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7A Unit4 Comic strip/Welcome to the unit中英组-丁忠英三维教学目标1、知识目标:( 1)、会用本课时的四会单词。Wake ,shall, hill, seldom ,out ,need ,rest, just ,activity ,homework ,usually, never ,start quarter, past, (2)、词组 wake up, go out ,have fun, get up, have lessons/ classes, go to bed have breakfast/lunch/ dinner ,do homework, be late for,do after-school activities(3)、句型 I seldom go out. I always need a good rest. Im never late for it. At a quarter past eight. 2、能力目标:(1) 介绍日常生活学习和生活的基本安排和活动。(2)对自己和他人的一天进行简单描述。3、情感目标:结合本单元的话题用一般现在时进行交流。重点、难点1、重点:介绍日常生活学习和生活的基本安排和活动。2、难点:对自己和他人的一天进行简单描述、。教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动)集体讨论记录Comic stripStep I 呈现1复习上一单元有关内容,在与学生的交流中,引入本单元话题。教师说:A, is your home far away from your school? How do you often go to school every day? What time do you often get to school every day? 鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。2 继续与学生交流,教授新知识。教师说:What time does your school day begin? It begins atIt stars atYou start our school day atSo you need to wake up very early.板书wake up和start.3利用图片,通过直观的手段,向学生呈现一日三餐等的表达法。教师首先展示图片中的时钟,对学生说:Its six oclock in the morning. W hat doesdo?Can you guess? 让学生任意给出答案。而后,教师将图片全部展示,告诉学生:has breakfast at this time.再用同样的方式呈现图片,教授have lunch和have dinner,板书have breakfast/lunch/dinner。4利用图片,继续教授新知识。教师说:Its twelve at noon. What does the old man do? He sleeps. He is tired so he needs a good rest.板书need和rest。 呈现另一幅图名教师说:Its Sunday .What do these children do? They go out to play games. They have fun, They are very happy.板书go out 和have fun. Step II 操练1为学生创设情境,用新学的知识进行对话交流,教师说:Hobo wants to know something about you. He would like to ask the questions below Please answer them(1) What time do you wake up?(2) Do you often go out to play games/have dinner/have fun?(3) Do you often have breakfast?(4) Where do you have lunch?(5) Do you always have a rest after lunch?鼓励学生根据自己的实际情况回答上述问题。 根据学生的回答, 教师可以适时呈现seldom和never,板书seldom和never. 2 鼓励学生毛遂自荐扮演Hobo的角色,向任意同学提问。 教师说:Who wants to play the role of Hobo? You can ask anyone in the classroom the question above.Step。呈现1 请学生猜测Eddie的一天的活动安排,从而介绍漫画故事背景。教师说:Do you remember our friend Eddie? What does he do every day? Can you guess? 鼓励学生用刚学过的日常生活活动回答。2 为学生播放前三幅漫画的录音,请学生介绍所听到的Eddie的活动内容。教师说:Now, lets listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and check if you are right.在此环节中呈现hill,板书hill。3 指导学生边听录音边理解第四幅图的内容。教师说:What does Hobo think of dogs like Eddie? 对有能力的学生,教师还可以提出更为开放性的问题、如:What do you think of Eddie and Hobo? 鼓励学生畅所欲言。Step IV 操练1 为学生播放录音,指导他们朗读漫画内容。2 之后安排学生分角色朗读对话,提醒学生注意语音语调,并设计符合漫画内容的面部表情和肢体语言。Step展示1让学生看漫画,进行配音活动。之后再选不同层次的几组学生进行展示。 2 对用能力的学生可以让他们尝试根据漫画内容,完成短文的练习。教师说:Here is Hobos diary. Please help him complete it.It is sunny today .I would like to go I like sports and I always go walking in the .But my friends Eddie is lazy .He does sports. He wakes up very late. And then he wants to have . After it, he sleeps again. When he finishes his lunch, he says he a good once more.Oh, my God! His life is eating and sleeping. I think some dogs dont know how to have .(walking, hills, seldom, breakfast, needs, rest, just) Welcome to the unit.Step I 呈现1 延续前一板块的话题,与学生进行交流,呈现新知识。教师说:Do you want to be lazy like Eddie? What time do you wake up every morning? What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner every day?鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。适时呈现 quarter ,past, get up,和be late for.2 教师继续与学生交流,呈现更多日常生活和学习活动。教师说:Eddies life is just eating and sleeping. What about you?向学生展示不同的时间,教师说:Look! What time is it? What do you do at this time every day? What do you do after breakfast?鼓励学生根据实际情况的发言的同时呈现新知识have lessons/have classes, do after-school activities, do homework, go to bed 等,板书activities, after-school, homework, have lessons/have classes , do after-school activities, do homework和go to bedStep II 操练1 指导学生阅读课本A 部分中Millie一天的作息,进一步掌握日常活动的表达。教师说:LO2 与学生一起看图交流 。教师说: Look at the table of Millies day. Please answer my questions.(1) What time does Millie get up?(2) What does Millie do at 7:00 a. m every day?(3) I would like to go to school with Millie. What time can I meet her at her gate?(4) What does she do at 8:00 a.m.?(5) How many hours does Millie have lessons every day?(6) Does she go home at 4:00 p.m ? What does she do ?(7) What does she do after dinner?(8) What time does she go to bed?学生根据Milllie的作息表回答问题。允许他们用短语的方式回答,对有能力的学生可用完整的句子回答。2 给学生几个时间并写在黑板上,鼓励他们根据实际情况介绍自己的活动。教师说:Look at the times on the blackboard. Please tell me your activities at these times.6:30 a.m 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 11: 50a.m4:30 p.m 6:00 p.m 8:00 p.m 9:00 p.m 教师可以先介绍自己的作息,再指导学生用I at 的句式造句。Step III 呈现1向学生介绍课本B部分对话的情境,引导学生听录音并理解对话,教师说:Millie is busy every day. Now , she is telling her aunt about her school life.。Lets listen to their conversation and answer my question: Is Millie often late for school?为学生播放录音,鼓励他们听录音并回答:She is never late for school.2教师继续与学生交流,呈现更多
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