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1. be recognized as(regardas) 被认作2. such aan adj 名词3. so adj aan 名词4. give a talklecturespeech on5. date back6. date from追溯至开始7. look over仔细检查,向上看8. provide sb with sthprovide sth for sb 9. share sth with sb10. at the expense of归付费11. permit doingto do允许做某事12. clean up整理,打扫13. subject to从属于,服从14. whether A or B无论A还是B15. be referred to被提及,涉及16. go into effect立即生效,执行17. what if要是怎么样18. stretch up伸展19. be similar to和相似20. instead of取而代之,而不是21. rather than 而不是22. focus on聚焦在上23. go up上升,上涨24. be divided into被分成几个部分25. in doubt怀疑,不能肯定26. get rid of处理,解决27. be considerate with对考虑周到的28. be addicted to 对上瘾的29. on show 展出30. lead up to 导致,作为的准备31. be crowded with 挤满32. littleno more than 仅仅,只不过33. fight back 回击,抵抗34. head for 前往35. consist ofbe made up ofbe composed of 由组成36. come over 过来,到访37. be marked by 以为特点38. day off休息日,放假日39. link A to B A和B连接起来40. be different fromdiffer from41. pay for 为支付42. throw a party 开舞会,举行宴会43. submit to 上交,呈递,服从,屈服44. be emailed to 被寄到45. placeput aan adj value on46. look at 考虑,着眼于47. figure out计算出,解决48. take on承担,呈现,雇佣,穿上49. take up 占据,拿起,接纳,从事50. take in 吸收,理解,欺骗51. take over 接管52. take off 起飞,脱下53. be of 名词54. free from 免于,解放,使摆脱55. be related to和有关56. in front of在前面(内)57. in the front of在前面(外)58. in other way around倒过来,相反方向59. be condemned to被判刑60. on ones own 独自61. be involved in被卷入,涉及62. when it comes to 当提及,当谈到63. seek to追求,争取64. appeal to 呼吁,上诉,吸引65. how to deal withwhat to do with怎样处理66. be supposed to应该做某事67. be located inonto位于(里|接壤|隔开)68. be committed to致力于,委身于,以为己任69. be qualified for胜任70. sign up签约参加71. round tripto and from往返72. be down to 是的责任73. be envious of对嫉妒74. go through参加,经历,仔细检查75. drop off下车,睡觉,减少76. aim to doaim at doing77. be expected to有望,被期待78. make contributions to对做贡献79. contribute to有助于,捐献,促成80. in part部分的,在某种程度上81. spend 时间金钱in doingon sth82. die out 灭绝83. make anevery effort to do竭尽全力做某事84. make efforts to85. thanks to幸亏、由于86. be diagnosed with被诊断出87. search forlook forhunt for寻找88. mean to do有意做,打算做89. mean doing意味着90. refer to指的是91. attach to依附,附属92. correspond with符合,一致,与通信93. belong to94. have a lot of control over95. apply to 应用,适用96. apply for申请97. be busy doing sthbe busy with sth98. be occupied in doing sthwith sth忙于某事99. pass by经过,走过,逝去100. glare at怒视101. stare at凝视,盯102. glance at浏览,看一下103. out of a desire出于一种渴望104. admit to 承认,许可进入105. getbe sucked into卷入106. go in for参加,从事,追求,赞成107. a set of一套,一组,一副108. fail to do不能够做某事109. concentrate on110. refuse to do111. be based on112. benefit from从中受益113. get over康复,克服114. dream aboutof doing115. beget tired of对厌烦的116. check out检验,结账离开117. check in报到,到达并登记118. make a decision119. be proud oftake pride in120. hold back 隐瞒,抑制,阻止121. come across122. show upturn up出现,到场123. be angry with sb124. turnchange into125. charge sb with doingaccuse sb of doing126. take charge of 管理127. be in charge of128. take the charge of 由管理129. be in the charge of130. charge sbsth for sth因某物向某人索要支付131. take away132. have access to使用,接近,可以利用133. do harm tobe harmful to134. distinguish A from B区分A和B135. wander over漫步136. intend to do想要做137. set out to do138. set about doing139. be responsible fortake responsibility for140. pick up习得,捡起,去接某人141. be used to doing142. be accustomed to doing习惯于某事143. be concerned about144. in vain徒劳的,无效的145. not a bit 一点也不146. do away with废除,去掉,弄死147. come into being形成148. get alongon well with和想出的好的149. be classified as分类150. call on 访问,拜访,号召,请求151. pass off停止,完成,忽视152. run after追逐,追赶153. show off炫耀154. take action采取行动155. on a large scale从很大程度上156. prohibitstoppreventfrom阻止做某事157. apart from 除了158. make it成功159. devoteto投入,奉献160. distributeto分配到161. out of work失业162. work out体育锻炼,解决,算出,制定163. be designed to目的是,设计被用于做164. sign up for注册,报名参加165. in place oftake the place of取代166. in place在恰当位置,合适167. comment on 对评论168. campaign for169. campaign withagainst与作战170. be suitable for对合适的171. be qualified for胜任172. considering考虑到,就而论173. succeed in doing174. serve as充当,担任,起作用175. hang out挂出,闲逛176. miss out on错过机会,错失177. take sth for granted认为理所当然178. on demand即期179. far from远不止,远离180. remove from移除,除掉181. go on with继续进行182. end up doing以结束183. expose to暴露,揭露,显示184. seethe with因激动,沸腾185. in a deep coma深度昏迷186. give birth to生产(小孩),产生187. watch out for当心188. get away with侥幸逃脱189. call for要求,呼吁190. getbe lost in迷失191. figure out解决,计算,理解192. be based onupon193. in despair 处于绝望中194. work on从事,干195. have an effect on196. play a role in197. flood someplace with sth挤满,充满198. keep track of记录199. make requests for200. be intended to 打算,意图是
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