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八上综合测试卷(时间:90分钟满分:120分). 单项选择(15分)()1. Can you borrow me _ umbrella?A. a B. an C. the D. /()2. Why is the teacher very angry _Zhao Fei? What did he do?A. at B. with C. for D. to()3. There are few_ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some.A. eggs B. milk C. coffee D. chocolate()4. How long does it _ you from home to school?A. spend B. pay C. take D. use()5. Is it _to have a friend who has the same hobby as you?No, it isnt. I like friends who are different from me.A. serious B. necessaryC. right D. outgoing()6. My little sister finished _ her homework at eight.A. to do B. doing C. did D. does()7. Who was _ actor, Xiao Shenyang, Wang Baoqiang or Zhang Tielin?A. good B. better C. best D. the best()8. Beckham is still very popular _ he retired.A. but B. althoughC. because D. if()9. Can you help me with my English, Miss Gao?Yes. Im _ till this weekend.A. free B. busy C. quiet D. sorry()10. There _ a football match on TV this Saturday evening.A. is B. are C. will be D. will have()11. Jim asked Linda to come to his party, but she _A. turned up B. turned downC. looked up D. looked down()12. _ was Jing Boran born?In 1989.A. When B. Where C. Why D. What()13. Where would you like to go, Jenny?I want to go _A. somewhere interestingB. anywhere interestingC. interesting somewhereD. interesting anywhere()14. Which subject do you like, English or Chinese?_. They are very interesting.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All()15. Can you go to the movies with me? Against War is on show.Id love to,but I _. I have to finish my homework.A. can B. cantC. shouldnt D. neednt. 完形填空(15分)Angela is an early bird. Her brother Samson is a night owl (夜猫子)Angela gets up early in the morning. She cleans _1_ room every day before getting ready for school. She likes to read books in the morning. And she likes playing with her _2_ in the morning. Samson hates mornings. He _3_ cleans his room and he doesnt like Angelas cat. He likes to _4_ all night reading comics (连环漫画)He also plays video games at night. He likes to do it when the house is quiet and _5_.Angela and Samson are different in other ways, too. Sometimes Angela feels _6_ that they are brother and sister. Angela has a big breakfast and a small dinner. Samson sometimes doesnt have breakfast, _7_ he eats as much as he can for dinner. Angela likes to _8_ her day. She can make good use of her time. Samson never does so, and he is often late _9_ school. Sometimes he even forgets when his tests are.Angela and Samson have so many differences, but they dont _10_. They know they love each other and will help each other. Yes, they are still brother and sister, although they are so different.1AmyBhisCherDtheir2AcatBdogCduckDbird3AonlyBstillCevenDnever4Awake upBstay upCdress upDmake up5AbigBcoldCnewDdark6AsurprisedBscaredCupsetDsorry7AorBunlessCifDbut 8AspendBrememberCplanDshare 9AwithBforCaboutDfrom10AknowBagreeCtry Dcare. 阅读理解(40分)(A)Living in modern society brings anxieties(焦虑),which usually come from both work and life. Sometimes even little things make us upset. How can we deal with all of the worries and relax? Here are some tips.Take pictures every dayTaking photos to record your daily life is a good way to make you feel happy. According to scientists, the pictures can remind you of those happy memories.CrySome people hide their emotions when they feel sad. Remember that crying can make you feel better.Rest on weekendsWeekends are a time for rest, but some people,especially women, spend whole weekends doing housework, which makes them feel more tired. After working for a week, weekends are the best time for relaxation. A relaxing weekend can make you feel much better.Take part in more activitiesHaving a gettogether is a great way to relax. Going out with friends for a picnic or having a party will be fun, and you wont feel lonely.Go for a swim or a runSwimming or running during the day can make you feel better, help you forget everything temporarily,_and help you sleep better.Sing while taking a showerSome people like to sing while taking a shower. They dont care how good their singing is. Its just a way to relax. Have a try. You are the only one listening.()1. What is the passage mainly about?A. Life in modern society.B. How to hide our emotions.C. How to study better.D. How to deal with worrying things.()2. According to the passage, what can help people sleep?A. Running. B. Swimming.C. Crying. D. Both A and B. ()3. According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?
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