人,可以想象每个人都可能是这种人。故选A项。答案:A8Which of the following statements about flattery is TRUE according to the author?AToo much flattery can carry us away.BFlattery is too empty to do people any good.CFlattery can get you nothing but excessive(过度的) pride.DFlattery is one of the ways to applepolish people.解析:根据第一段“An apple polisher is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment.”和第三段“A gift is just one way to softsoap somebody, or to butter him up. Another that is just as effective is flattery.”可知选D项。答案:D9Why did King Canute of Denmark and England take his followers to the seashore?ABecause he was sick of his normal life.BBecause he disliked being
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