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高中课程标准实验教科书(必修)英 语 2Unit 2 Parents and Children 重庆第48中学 王琴一、 说课标 高中英语课程的任务是:使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;在进一步发展综合语言运用能力的同时,着重提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。高中英语课程还应根据学生的个性特征和发展需求,为他们提供丰富的选择机会和充分的表现空间。高中英语课程应有利于学生进一步拓宽国际视野和增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,为他们未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。高中阶段要着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别要提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力。进一步拓展国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,形成健全的情感、态度和价值观,为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。高中英语教学要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和主动实践等学习方式,形成具有高中生特点的英语学习的过程和方法。 二、 教材分析本课时是重大版高中英语必修三Unit 2 Parents and Children部分。Getting Ready部分主要是通过讨论的方式,激活学生已学过的关于人物性格的形容词,同时,接触一些新的词汇,从而扩大学生这方面的词汇量。Reading部分主要是一位男孩和一棵树的故事。通过本单元的学习,让学生了解父母对子女无私的关爱和奉献,让学生对孝顺有新的认识。同时通过任务型教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,培养学生的英语思维习惯和将所学知识应用于实践的能力。 三、 学情分析 学生已经掌握了本单元的词汇,基本了解本单元的相关学习内容,对Reading文章有一定的熟悉。基础不太好,但性格活跃、善于表现、乐于参与同伴互助活动。学生初步掌握了自主合作的方法和具有一定的英语基础知识,也具备一定的探究能力。但阅读技能方面还比较欠缺。四、 教学目标一、知识目标:1) Learn some new words: shad, shelter ,sail, grow up, feel like, go sailing, go by, endless, chop off, since then, 2) 能识别-ing分词的各类用途;二、能力目标:1)能通过略读了解段落大意。2) 能通过跳读,筛选所需要的重要信息。3)能根据上下文、图片猜测词义。三、情感目标1)懂得父母对子女无私的爱,不求回报,子女应该给予回应;有一颗感恩的心。2)培养学生合作探究的学习精神。五、 教学重难点重点(Important points ):Develop the students reading ability and reading skills (skimming and scanning) and help them master the useful expressions.难点(Difficult points):Finish different tasks by using different reading skills (skimming and scanning)六、 教学媒体PPT课件 图片 视频七、 教法学法情景创设法 交际法 合作探究法 师生互动法八、 教学过程Step 1 Getting ReadyStep 2 ReadingStep 3 Post-readingStep 4 ConsolidationStep 5 Discuss and Homework九、 教学过程Step 1 Getting Ready Work in pairs. Talk about the relationship between you and your parents. Use some adjectives to describe your parents.Answer:respectful, patient, kind, responsible, warm-hearted, understanding, open-minded,hard-working, humorous, caring, honest,设计意图,复习已学过的相关人物性格的形容词。引导学生了解父母与子女之间是和谐而美好的关系。Step 2 Reading1, Skimming Read the text quickly to decide which of the following sentences best summarizes the main idea of the text. In this story, the writer means to tell us that _. A. Children can never really understand how much their parents love them until they themselves become parents.B. Parental love is always selfless, endless and unconditional.C. childrens love in return for their parents love is far from enough.Answer: B设计意图:1)培养学生整体感知课文的能力和归纳段落大意的能力。2)培养学生对阅读技Skimming的运用能力。3)通过Skimming的运用,让学生了解文章的主要信息,把握文章的脉络,为下一步阅读作好准备。2,Scanning Read the text carefully and complete the table below.whenWhat the boy needed/didWhat the tree felt and offeredAs time went bygrow up, wanted money to buy toys/ picked and sold all the apples, left happilygave all his apples and felt sadA long time agoloved to play around the treeloved to play with himOne dayreturned, needed a house for shelter, cut off the branches, left happilychopped off his branches and felt lonely and sadOne hot summer dayReturned, asked for a boat, cut the tree trunkgave his trunk to built a boat, delightedFinallyreturned, sat down on the stump of the tree, restedglad and smiled with tears设计意图:1)训练学生通过寻读快速找到特定的信息的能力。2)通过分组活动激发学生主动参与英语活动的兴趣,培养学生互帮互助的团队合作精神和解决问题的能力。3)用填空的方式可以降低难度,提高学生的自信心。3,Close readingRead carefully again and decide the following statements are true or false.1. When the boy asked for money to buy toys, the tree gave him some.2. When the boy didnt come back for a long time, the tree was unhappy.3. The boy chopped all the branches off the tree to make a boat to go sailing.4. When the tree had nothing to give to, the boy didnt show up any more.5. The story tells us that children should give more time and love to parents.Answer:FTFFT设计意图:通过对错题,使学生对课文有一个整体的回顾,进一步对文章细节进行巩固。提升阅读水平。Step 3 Post-ReadingArrange the pictures in correct order according to your understanding of the text.Answer:C D A E BFind some key words expressions in the text to match with the pictures. Picture A: house, chop off branches, lonelyPicture B: tree stump, to have a rest, smile with tearsPicture C: huge, climb, play with, take a nap, happyPicture D: teenager, pick, sell, sadPicture E: relax, trunk, boat, sail away, show up设计意图:找关键词和短语,帮助学生更好地回顾文章,为习作训练打下基础。Step 4 Consolidation Retell story.This is a story about an apple tree and a 1._. When the child was young, they had a close 2._, playing together, happily. Time went by, the boy was growing up, he needed more. In order to make the boy happy, the tree gave the boy its 3._ and helped him get the toys that he wanted. To build the house for his own family, the boy cut all the trees 4._. When the boy became very tired and wanted to 5._, the tree gave him its 6._ to make a boat, which the boy used to sail. Finally, when the boy became older, the apple
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