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英文版邀请函模板 英文版邀请函推荐 英文版邀请函模板 英文版邀请函推荐 邀请函是一种信件,你知道英文版邀请函是怎样写吗?下面为大家带来一些英文版邀请函,希望对你有所帮助! 英文版邀请函篇一 September 10, 20XX Wenhao Cui 5540 Parker Street,Burnaby, BC, V5B 1Z7 RE:Invitation Letter for Wenqi Cui Dear Sir/Madam: I, Wenhao Cui(Passport No. :xxx), would like to invite my sister, Wenqi Cui(Passport No. :xxx)to Canada to stay with me for about ten days starting from October 22. As my whole family (my wife Xuan Deng, my 4-year-old son Jiachang Cui and I) have moved to Canada under independent visa program and havent seen my parents and sister for a long time, we missed them very much. Even though we really want to come back to see them its not so easy for us to spare time. It is a pity that my parents might not be able to visit us due to their age and health situation. So, my wife Xuan and I would like to invite my dear sister to visit us. The purpose of the visit is family reunion. She will stay with us at the above address and I will be responsible for all the expenses including the round trip air 英文版邀请函篇二 To: Embassy of the United States of America Attn: Whom it may be concerned Date Dear Sirs/Madams, Im a citizen of the United State of America, and here below is my details information, Name: Date of Birth: Phone: Peter Wong MM/DD/YY XXXXXX Sex: Passport No.: Address: Male XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX I would like to invite my parents to come and visit the place where I lived, as well as go some sightseeing in famous cities of United State (Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Diego and Grand Canyon etc.). Here below please find information of my parents 英文版邀请函篇三 Name Mr. XXX Mrs. XXX Date of Birth MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY Passport No. XXXXXX XXXXXX My parents will fly to Los Angeles on May 19, xxxx and leave for China on Jun 2, 20xx. During this trip, they will live in my house located in above mentioned address; and Ill cover all of their expenses and guarantee they will leave the United States within the visa authorized stay. It would be great appreciated if you could issue a temporary resident visa to my parents. Should you have any questions, please dont hesitate to let me know via phone call or email. Yours sincerely, Peter Wong
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