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译林版英语四年级(下)译林版英语四年级(下)Unit 1 Our school subjects Fun time&Cartoon timePlay a gameWarming up 云层之旅:天空中出现了神奇的云层之旅:天空中出现了神奇的“单词云单词云”,飞机飞过云层时,要大声读出单词并,飞机飞过云层时,要大声读出单词并说出其中文哦!说出其中文哦!MusicEnglishScienceChineseArtPEMathsLets reviewWhat subjects do you like?I like.I like./Me too.I like.请大声说出下列学科的名称,并用句型What subjects do you like?I like.与你的同桌进行问答。Look and sayAsk and answerPresentation What subjects do you like,Anna?I like English and Art.Lets talkI like _ and _.四人或六人一组展开活动,其中一名同学作为四人或六人一组展开活动,其中一名同学作为“小记小记者者”,用新学句型询问组员喜爱的课程,在问答的时,用新学句型询问组员喜爱的课程,在问答的时候记录下来并完成报道。候记录下来并完成报道。What subjects do you like,.?Make a reportWe have many subjects at school.I like _ and _.My friend.likes _and _.My friend.likes _ and _.Watch and judge()They have Maths and Music this morning.()They have Art and Science this afternoon.()Sam likes Art.点击播放视频Check your answer()They have Maths and Music this morning.()They have Art and Science this afternoon.()Sam likes Art.TFFWhat subject does Billy like?What subject does Sam like?Read and answer Presentation Hi,Billy.What lessons do we have this morning?Hi,Bobby.Its Monday.We have Music and Maths.I like Music.What lessons do we have this afternoon,Sam?We have PE and Science.I like PE.Its fun.Ouch!But I dont like that.What subject does Billy like?What subject does Sam like?He likes Music.He likes PE.Check your answerListen and imitateHi,Billy.What lessons do we have this morning?Hi,Bobby.Its Monday.We have Music and Maths.I like Music.What lessons do we have this afternoon,Sam?We have PE and Science.I like PE.Its fun.Ouch!But I dont like that.安静观看安静观看和倾听!和倾听!Lets playWhat lessons do we have?I like 大胆描述大胆描述和表演!和表演!/mnde/星期一星期一New wordsMondayI have Maths and English on Monday./lesn/课课New wordslessonWhat lessons do you have this morning?Art Maths English Music Science PE Chinese与与lesson的区别的区别Do you know?subject重点表示一学期的重点表示一学期的“课程课程”What do you have this term?你你这学期有哪些课程?这学期有哪些课程?lesson 重点表示每一节或某一天的重点表示每一节或某一天的“课课”What lessons do you have today?你你今天有什么课?今天有什么课?/ftnun/下午下午New wordsafternoonThey fly kites in the afternoon.Language pointsWhat lessons do we have this morning?We have Maths and Art.What lessons+do we/you have+时间时间?I/We have+课程课程名称名称.Language pointsI like English too.But I dont like Maths I like.表述表述自己自己喜欢喜欢I dont like.表述自己不喜欢什么表述自己不喜欢什么I like English.Lets sayGame time根据转盘指针的方向,表述自己根据转盘指针的方向,表述自己喜欢的课程及上课的时间。喜欢的课程及上课的时间。英语数学体育美术科学音乐语文All I likeI have Lets playPractice 一、一、选词填空选词填空。1.What_(lessons/lesson)do you have this morning?I have Maths and English.2.Nice _(to/too)see you _(to/too).3.We can draw at _(Music/Art)lessons.lessonstotooArt4.We can play basketball at_(PE/Maths)lessons.5.Its time _(for/to)Maths class.6.What _(lessons/subjects)do you like?I like Science and Chinese.PEforsubjectsSummary What lessons do we have this morning/afternoon.?We have.询问某询问某时间有什么课时间有什么课I like.喜欢的课程喜欢的课程不喜欢的课程不喜欢的课程I dont like.Homework 尝试和朋友一起表演卡通故事吧。如果你能表演续编故事,那就更棒了!
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