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2023学年度临沂费县第二学期七年级学业水平监测英语试卷一、听力考试(一)录音中有四个句子,每个句子读两遍,根据你听到的内容,选择与其意思相对应的图画。1_2_3_4_(二)录音中有六组对话和六个问题,对话和问题都读两遍,根据你听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最正确答案。5AIn the bank BNext to the bank CAcross from the bank6AYes,she is BNo,she doesnt. CNo,she isnt7AHe washed his clothes BHe went to the mountains CHe cleaned the room and studied for the math test8A1ions Bpandas Cgiraffes9Aa doctor Ba nurse Ca waitress10AShe bought a magazine. BShe wrote an article for a magazine CShe read her article(三)录音中有一篇短文,短文读两遍,根据你听到的短文内容判断以下句子正误,正确的用A表示,不正确的用B表示。11There are a lot of rules in our school12We must get to school at 7:30 in the morning from Monday to Friday13We must work hard at all the subjects14We can talk loudly in class15All of the students in our school obey the rules二、单项填空 选择最正确答案。16Does you father like _on weekends Agoing to the movies Bgo to the movie Cgoes to the movies Dto go to movie17一Excuse meIs there a pay phone near here Yes, there isTake the first turning _the leftAon Bin Cat Dto18The hotel is _the market and the bank Aboth Bin Cnext to Dbetween19why are you so early this morning 一_ I will go for a picnic with my friends todayASo BBecause COr DBut20一_ 一Im a reporter AWhat do you do BWho are you Cwhat are youDBoth A and C21I like to _with my friendsAspeak Bsay Ctell Dtalk22Does MrWhite _ in Beijing Alikes working Blikes work Clike working Dlike work23How many _are there in the picture Apoliceman Bpolicemen Crice and meat Dbread and milk24The students _the teacher nowAare listening B1istemng Care listening to Dlistening to25Is Miss Gao tall No,she isnt tall,and she isnt short,eitherShe is_ Aof medium height Bmedium build Ca little heavy Dvery thin26 What does the boy look like Well,hes _tall,and he _curly hair Avery, is Breally, has Creal,has Dreally, is27What about _basketball this weekend Aplaying Bplay the Cplayed Dto play28一Where did your sister go _vacation 一She _the mountainsAfor, goes to Bon,went to Con,goes to Dfor, went 29一_did you like the soap operas 一I didnt like them at all AWhat BWhy CHow DWhen 30、I never have _because I have to study every day Asome fun Bsome funs Cany funs Dany fun三、完形填空根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。Jack is 31 American boyHe is one of the best students in his class,he is 32 his lessons,and he can speak 33 ChineseBut Jack enjoys 34 bestOne day,he 35 his homework,instead(而是/相反) he went to a swimming poolWhen he was swimming,suddenly(突然)he heard a scream(尖叫)Excuse me,what can I do 36 you,sir,he asked,Yes,I would like someone 37 me how to swim The man answeredReally You cant swim Ok,let me 38 you,Im sure you can swim very well soonAfter a while(一会儿),the man could swimJack said to him,Look,you are a 39 man Thank you “ 40 “31 Aa Ban CDthe32 Abad in Bgood at Cwell in Dhard at33 Alittle Ba little Ca few Da bit34 Aswim Bswims Cswimming Dto swim35 Adoesnt Bdoesnt Cdidnt Ddidnt do36 Afor Bto Cof Dwith37 Ateach Bteaches Cto teach Dteaching38 Ahelp Bto help Chelped Dhelping39 Aclever Bfriendly Cfunny Dpolite40 AThats fight Bwelcome CThats all right DOk四、阅读理解(一)根据以下短文内容,选择最正确答案。AAmerican schools begin in September after a long summer holidayThere are two terms in a schoolThe first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years oldMost children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high schoolHigh school students study only four or five subjects each termThey usually go to the same class every day, and they have little homework for every classAfter class they do many interesting thingsAfter high school。many students go to collegeThey can go to a small one or a large one. Many college students work after class to get some money for their studies.41Most American children go to school when they are _years oldAfour Bfive Csix Dseven42high school students _after classAdo a lot of homework Bdo many interesting thingsCoften sing songs Ddo lots of reading43After high school,many students_Abegin to wo
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