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练习5个另类的助眠方法:居然这样也能睡着(双语)If youre having trouble sleeping, Id like to offer you some unique tips you wont find in many placeso如果你正受着失眠的困扰,我会给你一些独特的建议,而且这些建议很不常见。I know that when Im tossing and turning at night, unable to slide into a deep and comfy slumber, it sometimes feels like I/ve completely forgotten how to drift off。我知道当我在夜晚辗转难眠的时候,我就无法进入深度舒适的睡眠状态,有时候感觉自 己完全忘了我是如何迷迷糊糊睡去的。This is when Im forced to get creative with my sleep tactics because the standard online recommendations for sleep usually dont work for me。这就是我不得不寻找一些有助唾眠的法子的时候了,因为普通的在线建议对于我来说都 没多大用处。So if you/ve also tried the common tips for insomnia and you still cant sleep, one of these unique suggestions just might work:所以,如果你也尝试过多种常见的改善失眠的方法,但仍然无法入睡,那么下面这些特 别的小方法也许能奏效。lo Picture a place in the world that fascinates you and fly over it like a superhero who is in total contrololo想象一个让你着迷的场景,然后幻想自己像个超级英雄一样翱翔,但你是完全受控 的。Use your minds eye to fly like Supergirl or Superman over any location in the worldo Witness people of another culture doing whatever you think they would do during a normal day or whatever comes to mindo You are totally safe from above。Be fascinated by your power to fly。 Know that you/re in total control o利用自己心灵的眼睛去飞翔,就像女超人一样,随处飞翔到世界上的任何角落。见证别 的文化的人们当下的活动,就像你想象他们在平常会做的事情或你想到的一样。这些想象对 你完全无害。投入到自己的飞翔力量中。但也要了解到自己是完全受控的。Observe a familiar place or an exotic locationo Just make sure you choose a comforting scene associated with curiosity, simple pleasures or calm。观察一个熟悉的地方或者异域的空间。只需要确保自己选择一个舒适的场景,感受好奇 心、简单的快乐与安宁。Stay away from places that remind you of pain or conflicto Keep visualizing until you tire out。 Allow yourself to see boring sites as well or witness the everyday humdrum of life。 It just might help you to drift off into sleep lando远离那些让你感到痛苦和挣扎的场景。在想象力枯竭之前不断地想象。允许自己去有查 看沉闷的场景,或者日常单调的生活。这样做也许能帮助你很快降落到睡眠之地。2o Picture yourself interacting with your favorite characters in a movie, book or TV showo2o想象自己与最喜爱的电影明星、作家或电视明星互动。Thats righto Go ahead and allow yourself to live along side of the larger-than-life characterso You/ve probably become so familiar with them that its like visiting old friends, which can have a calming effecto Make up a story in mind and interact with these characterso Act like the scenery is real lifeo Believe it or not, Game of Thrones characters work for me。 Maybe its the amazing scenery and the depth of the characters who Ive grown to care for。没错。尽情幻想着有传奇色彩的那些人们。你可能变得与他们非常亲近,就像探访老朋 友一样,这样能到达宁神的效果。在心里编一个故事,与偶像们互动。表现得就像这个场景 就是真实生活的场景。无论你是否相信,我常常想象权力的游戏里的演员,都非常有效。也许这是很令人难以置信的场景,而且我对这些演员的了解更深入了。3o Count by 7s, 8s, 9s or any number whose multiples you havent memorizedo3。数着与7, 8, 9相关的数字或其他你记不住的倍数。This exercise is aimed at tiring out your mindo Initially, it might wake you up a bit as you access your brainpower to figure out the multipleso Count to 200 or some number that challenges your mindo Repeat if you wanto这个练习的目的在于把你的精力消耗尽。一开始,可能会让你有点清醒,因为你需要激 发脑动力去想那些倍数。当你数到了 200或更大的数字的时候就会挑战你的精力。如果有必 要,那就反复练习吧。The goal here is really to take your mind off of anything troubling and focus on a menial and boring tasko If you have a favorite multiple to count by, go for ito If you can/t sleep with after trying one counting method, switch to another。 Try to bore yourself with it。最终目的在于真的把你的注意力转移到别的无关痛痒的事情,然后专注于一项微缺乏道 且乏味的任务。如果你有一个自己喜好的倍数,那就试试吧。如果你尝试一种方法后仍然无 法入睡,那就改变另外一种。尽量让自己感到困乏。4o Pretend to snore。4o假装打鼾。Please apologize in advance to anyone who may be occupying the bed with you。 Make a light snoring noise as though you/re in a deep sleep。 This will promote deep breathingo Focus on taking giant breaths, but dont make the breaths unnaturalo在采取这一步之前,请提前向那位与你同床共枕的朋友致歉。轻轻地发出打鼾的声音, 假装自己已经进入深度睡眠。这样能够促进深呼吸。专注进行幅度大的呼吸,但不要让你的 呼吸变得不正常。Just imagine how youd be breathing if you were really sleepingo Do this for as long as it takes to reach a greater level of relaxationo If youre saying to yourself, u cant sleep, trick yourself into thinking the opposite by pretending to be sleepy。 Try saying, “Wow, Im getting so sleepy0 Keep imagining yourself falling asleepo Then snore away。想象一下自己真的睡着了,呼吸的状况是怎样的。尽可能保持这种呼吸方法,以保证得 到最大的放松。如果你对自己说:我睡不着,那就欺骗自己,假装很困乏。然后这么说: 哇,我真的越来越困了。然后一直想象自己即将进入睡眠状态。然后开始打鼾。5o Get out of bed and make a to-do list on paper if you cant stop thinking abouttomorrows taskso5o如果你一直想着明天的任务,那就跳下床去写一份待办事项清单吧。Divide a piece of paper in half and make two lists: one of urgent tasks and another of important taskso Number what you believe needs to be done first, second, third, fourth, etCo把一张纸条一分为二,分为两个列表:一个写下紧急任务,另外一个写下重要任务。给 那些需要完成的标注,第一件事情,然后第二件,第三件,第三件等等。Designate an easily achievable task as #1 to get your productivity engine up and runningo Then move to the more challenging taskso An optional second step is to visualize yourself doing each of these tasks successfully。有意把容易完成的任务列为第一件,这样就能激发创造力和持续性。然后再到更具挑战 性的任务。有另外一个选择,便是想象自己完成每一件任务都非常成功。Then get back in bed and don/t be surprised if you find yourself ready to fall aslee
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