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八年级(下) Unit 5 练习题一、 单项选择。( )1. Jane has to go to see her grandma with her parents, so she cant go to see Avatar with us._A. Thats terrible B. What a pity!C. She must be sad.D. You are welcome.( )2. Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. Im sorry to hear that. Lets _. A. cheer him onB. cheer on himC. cheer him upD. cheer up him( )3. Wow, what a beautiful place! The flowers smell so _, and the birds are singing their _ songs.A. good; liveB. well; liveC. good; livelyD. well; lively( )4. Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.Ill _ in twenty minutes. Thank you. A. call on herB. call her onC. ring up herD. ring her up( )5. The people there feel _ to all of us.A. friendsB. friendlyC. friendshipD. friend( )6. He often becomes angry these days _ his noisy children.A. becauseB. forC. aboutD. because of( )7. Kates grandmother lives in a house_, but she doesnt feel _. A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone( )8. What an _ news! Her son entered Peking University _.A. excited; in endB. excited; in the endC. exciting; in endD. exciting; in the end( )9. They didnt _ each other and had a fight.A. build upB. agree withC. stand forD. worry about( )10. In the end, I made _ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other.A. a peaceB. the peaceC. peaceD. peaces()dbetter_toomuchmeat.Youaremuchtoofat.eattoeatteat()2.Dontworry.Wehave_timetocatchthetrain.offewof(),youoftengetill,soyoushould_yourhealth.forupatfor()singspretty_andsheisalso_atdancing.;well;good;well;good()shothere.Pleasekeepthewindows_.()_washyourhandsbeforemeals.Itisgoodforyourhealth.to()7.Imsorrytokeepyouwaitingformesolong._dontthinkso.tsayso.doesntmatter.dloveto.()youprefer_()9.Mymotheroftentellsme_myclassmateswhentheyneed.help()10.Excuseme,canyoudomea_Sure.()doctor_andfoundtherewassomethingwrongwithhiseyes.himafterhimoverhimuphimabout()didntknowit_youtoldme.()13.There_aconcertthisevening.Excitingnews.goingtobegoingtobegoingtohavehave()think_ourdutytokeepourenvironmentcleanandtidy.s()15._canIkeepthebooksTwoweeks.longoftenfarsoon二、 词汇题:(A) 根据提示写出下列单词。1. Ill i_ some friends to come to my birthday party.2. Our teachers taught us to sing l_ songs before class. 3. The old man feels _(孤独)because he lives alone.4. The s_ of the food is terrible. I cant eat it.5. I always feel happy when I see my sons _ (smile) faces to me.(B) 用括号中适当的词填空。1. This _(feel) makes him upset all day and night.2. He is ill today, but he got up as early as _(usually).3. She is a _(love) girl. We all like her.4.“Do be a _(help) person!”my father always says to me.5.“Did _(someone) let you go”the teacher asked angrily. you know the Same Song to Dabieshan Its so _ and moving. Im very _ to see a football match this evening. (excited , exciting ) was _ in reading books when she was eight years old. This story sounds _. (interested , interesting ) was _ at why he was used to swimming in winter. Its _ that we all failed in the exam . (surprised , surprising ) must be _ for your parents that you stay in net bar the whole night.Why are you so _ (worried , worrying )10. Would you like to see a _ film with me tonight He was too _ to walk any more. (frightened , frightening )三、句型转换。1. The music sounds wonderful.(对画线部分提问) _ _ the music sound2. I am quite well these days . (对画线部分提问) _ are you _these days3. They got along well again after they had a fight three years ago.(改为同义句)They _ _ _ each other after they had a fight three years ago.4. I become angry easily because of the noise.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you become angry easily5. At last, the ship went into the sea and many people lost their lives.(同义句) _ _ _, The ship went into the sea and many people.1. Helen is brave. Sue is brave, too. (合并为一句)Helen is _ brave _ Sue. 2. When he was seven, he could swim. (改为同义句)_ _ _ _ seven, he could swim.3. He said he would no longer live here.(改为同义句)He said he _ live here _ _
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