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七年级英语(新版)上册第7单元测试卷Class_Name_I单项选择(30分)()1. Please have aHuaxing Clothing Store!A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at()2. Shea big blue backpack.A. wantB. wantsC. takeD. helps()3. Do you need bagssports?A. atB. for. inD. on()4. The shopsweaters, pants, shoes, socks and things like that.A. buyB. sellC. buysD. sells()5. It s only 5 yuan! You can buy ita good price.A. atB. withC. inD. on()6. Whats theof the shorts? ¥30.A. numberB. priceC. colorD. year()7. We have sweaters _ all colors _ $ 5 each.A. at; inB. in; atC. in; forD. at; for()8. The blue hat is 10 yuan, and the black hat is _ 10 yuan.A. alsoB. tooC. veryD. more()9. Come to the bookstore and see for _.A. youB. yourC. yoursD. yourself()10. Can I _ you? I want to buy a pencil case.A. buyB. sellC. helpD. like()11.Do you like these blue shoes?Yes, _.A. Ill take itB. Ill take themC. I dont like themD. its 5 dollars()12. He is a collector. He has _ basketballs.A. twenty threeB. twenty-threeC. two ten threeD. twenty-first()13.Tom is a running star. He likes _ for breakfast.A. eggs, banana and broccolisB. eggs, bananas and broccoliC. egg, banana and broccoliD. egg, bananas and broccoli()14. This is a _ hat.A. small yellowB. yellow smallC. blue big D. yellow big()15._ shorts 20 dollars?A. Are theB. Are theyC. Is theD. Is that()16- _ is that case ?- Its whiteAWhatBHow muchC. WhereD. What color()17- What do you want?- I want a _.AsocksB. pantsC. appleD. hat()18. These socks are only 3 dollarsDo you want _?A. itBthemC. thatD. those()19. - _ is the chicken , please ?- Five yuan a kilo .A. How manyB. How muchC. HowD. How long()20. Are these your shoes?Yes, _.A. theyreB. they areC. these areD. therere()21. -What color is that pen?-Its _ green. Its _ green pen.A. a; aB. the; aC. /; /D. /; a()22. -Your coat is very beautiful.-_.A. ThanksB. All rightC. OKD. Youre welcome.()23. -_ is your eraser? -The red one.A. WhatB. WhichC. WhoD. Where()24. _she_clothes at the Huaxing Clothes Store?A. Is; buyB. Does;buysC. Do; buysD. Does; buy()25. The yellow shorts _ 20 yuan.A. are on sale forB. are on sales for.C. are on saleD. is on sale()26. _milk do you want?A. HowB. How manyC. How muchD. How()27. We have blue bags _ 5 dollars.A. forB. atC. inD. with()28. The price of the socks _ 8 yuan.A. doesB. doC. isD. are()29. This pair of socks _5 yuan.A. isB. areC. doD. have()30. -I want some apples.-OK._.A. Here it isB. Here you areC. Give youD. Youre welcomeIII阅读理解。(10分)It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.“What does your shop sell?” Mary asks, “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.”Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt. “How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.“Its eighty yuan.”“Thats too dear(贵). Can I find a cheap(便宜)one?”“What about the green one? It looks nice. And its only thirty yuan.”“Ok, thanks a lot.”“You are welcome.”After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.() 1. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _.A. some foodB. some drinksC. come clothesD. some school things()2. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on _.A. Saturday afternoonB. Saturday morningC. Sunday morningD. Sunday afternoon() 3. Mary buys a _ skirt.A. whiteB. greenC. redD. dear() 4. The white skirt is _.A.¥30B.¥11
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