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2012版PEP小学三年级英语上册单元检测(期中)Listening Part(听力部分)I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II. Listen and choose(听一听,选择与之相对应的图片.在正确的图片下画“”)1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and judge(听一听,判断与图片内容是否相符)1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. 7. 8. 9.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and choose(听一听,选择首字母)1. 2. 3. 4. a i h g g f f d5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e a k d c d b d m a V. Listen and choose (听一听,选择你听到的单词)( ) 1. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil-box( ) 2. A. eraser B. ear C. eye( ) 3. A. book B. blue C. body( ) 4. A. blue B. brown C. black( ) 5. A. head B. hand C. leg ( ) 6. A. face B. foot C. bookVI. Listen and colour.(听音,涂色)Writing PartVI. Read and number (将单词的序号填入相应图片下面的括号中)A. head B. yellow C. ruler D. nose E. orangeF. pencil-box G. green H. foot I. mouth J. bag ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )VII. Read and choose(读一读,圈出每组中不同类的单词)1. book bag body2. black mouth white3. hand ruler eraser4. yellow orange foot5. leg bag armVIII. Read, line and write(放学了,字母宝宝们应该排队回家呢?请你给他们重新排排队,并在四线格中写出相应的大小写形式) 附:听力材料:I. Listen and number(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序)1. Mr Jones, this is Miss Green. - Good morning, Miss Grenn. - Good morning.2. Hello! Im Liu Xin. - Hi. Im John.3. Good bye! - Bye, Miss White.4. Lets make a puppet! -Great!5. -Hello! Im Chen Jie. Whats your name? -My name is Sarah.6. Good morning! -Good morning!7. Good morning! Mr Jones. -Good morning! Miss White.8. Lets go to school. -OK!9. Dad, this is Mr Jones.10. Dad, this is Wu Yifan.II. Listen and choose. (听一听,选择与之相对应的图片.在正确的图片下画“”)1. I have a book. 2. I see a pencil.3. This is a eraser. 4. Look at my nose.5. This is my hand. 6. This is my arm.III. Listen and judge. (听一听,判断与图片内容是否相符)1. Touch your ear.2. Touch your face.3. Touch your head.4. Stamp your foot.5. Show me your ruler.6. Carry your bag.7. Orange, orange, sit down.8. Brown, brown, turn around.9. White, white, touch the ground.IV. Listen and choose(听一听,选择首字母)1. ice-cream. 2. hand 3. gift 4. foot 5. elephant 6. duck 7. cat 8. book 9. antV. Listen and choose (听一听,选择你听到的单词)1. I have a pencil.2. Look at my eraser.3. This is my body.4. I see blue.5. This is my leg6. I see a foot.VI. Listen and colour.(听音,涂色)A, B, red. Colour the letters A B red.C, D, yellow. Colour the letters C D yellow.E, F, green. Colour the letters E F green.G , H , black. Colour the letters G H black.I, J , blue. Colour the letters I J blue.K, L , orange. Colour the letters orange.M, N , brown. Colour the letters brown.
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