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新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears?精品练习一、语音:找出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。( )1A. eat B. leave C. head D. clean( )2. A. smart B. card C. hard D. warm( )3. A. lazy B. relax C. panda D. Africa( ) 4. A. south B. these C. think D. throw( ) 5. A. fun B. ugly C. mushroom D. cute二、词汇:A) 根据首字母,填出正确的单词。1. Dont s_ in class. Keep awake, please.2. A g_ has a very long neck. Its a beautiful animal.3. A dolphin is very i_ because it can act as people do.4. It has an u_ face. We are afraid of it.5. The panda is very shy, so please be very q_.B) 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Our teacher is very _ ( friend) to us. We like her very much.2. He usually sleeps and _ ( relax ) 20 hours every day.3. Jim went to the Sea World and _ ( enjoy ) his day.4. The _ ( leaf ) of the trees are yellow.5. There are many _ ( kind ) of animals in the zoo.三、单项选择。1. I like pandas _ they are beautiful.A. so B. and C. because 2.I am afraid _ tigers because they are scary.A. with B. of C. for 3. You had breakfast, _?A. werent you B. wasnt you C. didnt you4. Mr Li is kind _ us. But sometimes he is kind _ serious.A. to , of B. with, to C. of , to5. My sister is very quiet. She has _ words.A. a little B. a few C. little D. few6. I got a letter _ Australia last week.A. with B. in C. from7.I like my teacher because he can talk _ us _ our friend.A. to , like B. with , likes C. to, likes8.I dont like lions because theyre _.A. strong B. shy C. unfriendly9. Most children like koala bears because they are _.A.interesting B. scary C. cute D. both A and C10. Did Sandy go to school _ last Monday?A. on B. at C. / D. for11. My little cat sleeps _ the day , but _night he begins to work.A. at , at B. on, in C. on, at D.during, at12. My watch was lost yesterday. I _ it everywhere but I didnt _ it.A. looked for, find B. found, look for C. looked for, find out D. find, look for13. I have two books. One is for you, _ is for her.A. another B. other C. the other 14. Listen! The boy _ in the room, he often _ English songs.A. sings, is singing B. is singing, singsC. sings, sings D. singing, sings15. There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa.A. a , The B. an , The C. / , An四、句型转换。1. I like elephants because they are interesting.(就划线部分提问)_ do you _ elephants?2. He usually gets up and eats leaves at night.(就划线部分提问)_ does he usually _ at night?3. My brother eats Macdonald every week. ( 用 last week 替换every week)My brother _ Macdonald _ week.4. Lets see the pandas first.( 完成反义疑问句 )Lets see the pandas first, _ _?5.I like dolphins best of all the animals.(同义转换)My _ _ is dolphins.五、把下列句子按顺序排列好,组成一段对话,把正确的序号写在前面的横线上。1. _ A. Because theyre cute.2. _B. Lets go and see the giraffes and pandas.3. _C. Why do you like pandas?4. _D. Because they are smart.5. _E. Ok., so why do you like giraffes?六、完型填空。Is He Only One Day Older than You?Joan and Alice are in Grade One. They _1_ in the same building and theyre good _2_.They go to school and come home together(一起).After _3_ they sing, play, read or do their homework in front of the building.Its Joans birthday today. Joan _4_ Alice to her party. The little girl went there at six. The party _5_ and all the people said, “Happy birthday to you , Joan!”She was very _6_. Joans parents brought some food and the children thought it was very delicious, so they _7_ much. After that they began to play in the room. They _8_ a good time there.“Werent you at home yesterday?” asked Alice.“_9_,”answered the girl. “It was my grandpas birthday and I went there with my _10_.”“What?” the little girl said in surprise(惊讶地). “Is he only one day older than you?”( )1. A. work B. live C. walk D. run( )2. A. students B. teachers C. classmates D .friends( )3. A. class B. breakfast C. school D. meeting( )4. A. asked B. let C. told D. hoped( )5. A. finished B. started C. left D. lifted( )6. A. happy B. sorry C. free D. busy( )7. A. saw B. carried C. found D. ate( )8. A. gave B. got C. had D. heard( )9. A. Yes, I was B. No, I wasnt C. Yes, we were D. No, we werent ( )10. A. doctor B. driver C. family D. cleaner七、阅读理解。A) This is my home. I live on a farm. I work here. I work seven days a week. I work five in the morning to seven at night. Many people work in a fa
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