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Part Grammar & WritingGrammar动词ing形式作主语和宾语一、基本用法动词ing形式在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语和状语。其基本形式如下:Being exposed to the sun for a long time will do harm to your skin.暴露在太阳下太长的时间会伤害你的皮肤。He enjoys walking in the field in a summer morning.他喜欢在夏日的早上在田间漫步。名师点津(1)非谓语动词ing形式的一般式常表示该动作与句子谓语动作同时发生,而动词ing形式的完成式则表示该动作发生在谓语动作之前。(2)非谓语动词ing形式若与其逻辑主语之间为被动关系时,需用被动语态;而不及物动词的非谓语形式无被动语态,但可有完成形式。(3)非谓语动词ing形式的否定式通常是在其前加not,带有逻辑主语时not应放在逻辑主语和动词ing形式之间。即学即用写出下列句中的动词ing(短语)所充当的成分Playing with fire is dangerous._Would you mind opening the window?_Having finished his paper,he handed it to his tutor._When he walked past the playground,he saw some boys playing football happily._单句改错Excuse me for not my coming on time._Im sorry for having not kept my promise._答案主语宾语状语宾语补足语not mymy nothaving notnot having1动词ing形式作主语(1)动词ing形式作主语时,多表示经常性、习惯性的动作,谓语动词多用单数形式Laughing often will benefit you a lot.笑口常开好处多多。Having lived abroad for a long time makes him homesick.在国外生活了很久令他想家。名师点津意义不同的两个动词ing形式并列作主语时,谓语动词需用复数形式。Writing and reading are her two hobbies.写文章及读书是她的两个爱好。(2)形式主语it代替动词ing形式作主语It isadj.doing sth.It is/feels funny doing sth. 做某事(感觉)很滑稽It is useless doing sth. 做某事无用Its worthwhile doing sth. 做某事是值得的It is a waste ofn.doing sth.Its a waste of time doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间It is non.doing sth.Its no good/no use/no fun doing sth. 做某事没好处/没用/没意思There benodoing (joking/knowing.)It is useless making such efforts.做这样的努力是没用的。It is a waste of time doing such work.做这样的工作是浪费时间。It is no good saying such words.说那样的话没有好处。There is no knowing how the project will be carried out.不知道这个工程将如何实施。即学即用单句语法填空It is a waste of time_(try) to persuade him to give up smoking._is worthwhile reading/to read such a wonderful novel.Its no use_(complain) without taking action.There is no_(deny) that the environment is from bad to worse.完成句子_is a good way to learn a language.大声朗读是学习语言的一种好方法。_is the same as killing him for his property.浪费别人的时间无异于谋财害命。答案tryingItcomplainingdenyingReading aloudWasting a persons time2动词ing形式作宾语(1)在admit,avoid,consider(考虑),enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,mind,miss,practise,suggest,delay,appreciate等动词之后只能用动词ing形式作宾语,不能用不定式He finally admitted having made such a mistake.他终于承认犯了那样的错误。The little girl practises playing the piano every day.女孩每天练习弹钢琴。(2)在动词短语give up,feel like,put off,get to(着手),object to,look forward to,devote oneself to,cant help (禁不住),cant bear/stand等之后用动词ing形式作宾语Im looking forward to hearing from you.我盼望着收到你的来信。He devotes himself to looking into the matter.他致力于调查这起事件的真相。联想发散接动词ing作宾语的及物动词(短语):建议考虑坚持练(suggest,advise,consider,insist on,practise)允许想象弃冒险(permit,allow,imagine,give up,risk)阻止抵抗否逃脱(prevent,resist,deny,escape)不禁介意保持完(cant help,mind,keep,finish)耽误推迟求原谅(delay,put off,require,forgive,excuse)承认错过欣喜欢(admit,miss,appreciate,enjoy)即学即用单句语法填空I often practise_(listen) and_(speak)The boy was lucky to escape_(punish)完成句子It is useful for someone who is trying to give up_.这对于正在试图戒烟的人来说很有用。I have never dreamed of_.我从未梦想过要参观那个地方。Its quite hot today.Do you feel like_?今天很热。你愿意去游泳吗?答案listening;speakingbeing punishedsmokingvisiting that placegoing for a swim二、动词ing形式作宾语时,需要注意的问题1某些动词及动词短语后面既可以用不定式也可以用动词ing作宾语(1)动词begin,start,continue等后既可跟不定式,又可跟动词ing作宾语,意义基本相同They continued reading/to read.他们继续朗读。(2)动词love,like,hate,prefer等后可跟动词ing和不定式作宾语,但接动名词表示经常性的情况,接不定式表示具体的动作I hate walking in such a rainy day.(习惯)我不喜欢在这样的雨天里散步。I hate to trouble you.(动作)我真不愿麻烦你。(3)一些动词后既可跟动词ing作宾语,又可跟不定式作宾语,但意义有很大差别I remembered locking the door.(记得事情做了)我记得锁门了。When you leave the house,please remember to lock the door.(记着去做)离开家时,记着锁门。(4)在need,want,require,demand,deserve等后用动词ing的主动形式表示被动,need/want/require/demand/deserve doingneed/want/require/demand/deserve to be doneThe cottage needs repairing.The cottage needs to be repaired.这所农舍需要修理。The letter demands answering at once.The letter demands to be answered at once.需要立刻回复这封信。即学即用单句语法填空He likes_but he doesnt like_this afternoon.(swim)He usually prefers staying in the house when it rains,but this time he prefers_(go) out.单句改错I mean to changing it for another one._I remembered locking the door before I left the office,but forgot turning off the lights._一句多译这位员工值得表扬。(deserve)_这个窗户需要清扫了。_答案swimming;to swimto gochangingchangelockingto lock;turningto turnThe wor
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