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Writing part 1 同义句转换1 找出上句中在下句没有的单词2 考动词的话,注意上下句的时态一致3 每个空格中最多只能填写三个单词4 15 个考点1 最高级比较级同同级比较互换Peter studies best in Class 1.Peter studies better than any other student in Class 1Peter doesnt study as badly as any other student in Class 12 主动变被动,被动变主动Amy gives english classes every dayEnglish classes are given by Amy every day.Lisa gave me a book yesterday.A book was given to me by Lisa yesterday .3 直接引语变间接引语步骤: 1 肯否句的引导词是 that ,一疑的引导词 if/whether, 特疑的 引导词是特殊疑问词2 语序:从句必须改成陈述语序即主谓宾结构3 人称: 从句的人称跟主句人称保持单复数性别一致4 时态:主过从必过,主过从倒退,主现从不限Amy asked Peter, Where can I buy one bag like yours?Amy asked Peter whereAmy asked Peter where I can buy one bag like yours.Amy asked Peter where she could buy one bag like his.Amy asked Peter where she can buy one bag like his.Amy asked Peter, Sing a song to me, please.Amy asked Peter to sing a song to her.Amy asked Peter, Show me your ID card. 否定祈使句= not to do sth.Amy asked Peter, Do not cry. 间接引语变直接引语 解: 还原当时说话语境 一过-一现 ,过进-现进 过完-现完Amy asked Peter where she could meet him.Amy asked Peter,Where can I meet you?4 so do I 我也是Peter went to Tianjin yesterday. so did IPeter did not go to Tianjin yesterdayDid Peter go to Tianjin yesterday?Amy can swim. so can IAmy can not swim.Can Amy swim?Amy is in class 1. So am IPeter will go to Hong Kang. so will IAmy has finished her homework.Amy has not finished her homework.Has Amy finished her homework?So have ILisa was staying in shanghai. So was Iso does he他也是Amy bought a Huawei P30. So did heAmy did not buy a Huawei P30.Did Amy buy a Huawei P30Amy can speak English. So can he.Lisa will sell her bag. So will heEric也是Lisa is a teacher. so is Eric.Lisa has been a teacher for 10 years. so has Eric.Lisa ate my ice cream. So did Eric.Tom likes basketball. so does EricTom doesntlike basketballSam was sitting here. So was EricAmy plays the piano every Wednesday.so does EricLisa used to like basketball. so did Eric.A is ok. so is Eric.Mum was cooking in the kitchen. So was EricEric was not.Neither do I 我也不是Amy can not swim. neither can I .Lisa will not go to school. Neither will I.Amy would not be a doctor. Neither would IPeter has not known the answer. Neither have ITom 也不是Amy can not do her homework .Neither can Tom.Tony has not got grade A. Neither has Tom.5 现完和一过的互换I have never seen him before.This is the first time that I saw him.I met him two years agoI have known him for two years.I have known him for two years.It is two years since I met him last time.6连词when if unless (如果不)和介词during, without的互换。We can play Doudizhu if we have three people.We can not play Doudizhu unless we have three people.I will go to Australia when I am on my holiday.I will go to Australia during my holiday.I will study English well if Eric is here.I won t study English well without Eric.7 四大金花spend人+spend/spent 时间/金钱+on sth./(in )doingpay人+pay/paid 金钱+for+sth.coststh. costs/cost sb. 金钱takeIt +take/took sb. 时间 +to do sth.Amy花了一晚上的时间做PPT.8 there be句型和have的互换There are 15 students in the class.The class has 15 students.9 so 和 such 的区别主+so+形容词+that+从句主+such+a/an+形+n+that+从句Karlson is so clever that he got A+.Karlson is such a clever boy that he got A+.10动词加ed/ing转化过来的形容词ed 修饰人, ing 修饰事物The English class is so boring.I am so bored in the English class.II not.until.直至U才-lookforward toI did not do my homework until my mum came back.I am looking forward to his next book.I can not wait until he publishes his next book.我期待着上Eric的课。I can not wait until I go to/attend Erics class.12 whose =belong toWhose book is this ?Who does the book belong to?这是谁的钱?13 can 一 be able to/ could-was/were able toAmy can swimAmy is able to swimAmy could recite the poem of to be or not to beAmy was able to recite the poem of to be or not to be.14 borrow 借入 一 lend 借出Amy has borrowed 3 books from Eric.Eric has lent 3 books to Amy.Karlson 从 Eric 那借了 200 元钱。15 small- not big enoughnear to -not far fromeasy- not hard/difficult the question is easy.The question is not hard.
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