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小学英语Unit 3 Lesson 2 教学设计一 教学内容分析:本节课的教学内容是外研版Join in (三年级起)四年级下册第三单元第二课。本节课含有四个一般疑问句以及与动物相关的单词。猜测动物提问的方式为学生提供了学习语言和运用语言的语境,提升了学生的英语学习兴趣。二 设计理念:为了让学生能够将本单元重点一般疑问句的句型进行听、说、读、写系统操练并掌握运用,本课设计了英语情境查找犯罪嫌疑人。整个课程贯穿的主线是警察查找犯罪嫌疑人,询问目击者。本课学生作为警察,老师作为引导者,假象一只猫作为目击者,通过完成一个个任务来达到找出犯罪嫌疑人的目的。学生通过小组竞赛获得部分线索,通过讨论获得更多线索,每一个环节设计都运用了本单元重点句型Has it got,? Is it ?Does it ? Can it ? 引人入胜的情境让学生充满好奇和热情运用所学投入破案的过程,不但掌握了句型,还突破了本节难点,全班参与度也非常高。三 教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:能够理解和运用以下句型:Is it ?Has it got?Can it ?Does it ?2. 语言能力目标:学生能够形成英语思维能力,主动运用所学句型在实际中运用,达到交流的目的。3. 情感态度目标:充分理解人类和动物共同生活在一个地球上,尊重爱护动物。四 教学重难点:1. 教学重点:第三人称单数的一般疑问句的运用,动词相关搭配。2. 教学难点:(1) Does it ? 句型的动词以及助动词的运用对于学生是个难点。(2) 学生对于老师的教学设计流程和指令有可能理解不清楚。五 学生分析:本节课的授课对象是四年级学生。本班大多数学生的英语学习兴趣浓厚,上课参与度非常高。大多数学生的英语基础比较好,并且在听说方面有优势。同时,他们的特点是活泼好动、对课外事物好奇心强,更有主人翁意识,愿意参与课堂。所以课程设计要符合他们的特点,不但要能调动学生的参与积极性,还要有一定难度和挑战,发掘学生更高潜力,巧设情境,让学生有明确目标,积极参与。六 教学媒体与资源:多媒体、ppt、板书卡片、“线索”纸条七 教学过程:ProcessTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeWarm-up and reviewShow the chant “I like animals”with music.Ask the students to chant together.Chant together and review the names of animals.复习动物单词并且使学生迅速进入课堂状态,活跃气氛。Lead in1. Show students a short video in order to create a situation “chasing the suspect”2. T: What happened?The police areWho do they catch up with?3. Show “Flash”s picture.T: Is it him? No, this time, its not Flash.Its another one we dont know.4. Show a picture of police. T: Theyre the police, yes or no?From now on, you are the police, too.You should find out who is the suspect.But can you be a good police?Can you?I doubt about that.4. 5.Devide the Students into four police teams.Finish the tasks to conform and gain the clues.1. Students watch the video.2. Students answer what happened.3. Students are thinking about the questions.4. Students understand the situation.They believe they can be good police.通过视频引入追查犯罪嫌疑人的场景,让学生成为追查嫌疑人的警察,并且分组竞赛。为了争夺更多线索,学生需要积极竞争。Presen-tationStep 1 Finish three tasks.Find the animals.Show some pictures and find out the animal quickly.“Who is looking at you?”“Who is winking?” At the same time, every time students answer the animal, teacher ask a question using the key sentence in this lesson.Summarize the animals and ask a student to answer.Step 2:Task 2 How to ask.Show a cat who is scared.T: Why does the cat want to hide?The cat saw the suspect.We can ask the cat some questions. How to ask?Let me tell you!The teacher show some pictures to lead the students to think of more sentences based on the key questions.At the same time paste the key sentences on the blackboard.Students say out as soon as they see the animal.Students ask questions and the only student answer.S:Because it is scared.Students summarize some sentences according to the teachers basic sentences. Students listen to the song and tell the cats favorite animal.1. 通过从图片那种找相关动物的方式锻炼学生眼力并且不知不觉引入本课的句型。给学生创设更深层的情境,提出目击者。如何对目击者进行提问。以此给出本课的关键句型,让学生自己总结用句型可以对哪些方面进行提问。practiceTask 3 Guessing game. The cat says it forgot everything, so the students should tell it what its favorite animal is. 1. P22 The crocofrog song.2. P23 Group work.Teacher show an example that how to ask and answer. Students have one minute to practice.Choose four students from every team to show.Students ask and answer about guessing animal using the sentences on page 23.Students show their conversation.此环节是对前面学过的环节的练习,运用掌握的句型练习听力以及口语。Exten-sionThe cat is still scared and cant say anything.1. Students should share their clues and discuss who the suspect is for 3 minutes.2. After the discussion the students ask some questions. The cat answers “yes” or “no”. 3. Teacher gives the last key clues to the winner team and other clues to other teams.When the students know the result, teacher tells students humans are advanced animal and we live together with other animals on the earth.Students discuss about the suspect.After that, ask more questions and guess.After ask and guess, students know the suspect is a Chinese person.Students can find out the suspect is the teacher.学生回答问题获得的线索全部是本课一般疑问句的句型以及相应回答。学生在阅读线索时是提升阅读理解的过程。学生得知嫌疑人是老师的时候非常激动,有人会困惑一开始一直猜动物,在这个时候简单提出人类和动物同在一个地球,让学生产生更多反思。Home-workCreate(创作) a story about the suspect and you. 作业需要学生以课堂所学为依托创作作文,并且需要用到第三人称句型,复习和延伸了课堂的教学内容Black-board design Unit 3 Animals Team1 2 3 4 Is it ? color size name Has it got? leg head Animal Can it ? moving ways sing speak Does it ? live food
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