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Project Title:Discusses English attributive clause shallowly AcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to supervisor Dr. , without whose support and patience this project would not implemented.I am also grateful to my colleagues for their time spent on brainstorming.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not the least, big thanks to my parents, without whose support , I would not have self-confidence to finish this project.AbstractThe present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem that most of my students do not understand the usage of the attributive clause and use it to do some practice I assign them to do after class. It is hypothesized that learners interest in learning to practice using the attributive clause after class will be greatly increased by a better organization in this respect. This hypothesis is verified by a four-period practice of well-organised grammar activities.Methodologically, four methods are used, and they are analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire survey, and brainstorming activation.Main Headings of the Project ReportIntroduction1. Summary of the Preliminary Research Problem Problem analysis Project objective Project hypothesis Possible solutions 3. Full-scaled Implementation of the Solutions Make up groups Provide materials Ask them to practise Check their grammar work Reduce their pressure4. Attributive Clause Practice Design5. Data Analysis Students general impression of the project Students voluntariness of doing the grammar tasks after class6. Problems Unsolved7. ConclusionReferences1, Chief Editor Xia Zhenglong Dictionary set, Shanghai Dictionary Publishing house, in 1988 the version2, Wang Tong recalled chief editor, English to Chinese Dictionary set, the defense industry left arranges society, in 1987 the version3, Lu Gusun edited, English to Chinese Big Dictionary, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, in 1993 version 4, Websters Third New International Dictionary, MerriamWebster Inc, in 1988 version1. IntroductionI have been teaching the students who are in their first year of a senior middle school. In my teaching Ive found there are some problems. Now Ill finish my study in Qingyang TV University. I hope I can solve the problems that have troubled me for some time through the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice, which I learned from Qingyang TV University.2. Summary of the preliminary ResearchThis part of my study was conducted during May 1, 2007-May 15, 2007.ProblemThe problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students do not master the attributive clause I assign them to do after class.2. Problem analysisIn my teaching, the problem identified was really a serious problem. My preliminary research confirmed that there were some main reasons that accounted for students reluctance to do the attributive clause assignments out of class.Firstly, some students did not feel interested in practicing attributive clause exercises alone after class. Secondly, some students had some difficulties in doing the grammar practice, so they hoped that they could do it after class under more concrete direction of the teacher. Thirdly, most students felt over loaded because of a heavier homework assignments.The problem had been troubling me for a long time and now I was determined to find a solution to the problem. In my study, I used four methods of analysis3. Analytic methodsThrough careful analysis, I was led to a series of questions: For instance, I found a majority of my students do not like doing this assignment, and I wanted to know why is should be the case, and whether they thought it important and necessary to practise attributive clause exercises or not? If they thought it important and necessary, the problem was actually caused by my self, not by my students. Probably the Grammar work I assigned my students to do was poorly organized.Cause analysisIn this situation, I asked myself a series of questions and tried to provide some answers to them.Why did most of my students not master the attributive clause usage? In order to know more about this issue, I designed a cause exploration procedure as follows:(1)Is it because they do not like the practice? Maybe(2)Is it because the grammar tasks are poorly designed? Maybe(3)Is it because they are not motivated? Possibly yes.(4)Is it because my instructions are not clear? Maybe(5) Is it because they do not like to practise the exercises alone? Maybe(6)Is it because they have some difficulties unsolved by themselves? Yes.4. Questionnaire surveyI made a pilot investigation in this report to know more about the situation. For thi
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