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1. 游戏概念 Game Concepts1. 游戏概念1. Game Concepts100. 总则 General100. 总则100. General100.1.100.1. 这些万智牌规则适用于任何两位或是更多玩家的万智牌游戏,包含双人游戏和多人游戏。100.1. These Magic rules apply to any Magic game with two or more players, including two-player games and multiplayer games.100.1a100.1a 双人游戏指在游戏开始时只有两位牌手的游戏。100.1a A two-player game is a game that begins with only two players.100.1b100.1b 多人游戏指在游戏开始时有两位以上牌手的游戏。参见第8章,“多人游戏规则”。100.1b A multiplayer game is a game that begins with more than two players. Seesection 8, “Multiplayer Rules.” 每位牌手需要准备自己的万智牌套牌,能够当做衍生物和指示物的小件物品,以及能够用某种方法清楚纪录总生命以进行游戏。100.2. To play, each player needs his or her own deck of traditional Magic cards, small items to represent any tokens and counters, and some way to clearly track life totals.100.2a100.2a 在构筑赛中(一种牌手比赛前各自组建自己套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌必须由60张以上的卡牌组成。一副构筑赛的套牌可以有任意数量的基本地,但英文名称相同的其它牌则不能超过四张。100.2a In constructed play (a way of playing in which each player creates his or her own deck ahead of time), each deck must contain at least sixty cards. A constructed deck may contain any number of basic land cards and no more than four of any card with a particular English name other than basic land cards.100.2b100.2b 在限制赛中(一种牌手获得特定数量未开封万智牌产品并以此组建套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌必须由40张以上的卡牌组成。限制赛套牌可以包含牌手从这些产品中所获得的任意数量的同名牌。100.2b In limited play (a way of playing in which each player gets the same quantity of unopened Magic product and creates his or her own deck using only this product), each deck must contain at least forty cards. A limited deck may contain as many duplicates of a card as are included with the product. 一些娱乐赛制(构筑赛或限制赛)需要一些其它的物品,例如特别设计的卡牌、非传统万智牌卡牌以及骰子。参见第9章,“娱乐赛制”。100.3. Some casual variants require additional items, such as specially designated cards, nontraditional Magic cards, and dice. Seesection 9, “Casual Variants.” 每位牌手可以拥有备牌,它们是牌手可以在同一局比赛的各盘游戏之间调整其的套牌的附加卡牌。100.4. Each player may also have a sideboard, which is a group of additional cards the player may use to modify his or her deck between games of a match.100.4a100.4a 在构筑赛中,备牌可以包含不超过十五张牌。套牌及备牌的整体受四张同名牌的限制(参见规则 100.2a)。100.4a In constructed play, a sideboard may contain no more than fifteen cards. The four-card limit (see rule 100.2a) applies to the combined deck and sideboard.100.4b100.4b 在个人限制赛中,牌手开出但未使用的牌均作为其备牌。100.4b In limited play involving individual players, all cards a player opens but doesnt include in his or her deck are in that players sideboard.100.4c100.4c 在使用双头巨人多人赛制的限制赛中,团队开出但未被使用的牌均作为该队的备牌。100.4c In limited play involving the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant, all cards a team opens but doesnt include in either players deck are in that teams sideboard.100.4d100.4d 在使用其它多人团队赛制的限制赛中,团队开出但未被使用的牌被分配给其中一位牌手作为备牌。每位牌手将拥有自己的备牌;这些卡牌不能在牌手之间传递。100.4d In limited play involving other multiplayer team variants, each card a team opens but doesnt include in any players deck is assigned to the sideboard of one of those players. Each player has his or her own sideboard; cards may not be transferred between players. 套牌没有最大张数的限制。100.5. There is no maximum deck size. 大部分的万智牌比赛(比赛规划部门决定牌手在哪些地方与其他牌手进行比赛以获得奖品)都有一些由万智牌比赛规则规定的附加规则(可以在http:/www.wizards.com/Magic/TCG/Events.aspx?x=dci/doccenter/home找到)。这些规则可能限制使用某些牌, 包括限制使用从某个旧系列开始的所有牌。100.6. Most Magic tournaments (organized play activities where players compete against other players to win prizes) have additional rules covered in the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules (found atwww.wizards.com/wpn/Events/Rules.aspx). These rules may limit the use of some cards, including barring all cards from some older sets.100.6a100.6a 比赛通常包含一系列的对局。双人对局通常都是三盘两胜制,偶尔采用五盘三胜制。多人对局通常都只进行一盘游戏。100.6a Tournaments usually consist of a series of matches. A two-player match usually involves playing until one player has won two games. A multiplayer match usually consists of only one game.100.6b100.6b 牌手可以使用在www.wizards.com/locator的万智牌定位来寻找其所在地区的比赛,使用方法为选择“比赛(Events)”并输入其所在城市的名称。100.6b Players can use the Magic Store & Event Locator atwww.wizards.com/locatorto find tournaments in their area.101. 万智牌的最高原则 The Magic Golden Rules101. 万智牌的最高原则101. The Magic Golden Rules101.1.101.1. 每当某张牌的规则叙述直接抵触这些规则时,以牌上的叙述为优先。这张牌只能在此特殊状况下取代其所抵触的规则。唯一的例外是:牌手随时都可以认输一盘比赛(参见规则104.3a)。101.1. Whenever a cards text directly contradicts these rules, the card takes precedence. The card overrides only the rule that applies to that specific situation. The only exception is that a player can concede the game at any time (see rule104.3a). 当某个规则或效应说你能做某事,而另一个效应说你不能做某事,则以“不能”的效应为优先。101.2. When a rule or effect allows or directs something to happen, and another effect states that it cant happen, the “cant” effect takes precedence.例如:如果某效应为“你本回合可以额外使用一个地”,而另一个效应为“你本回合不能使用地”,则以使你不能使用地的效应为优先。Example: If one effect reads “You may play an additional land this turn” and another reads “You cant play l
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