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SI VESAVideo Electronics Standards AssociaiionDisplayPort Panel Conn ectorPho ne: 408-957-9270Fax: 408-957-9277860 Hillview Court, Suite 150 Milpitas, California 95035VESA DisplayPort Pan el Co nn ector Sta ndardVersio n 1Jan uary 5, 2007PurposeThis specificati on shall serve as an alter native panel conn ector for various VESA panel sta ndards. It defi nes the requireme nts for a sta ndard DisplayPort conn ector for use in any sta ndard panel that uses a 30-pi n LVDS conn ectorSummaryThis sta ndard specifies conn ector mecha ni cal dime nsions as well as sig nal and data mapp ing for this conn ector.Table of ContentsPreface3Acknowledgements4.1. Overview5.1.1 Summary52. DisplayPort Panel Labeling Requirement5.3. Referencing Other VESA Standards6.4. DisplayPort Panel Connector6.4.1 DisplayPort Panel Receptacle Connector 84.2 DisplayPort Panel Mating Plug Connector 9TablesTable 1: Reference Documents 3Table 4-1: DisplayPort Panel Connector Pin Assignment 7Table 4-2: Panel Side Connector Electrical Requirements 10Table 4-3: DisplayPort Panel Connector Electrical Properties 10Table 4-4: DisplayPort Panel Connector Environmental Requirements 11FiguresFigure 2-1: VESA DisplayPort Panel Showing Warning Label Affixed Near Connector 5Figure 2-2: Example of a DisplayPort Label 5Figure 4-1: Panel PCB Mount Receptacle 8Figure 4-2: PCB Mount Connector Recommended Footprint Layout 8Figure 4-3: DisplayPort Panel Plug Connector 9Figure 4-4: Plug and Receptacle Shown Mated 9PrefaceIn tellectual PropertyCopyright ? 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Video Electronics Standards Association. All rights reserved.While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this standard, the Video Electronics Standards Association and its contributors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, and make no warranties, expressed or implied, of functionality or suitability for any purpose.TrademarksAll trademarks used within this docume nt are the property of their respective own ers. VESA is a registered trademark of the Video Electro nics Stan dards Associati on.Pate ntsVESA draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that compliance with this specification may involve the use of a pate nt or other in tellectual property right (collectively, IPR ” ) concerning pate nts giv“n in JAEdportPa nICon ExC.pdf (available from the VESA website, www.vesa.org). VESA takes no positi on concerning the evidence, validity, and scope of this IPR.The following holders of this IPR have assured VESA that they are willing to license the IPR on RAND terms. The statement of the holder of this IPR is registered with VESA.JAE142 Techno logy Drive, #100Irvine, CA 92618Pho ne: 949-753-2600Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this VESA Specification may be the subject of IPR other than those identified above. VESA shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such IPR, and has made no inquiry into the possible existe nce of any such IPR.THIS SPECIFICATION IS BEING OFFERED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, AND IN PARTICULAR, ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. ANY IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS SPECIFICATION SHALL BE MADE ENTIRELY AT THE IMPLEMENTER S OWN RISK, AND NEITHER VESA, NOR ANY OF ITS MEMBERS OR SUBMITTERS, SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER TO ANY IMPLEMENTER OR THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING FROM THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS SPECIFICATION .Other Docume nts Refere needNote: Vers ions ide ntified here are curre nt, but users of this sta ndard are advised to en sure they have the latest versi ons of referenced sta ndards and docume nts.Table 1: Refere nce Docume ntsSource NameVersion / DateVESAVESA DisplayPort Sta ndardVersio n 1.0 - May 2006SupportClarifications and application notes to support this standard may be written. To obtain the latest standard and any support docume ntati on, con tact VESA.If you have a product which in corporates any varia nt of DisplayPort, you should ask the compa ny that manufactured your product for assistanee. If you are a manufacturer, VESA can assist you with any clarification you may require. All comments or reported errors should be submitted in writing to VESA using one of the follow ing methods.Fax:408-957 9277, direct this note to Tech nical Support at VESAEmail: supportvesa.orgMail: Tech ni cal SupportVideo Electr onics Stan dards Associati on860 Hillview Court, Suite 150Milpitas, CA 95035Ack no wledgeme ntsThis docume nt would n ot have bee n possible without the efforts of the VESA Display Device Stan dards Committee s Mon itor Pan els Task Group. In particular, the followi ng in dividuals and their compa nies contributed significant time and knowledge to this standard document.Table 1 Main Con tributorsJohn Huang
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