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Linux中LVM磁盘更换操作不当导致的错误及修复过程记录今天备份服务器(8.77)在替换磁盘时,新磁盘的加入和应用路径更改都很正常,但在将原磁盘从vg中删除时,由于操作失误,导致vg无法认出,以下是问题过程和解决方法:在执行pvremove -ff /dev/sdg命令后,vg出现异常,无论vgdisplay、lvdisplay还是pvdisplay,都出现如下提示rootbackupserver data# vgdisplay Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Couldnt find device with uuid q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ. Couldnt find all physical volumes for volume group stuvg. Volume group stuvg not found说明这个pv的信息还存在vg中,但这是pv没有了,vg信息不完整,仔细分析lvm的工作原理,又在网上查找资料后,操作如下:rootbackupserver archive# vgdisplay -partial -vvv #查看vg中的详细信息 如果此信息中其他pv和lv的信息完整,则继续操作 Partial mode. Incomplete volume groups will be activated read-only. Processing: vgdisplay -partial -vvv O_DIRECT will be used Setting global/locking_type to 1 File-based locking selected. Setting global/locking_dir to /var/lock/lvm Finding all volume groups /dev/ramdisk: Not using O_DIRECT Opened /dev/ramdisk RO /dev/ramdisk: block size is 1024 bytes /dev/ramdisk: No label detected Closed /dev/ramdisk Opened /dev/root RO O_DIRECT /dev/root: block size is 4096 bytes /dev/root: No label detected Closed /dev/root /dev/ram: Not using O_DIRECT PV Name unknown device PV UUID q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ PV Status allocatable Total PE / Free PE 524287 / 524287可以看到,被删除的磁盘pvname变成了 unknown device#cd /etc/lvm/backup #进入lvm的配置目录,查看当前vg配置信息是否正确(删除pv后的)rootbackupserver backup# file stuvgstuvg: ASCII textrootbackupserver backup# more stuvg# Generated by LVM2 version 2.02.37-RHEL4 (2008-06-06): Mon Jul 4 09:14:14 2011contents = Text Format Volume Groupversion = 1description = Created *after* executing lvremove /dev/stuvg/lv5creation_host = backupserver # Linux backupserver 2.6.9-78.ELlargesmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 9 16:03:59 EDT 2008 x86_64creation_time = 1309742054 # Mon Jul 4 09:14:14 2011stuvg id = Z1XN1H-hYFy-xyBM-YXn1-cbCX-r4Vp-Q9dmzj seqno = 27 status = RESIZEABLE, READ, WRITE extent_size = 8192 # 4 Megabytes max_lv = 0 max_pv = 0 physical_volumes pv0 id = zzddO6-dz5q-PRq3-8cQe-Vlc8-13M5-SlqAvB device = /dev/sdc # Hint only status = ALLOCATABLE dev_size = 4294967296 # 2 Terabytes pe_start = 384 pe_count = 524287 # 2 Terabytes pv1 id = v7VEQp-rSLW-hnSp-hlVd-cllB-r4pt-38W921 device = /dev/sdd # Hint only status = ALLOCATABLE dev_size = 4294967296 # 2 Terabytes pe_start = 384 pe_count = 524287 # 2 Terabytes pv2 id = h4Wvte-qMC0-1sNc-fJfV-390A-tqrd-f743xY device = /dev/sde # Hint only status = ALLOCATABLE dev_size = 2147518464 # 1.00002 Terabytes pe_start = 384 pe_count = 262148 # 1.00002 Terabytes pv3 id = q2aKwA-0pim-QRr3-4DjN-gZg9-RNk1-eHKMvZ device = /dev/sdg # Hint only status = ALLOCATABLE dev_size = 4294967296 # 2 Terabytes pe_start = 384 pe_count = 524287 # 2 Terabytes pv4 id = 2Eynf0-ULcN-SciG-jbey-LqYi-fxSD-N605uA device = /dev/sdf #
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