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How much are these socks?Section A Grammar Focus教学设计How much are these socks? Section A Grammar Focus一、教材分析该单元的主题是shopping,单词主要是关于各种衣服、表示颜色的词以及部分表示数字的词。通过大量反复的对话练习,掌握如何询问价格、谈论衣服、提供帮助、表示感谢。学习方式涉及听说读写各个方面。通过大量的对话以及结队活动、小组活动等任务型活动,让学生在重复模仿中学会对话,进行简单的分角色表演,在完成任务中完成语言学习任务。语法部分主要是询问价格以及回答。Section A Grammar Focus)部分为一节听说复习课,复习询问以及回答的句型.二、学情分析本次授课对象是初一年级的学生,他们已经学习了部分关于衣服的名词以及数字0-10。本节课复习重难点是询问价格的特殊疑问句,学生将以语言训练的方式复习单词以及句型,让学生进一步体会购物的语言功能。三、教学目标(一)知识与技能1. 复习关于衣服的词汇:socks、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、trousers、shoes、jacket、skirt2. 熟练掌握句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars.(二)过程与方法1. 小组活动讨论衣价相关句型。(三)情感态度与价值观1. 培养学生在购物方面对价格的感知,并在日常生活中合理使用Money。四、教学过程(一)问候以及歌曲热身(2分钟)以歌曲“Who is wearing yellow today? ”引入本节课课题并出示学习目标。(二) 讲授(18分钟)1. T: Boys and girls, welcome to my new clothes store again.Have you remembered the clothes in my store? Now lets have a look !(1).Review the new words about clothes.A: Whats this ? Its a .B: What are these ? They are .(2). A song Who is wearing a T-shirt today? Who is wearing a T-shirt today? A T-shirt today A T-shirt today I am wearing a T-shirt today , a T-shirt today.Who is wearing a skirt today? .2. Look and say.(1) How much is the black T_shirt? Its 4 dollars.How much are these red trousers?Theyre 7 dollars.(2) How much is the yellow T_shirt? Its 3 dollars. How much are these black trousers? Theyre 7 dollars.3. Now lets go to 3a. There are 3 boxes. Now please read these words by yourself.(1) How to choose the this that these and those ?(2) Practice . Make sentences.4. Pair-work. Look at the pictures.(1) Write the questions and answers.(2) Make conversations with your partners. (3) Read these sentences . 四、课堂总结(2分钟)What have we learned this lesson?Encourage the students to summary by themselves.六、作业布置(1分钟)1. Make a conversation about shopping.七、板书设计 My clothes store How much is the hat? Its 6 dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre 8 dollars
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