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农安一中八年级英语学科分层测试试卷温馨提示:认真对待每道试题,你将有丰硕的收获; 规范使用答题卡,你将绘出美丽的图画。 本科试题由基础知识,交际运用,阅读理解,书面表达 和附加题组成。总分:120分,时间:90分钟。 所有答案须写在答题卡上,考试结束后只上交答题卡。 基 础 知 识(50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(10分)1. We didnt have an u_ so we were wet and cold.2. He plays at l_ twice a week.3. My friend is t_in music,too. 4. Oh, I cant s_ them. I love soap operas.5. D_ the week, Ill wear smart clothes.6. W_ one is Lisa?7. The DJs choose songs the most c_.8. I think those movies are so m_, I dont want to watch them again. 9. We can use less water and p_ more trees.10. How much y_ do we need?II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(15分)11. Today is a fine day. It is _ ( fine ) day of this week.12. Would you mind _( close ) the door?13. Lucy is going to be a _( violin) because she likes playing the violin.14. _( discuss ) different kinds of resolutions is our homework.15. Nothing is _(possible) if you put your heart into it.16. Dr. Liu _ ( give ) me some good advice about keeping healthy last week.17. People except _( have ) a peaceful world.18. Jackie Chan is a very _( success) actor.19. At the _( begin ) of the story, he is very poor.20. Tom is going to keep on _(take) singing lessons.21. Because of the cars, cities will be more _ ( pollute ).22. It is _( danger ) for you to cross the street when there are so many cars.23. I want to know how _(cook) fish.24. I need three _( piece ) of paper.25. What about the idea of _(go) to see the movie So Young致青春.III. 单项选择(25分)26. I am very _ because I dont like exercise. A.health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy 27. Will there be _ cars in the future? -No, there wont. So there will be _pollution.A. more; fewer B. fewer; fewer C. more; less D. less; less28. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at home to watch TV. So my friend is _ than me.A. wilder B. more serious C. calmer D. more outgoing29. -My mother is ill, so I have to look after her. -_. A. Thank you B. Thats all right C. Im sorry to hear that D. It doesnt matter30. _ he was very tired, _ he didnt stop working. A. Though, / B. Though, but C. But, / D. Because, /31. Its important _.A. learn English B. for learn English C. to learn English D. learning English32. Im hungry. I want _ to eat.A. anything delicious B. delicious something C. something delicious D. delicious anything33. When did you finish _ your bedroom? A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned34.- How far is it from the bus stop to the hospital? - _.A. Five miles B. Ten minutes C. Half an hour D. Ten yuan35. Tom and Paul _ in Class Three Grade Eight.A. are both B. both are C. all are D. are all36. Are you _Beijing tomorrow?A. leave to B. leave for C. leaving for D. leaving to37. His hair is shorter than .A. mine B. her C. she D. me 38. Other parts of the world are _ the United States .A. different from B. the same from C. same as D. difference39. Its ten kilometers _ here. A. far B. from C. in D. away40. Do you think football is as _as basketball in American?A. the most popular B. more popular C. popular D. popularer41. _ Useful the iphone5 is! But I cant afford it. A.How B. What C. How a D. What an42. _ did you pay for the CD? -Only nine dollars. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often43. Jason likes the _ of the cake. It is a heart. A. color B. size C. smell D. shape44. -May I play computer games now, Mom? -No. You _finish your homework first. A. must B. can C. could D. may45. The song I Believe I Can Fly tells us that believing in _ is very important. A. themselves B. itself C. ourselves D. yourselves46. Lets discuss the plan, shall we? -Not now. I _ to an interview. A. go B. went C. am going D. was going47. What do you think of _ film Iron Man3? -Oh, its _ exciting film. I like it very much. A. the; a B. a; the
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