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专业好文档电大学位英语复习资料1.学位英语综合22.电大学位英语单选题73.电大学位英语完形填空104.电大学位英语阅读理解135.电大学位英语作文191.学位英语综合一、语音题26第 26 页 共 26 页behind B. blindbreach D. leastbulletin C. bulletcookie C. wolfcounter B. southcreature D. beliefessay C. awayeyebrow A. townfloat D. bellowsflood B. bloodirregular B. mirrorgeography C. remarklatent A. squirrelmaster B. tiresomemountain D. captainmud D. lungnotice A. stomachsoccasionally D. televisionopposite B. balloonowner C. narrowperiod B. perseverancepressure A. directlyquiet D. societyreplied A. enteredscatter C. gravityschoolyard A. cooshook D. woodsinger B. tonguesplendid C. wretchedtwinkle B. drinkwaist A. paint二、单选题_ send your motorcycle to be repaired? Youd better not drive it any more. B. Why not_ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. B. Any _ to the moon some day, I should see the surface of the moon with my own eyes.B. Were I to go_ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedAll _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. D. that is neededChildren who are over-protected by their parents may become_ C. spoiledChristopher Columbus was believed _ the American continent. C. to have discoveredDepending on_, Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest. A. intuitionDo you think she has any _ to refuse Johns invitation? A. reasonEither you or I _ wrong on this matter. C. amExcuse me, sir. Ive lost my watch. Do you have _ time?A. theHe had difficulties making himself understood, but we didnt _impatience. C. show any sign ofHe is one of the students who_ always on time.B. areHe is the boy _I think scored the winning points for the basketball team. D. whoHe just couldnt _what in the world she had been talking about all the time.A. figure outHe must have had an accident, or he _ then.A. would have been here He used to have a _of stamp-collection, but he has given it up. B. hobby His _ handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to form the letters correctly.A. unreadableHis parents _, the orphan is now taken care of by her uncle. D. having diedI swimming until Father returned . B. didnt go I didnt ask him, but he _ to help me with my homework.B. offeredI know youre planning to travel this summer, but do you know_? D. how much it will costId like to _the lessons once more before we take the exam tomorrow. B. go overIn spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much _.B. that you comeIt has been a long time _I saw you last time.A. sinceIt is because he is too young _ he does not understand what has happened.A. thatIt was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be. B. reactionIt was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline. C. be sentIt wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us. C. asMany new _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A. opportunitiesMany people watch TV only to _time. C. killMy camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. B. adjustedMy friend was full of _ for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car. C. admirationNeither Larrys father nor his mother _at home. C. wasPlease listen to me. Its inappropriate for you to persist in _ this. C. doingShe never laughed, _ lose her temper. B. nor did she ever She talked to him for a long time and _him from doing that dangerous job. B. dissuaded Since your supervisor has _ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time. B. specifiedSome old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ so much noise. C. tolerateSorry to trouble you. I havent taken my textbook with me. Shall we _one?B. shareThe bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A. afterThe famous Yong Le Bell is three times_.A. as tall as a man The hunter _ on his back with his eyes half closed. C. layThe leaves are _ down to the ground when autumn comes. D. fallingThe little girl woke up screaming because she had had a_. B. nightmareThe manager _that the new employees go through professional training before they started working. B. insistedThe manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on . C. informedThe manufacturers _ carried out one of the Chairmans proposals, but they didnt. C. ought to haveThe news you told me the other day has yet to be_. D. confirmedThe old lady felt very
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