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the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of the construction, the party controls the party, strictly administering the party system deficiencies. Although outdated, lack of specificity, seriousness and restraint system regulations for patch perfect, but failed to form a system, and construction of inner-party regulations needed to further enhance scientific and systematization and standardization level. 6, in the implementation of a gang two sittings, to be honest and work the same layout, but sometimes there is too much emphasis on important issues, and one-sided pursuit of tasks implementation issues. (V) space cleanup, housing car description and salary transfers and other aspects of the relationship between school adjustment cleaning office spaces 6326 sqm 143, vacated office room, to repel illegal standard with 5 cars. At present, school leaders and official cars were within the Office space standards. Not illegal part-time wage and transfer related to members of the leading group and individual family housing also has personal issues to report truthfully. All school leaders had no full-time Secretary. Second, the analysis of the cause of the problem (a) ideal beliefs are weakened, as transactional work, learning time arrangements are insufficient, received insufficient education of ideal and belief. Meanwhile, from the effects of invasion and the thought of social reality, fluctuations, combined with the lack of theoretical learning and mastery, weakened somewhat to communist ideals and beliefs. Ideal and faith is the root of party members and cadres, pulse of country, soul, has no roots, no pulse, no soul, it will be a big problem. Second, weakening of spiritual pursuit, as not enough energy. Society in General light work light ideal demands, interests and belief choices the influence, eroded our spiritual pursuits, relaxing our self, team loyalty, awareness, situation awareness, professionalism has weakened, as inadequate. (B) the party spirit has . , Practice area, peoples achievement in perspective, time correction performance oriented, unable to stick to seeking truth from facts, scientific attitudes, pragmatic style, and interests of the people as the starting point and the end point for all the work, establish stand the test of practice, history, and the peoples performance. Third, to benefit, the ability to resist temptation. Not always adhere to the party and the peoples interests above everything else. Personal interests conflict with the interests of the party and the people, when fear of sacrifice. On the relationship of give and take, not completely content to the poor and selfless dedication; on dealing with rights and obligations cannot be self-disciplined and law-abiding. In General, there are many reasons, both issues not strict with themselves, there is vulnerability, external constraint is not strong because of institutional mechanisms. But read between the lines, or personal ideals and beliefs on the root causes landslides, professionalism, responsibility is not strong, four winds problem rectification is not complete, no real issues of world Outlook, Outlook on life and Outlook on the master switch problem. All not false questions, if you do not attach great importance to solve, great harm. Part provincial University leaders disciplinary illegal case lessons told we, on personal, self不良地质隧道专项施工方案一、工程概况大梁峁隧道为双线隧道,我单位施工出口段,大梁峁隧道左线施工长度2008m,起讫里程为ZK81+300ZK83+308,并在ZK82+540ZK82+580与YK82+570YK82+610段有断层,围岩由白垩系下统环池河组,以砂岩为主的泥砂岩互层组成,中薄-中厚层状构造,水平层发育,风化类型为中风化,岩体较完整,雨季降水沿节理、裂隙下渗,开挖过程中存在漏水现象,对洞室稳定性影响较大。针对上述情况,结合施工生产要素及施工生产能力,按照“管超前、严注浆、短开挖、不(弱)爆破、强支护、快封闭、勤测量、速反馈”的施工原则,在拱部超前小管棚注浆预固结围岩的保护下,采用三部台阶法进行施工。拱部预留核心土,周边采用风镐开挖,核心土及中槽运用CAT320C挖掘机开挖。1、地形、地貌及地质情况本项目主要位于陕北黄土高原南部,地势总体为西北高、东南低,境内以少石多土的黄土台源、黄土梁峁沟壑为主。地势海拔一般在8001600之间,沟谷深切,深度一般在60110m。河谷区切割深度一般约3070m,岸坡较缓,沿线河谷总体较窄,以“U”型河谷为主。周河主流段较开阔,河区发育,宽谷处发育多级冲地。地质特征为鄂尔多斯盆地的陕斜坡带,构造稳定,地层平稳,雨雪稀少地质构造为黄土高原拱起地块区,为一长期稳定的地块。中生代以来,以大面积升降运动为主,并分别经受了不同方向的次级压应力的作用,形成了北东东及近南北方向的构造线及其相应的其他构造的形迹,第三系以来,区内新构造运动受华北板块构造总体格局制约,以地块的震荡性不均匀升降为主导,区内地层平缓,构造简单,无大型剧烈的褶皱和断层,长期以来是一个比较稳定的地区。2、气象、水文情况项目区属暖温带半干旱大陆季风性气候,春季干旱多风、夏季旱涝相间,秋季温凉湿润,冬季寒冷干燥。冬长夏短,温差较大。项目区内年平均气温8.69.4,一月平均气温-5-8,极端最高气温3639.7,极端最低气温-22-25.4;七月份平均气温21.424.8。无霜期117186天,最大冻结深度8896cm,沿线各区县年降雨量一般介于450530mm之间,从南向北雨量有逐渐减少的趋势。春季干旱少雨,多大风扬沙;夏秋季温湿多雨,降雨量占全年的60,且以暴雨、阵雨为主,历时短,量雨量大,易形成黄土滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害。本区为黄土台塬、黄土梁峁一沟区,地形破碎,降水主要以地表径流排泄。黄土区主要接受大气降水的补给,径流条件较好。公路沿线水系较发育,属黄河系洛河之延河流域。主要涉线水系有洛河支流杨青川、罗坪川、周河、延河支流、长尾河等。各河流均系降雨补给型河流,源近、途短,补给源不足。流量小且随季节性变化大。一般夏秋季节洪水期流量、含沙量稍大,峰高量小,暴涨暴落,过程较短。春冬旱季水量小,甚至断流。二、编制依据1、施工承包合同书;2、延安安塞经志丹至吴起高速公路路基桥隧工程施工招标文件;3、公路工程技术标准 (JTGB01-2003);4、公路隧道施工技术规范 (JTJ041-2000);5、公路工程质量检验评定标准 (JTG F801-2004);6、公路工程施工安全技术规程 (JTJ076-9
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