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语音。找出每组划线部分的读音与所给音标相同的词(8)选择划线部分的正确释义(5)( )1I hope you all have a good timeA上一堂好课 B节省时间 C过得愉快( )2Im afraid hes out at the momentA现在他外出了B他就站在外面 C一会儿他就要外出( )3By thy way, where are you going now?A在路的旁边 B顺便说一下 为你指路( )4We wont leave before nineA我们立刻动身 B九点以前我们必须走C九点以前我们不走( )5At the head of the queue was an old womanA作为这个队列的领导 B在队列最前面C在队列末尾从B栏中找出A栏各句的答语,将其标号填在括号内(6)A( )1Hello! May I speak to Mary, please?( )2Im afraid I cant go to your birthday party( )3Thank you for asking me to have lunch with you( )4Are you free tomorrow?( )5Li Lei, this is my friend, Jim( )6May I have another cake, please?BASure ! Here you are !BIts a pleasureCIm sorry to hear thatDSpeaking !E Hello, Jim! Nice to meet youF Yes, I think so选择正确答案(20)( )1The farmers are getting ready_the next yearAfor Bin Cto Dat( )2Jim helped Li Lei _ his English last weekAin Bwith Cby at( )3The days_shorter in autumnAdo Bgets Cget Dtake( )4Your skirt is different_mineAto Bfor Cfrom Dwith( )5Im going to have a birthday party_you like to come?ACould BMay CCan DWould( )6Hello! May I_to Wei Jing, please?Atalk Bsay Ctell Dspeak( )7Would you like_more milk?Amuch Bsome Cmany Da few( )8You want to get your book back,_?Adont Bdo you Carent Dare you( )9Turn_the radio, please, I want to listen to the weather reportAin Bon Cto Dat( )10I cant leave_sixAwhen Bfrom Cbefore Dto( )11_bad weather!AWhat a BHow a CHow DWhat( ) 2In the USA, people eat a lot of beefSo_weAare Bdoes Cdo Dand( )13A:In England, people eat fish and chipsB:Oh, we_ We eat a lot of chickenAdont Beat not Chavent Darent( )14Id like a cup of tea_nothing_itAwith, on Bhave, in Chas, in Dwith, in( )15Which is_food in the USA?Athe most popular Bmore popularCthe popularest Dpopular( )16Lets give him_to eatAdifferent something Bsomething differentCdifferent anything Danything different( )17I often help my mother _the washingAdoes Bdo Cdid Dis doing( )18There are only three cups here We need one_Amore Bmost Canother Dother( )19I need_some shoppingAdoes Bdo Cam doing Dto do( ) 0 Uncle Wang worked _Acareful Bcarefully Cbe careful Dcare连词成句(5)1 farmers, help, needed, the, apple, the, with, harvest_2the, best, is, of, spring, the, year, season_3like, Australia, weather, is, what, in, the?_4I, a, can, take, message?_5only, it, to, will, ten, there, take, walk, minutes_补全对话(每空一词)(8)(1) A:Can I_you?B:Yes, please, I want to buy a sweaterA:What_do you want?B:Id like a red oneA:Sorry We dont have red sweaters, but we have blue ones and yellow onesB:All right Id like to have a yellow oneA:Here you_!B :How_is it?A:Thirty yuanB:Thats cheap Here is the moneyA:Thank you(2) A:Which is your favourite_?B:I think October is the bestA:Why do you think so?B:_its very cool in October And I can have a lot of fruitA:_is your worst month?B:August Its too hot _AugustA:I think so阅读理解(8)Lucy and Lily had a good time last Sunday They got up very early After breakfast they went to a parkIn the park, they saw a lot of flowers Lucy wanted to pick one of them But Lily stopped her Then they went to the river By the river they found a small boat They got into (进入) the boat and started boating on the river Two hours later, they left the boat and began to climb the hill near the river They reached (到达) the top (頂部) at half past eleven There they had their lunch What did they have for lunch? Eggs, bread and some orangesIn the afternoon,
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