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Unit1The children are playing in the park Period 1 Teaching targets. 1 The target of knowledge: 1) Learn these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2) Learn these sentences: be doing sth 2 The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four skill words. 2) Can understand the sentence structure. 3) Can describe the other s actions. 3The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding. Main points :The new words and sentences. Difficult point: Can describe the other s actions. Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings. Learn to sing a song Use the cards to go over the new dialogue GameQuick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello,boys and girls ,nice to meet you again,today is the first day of thi s term.lets go to a park and have a look,what will happen in the park! Show a picture of a park ,learn the new words A swing Show a swing and says : This is a swing ,lets put it in the park,write the w ord on the blackboard.Leads reading the new word 2. Show the pictures and put them on the picture (in the park),and learn to sa y the words. 3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,lead s reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening 1) Show the pictures T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by them selves 2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Instive doing Reading the dialogue carefully Listen and repeat the dialogue Retell the story .Teaching notes: Period 2 Teaching targets. 1) Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth 3) Can retell the story 2The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding. Main points :The new words and sentences. Difficult point: Can describe the other s actions.retell the story Teaching aids : cards,tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings. Learn to sing a song Use the cards to go over the new dialogue GameQuick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T :Lets listen and repeat the story together Show the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words. Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils ,and asks them to make sentences with the present time am/is/are +doing Step3 Practice 1) Show the pictures T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by them selves 2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out A: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.Theyre talking about the sports . 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words.Teaching notes: Period 3 Teaching targets. 1)Go over these four-skill words 2) Learn to sing a song 3) Can finish Part F Main points : The new words and sentences, the English song Difficult point: Can describe the others actions; learn to sing the song Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings. Go over the four-skill words Play a game magic eyes 3. Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the pr esent time ,they are required not to make the same sentences 4. Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to read the words ,and try to sa y the words 2.ow the new words ,leads reading ,and learn to sing the song. 3.Listen to tape and follow it ,sing the song together Step3 Practice 1) Part F Explain the situation for the class (The children want to see a film , requires pupils to find out how the children reach the cinema) 2)Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write d own on the book. Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to ac t it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to re cite the story Teaching notes: Unit2 Katie always gets up early Period 1 Teaching targets. 1 The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, Im late 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2 The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four skill words. 2) Can understand the sentence structure. 3) Can describe the other s actions.(the third time) 3The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences. Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time. Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words GameGuess ,guess, guess 4.Retell the storyUnit 1 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T :
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