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人教版高中英语必修二Unit 3 Computers第四课时Writing 教学设计庆阳第六中学 曹红霞I、学情分析本节课的教学对象为高一(3)班学生,大多数学生英语词汇量小,基本的英语表达能力弱,阅读和写作能力较低,这节课是本单元的第四课时-写作课。这节写作课是运用本单元前三课时所学的重点词汇、短语和句型进行与单元话题-计算机相关的写作教学。基于这样的学情,在教学中我特别强调首先让学生听懂课堂指令,有时会辅助汉语提示,逐渐地引导学生获取信息,提炼信息,运用信息,然后用学生自己所学所积累的英语知识进行写作,在此过程中形成自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言和现实生活联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,让学生自主参与课堂活动,并以小组形式和其他成员合作学习。、教材分析 这是本单元的第四课时。在这之前学生已经学过了本单元的新词汇和两篇阅读课文。本节课教材上的内容是Using Language部分的写作练习。因此基于这个单元的话题进行与学生生活息息相关的话题写作教学。本课时主要帮助学生积累与计算机相关的常用词汇,短语和句型,同时注重训练和培养学生的写作能力,。 、Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:By the end of the lesson,students will be able to1.master how to write a composition2. remember some key expressions and sentence patterns3. finish a compositionMethods and strategies:1.Develop studentswriting skills such as how to list the strucutre of a composition2.Encourage students to use what they have learned to write a compositionEmotional aims:1.Encourage students to cooperate with other students2.Stimulate studentsinterest in computers and learning about some funtions of computers.IV、 Teaching important points:1.Develop studentswriting skills such as how to list the strucutre of a compositionV、 Teaching difficult points:1.Enabe students to master how to write a compositionVI、 Teaching methods:Task-based teaching method, individual work, group discussionVII、 Teaching aids:Multimedia facility, a textbookVIII、Teaching procedures:Step 1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.S:.T: I believe today you have a good mood. Now lets review what this unit is about.S:.Step 2. BrainstormingT: What can we do on the Internet? Lethave a discussion in your group. Internet S:. T: So after talking about the Internet, we find how useful the Internet is!Step 3. Writing taskT: Now according to what we have talked about,lets write a passage about computers. Look at the writing.根据讨论以“Internet is useful”为题写一篇英语短文,包括以下内容: 随着科学技术的发展,网络在我们的日常生活中已经很普遍。它有许多的用途。 一方面它可以帮助我们学习。例如,我们不仅可以在网上查找有用的信息;还可以跟外国朋友用英语交流来提高我们的口语。 另一方面我们可以通过网络来放松自己,像下载音乐和电影,网上冲浪,在线购物,还可以给住在远方的朋友发邮件。 总之,毫无疑问网络在现代社会起着重要的作用。在网络的帮助下,生活变得丰富多彩。但我们应该正确使用网络,以致不要浪费宝贵的时间。 参考词汇:放松自己 relax oneselfStep 4. Before writing I. Structure T: Now letthink. How do we write a compositon?First, put up the topic Para 1Second, list the supporting details Para 2&3Finally, sum up the topic Para 4S:. II.Sentences and patternsT: Now what about the key sentence patterns we can use from this unit. Look at the following sentence patterns. I want some student to write them on the blackboard.随着. As+句子; With+名词名词短语一方面;另一方面 On one hand on the other hand例如,像 For example; such as; like不仅还而且: not only but also; and; besides总之 in a word; in sum; all in all但(是)以致 but; however; so thatS: .II. Useful expressionsT: After knowing the key sentence patterns, lets come to the useful expressions.Look at the following expressions. I also invite some student to write them on the blackboard.1.科学技术 science technology2.许多用途 many applications3.查找信息 search for information4.用英语交流 communicate within English5.提高口语 improve oralspoken English6.下载音乐 download music 7.网上冲浪 surf the Internet8.在线购物 do shopping on line9.发邮件 send emails10.在的帮助下 with the help of.S: .Step 5. Writing T: Now lets come to the sentences. Write the first sentence. I ask some student to write on the blackboard.1.随着科学技术的发展,网络在我们的日常生活中已经很普遍。它有许多的用途。S: .T: Now lets look at the sentences. Is there any mistake in the sentence? S: .2.一方面它可以帮助我们学习。例如,我们不仅可以在网上查找有用的信息;还可以跟外国朋友用英语交流来提高我们的口语。S: .3.另一方面我们可以通过网络来放松自己,像下载音乐和电影,网上冲浪,在线购物,还可以给住在远方的朋友发邮件。S: .4.总之,毫无疑问网络在现代社会起着重要的作用。在网络的帮助下,生活变得丰富多彩。但我们应该正确使用网络,以致不要浪费宝贵的时间。S: .Step 6. Summary T: After finishing the writing, lets summarize how to write a composition this class.how to write a compositionstructureput up the topicsum up the topicsupporting detailssentence patternsexpressionsStep 7. Homework1. Finish the writing.2. Preview Grammar on P87IX、Board DesignUnit 2 ComputersWritingTitle: Internet is usefulStructure: put up the topic Para 1the supporting details Para 2&3sum up the topic Para 4
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