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仁爱版九年级英语 Unit5 Topic3Unit5 Topic3.根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. Do you know who i_ printing?2. Tea is drunk by the l_ number of people all over the world. 3. People can pronounce the word d_ in this part of the country.4. Jim p_ me to keep secrets just now.5. Yellow is a s_ of imperial power.6. They fought a_ the enemy in the battle.7. We are never too old to c_ our mistakes8. Many d _ were made with the help of the compass.9. Im very t_ .So Id like some water.10. He was d_ by the boss because he is too lazy.句型装换1. My cousin can play chess better than I. (同义句)I cant play chess _ _ _ My cousin2. Both my father and my mother work very hard every day. (同义句) _ _ my father _ _ my mother _ very hard every day .3. In order to remember the great final battle, people invented Chinese chess.(同义句) People invented Chinese chess _ _ _ the great final battle .4. Internet is very useful in our daily life. (同义句) Internet _ _ _ _ in our daily life.5. One of the two girls likes playing chess. (同义句) _ this girl_ that girl_ playing chess. .改错1. At first, gunpowder was used to making fireworks.2. Jack showed me round his hometown last week.3. My English teacher encouraged me try again.4. Could you please not to smoke here?5. A king named Yao sent up a wooden column outside his palace in ancient China.6. The man who like playing chess is my uncle.7. Before compass invented, sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction.8. Im always the first one finish my homework.9. What are those animals that is carved on the stones?10. Two hours are enough for me to finish the homework.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Why most of the buildings have yellow _(roof)?2. Hellen, together with her friends, _(have) gone abroad.3. The writer and speaker _ (give) a speech now.4. Mr. Black _(dismiss)because of his carelessness in the work.5. Either Jack or I _ (be) wrong. 6. The lecture hall is _ (crowd) with students.7. My father promised _ (buy) a computer for me.8. _ (north) people are used to _(eat) food _(make) of flour.9. _ (be) either you or I good at English?10. Tea _ (bring) to the West in the 1960s.单项选择( ) 1. Neither he nor I _ from England. A. are B. is C. am D. comes ( ) 2. Which do you prefer, soda or coffee? I like _ of them. Tea is my favorite. A.both B.either C.neither D.none( ) 3. I often see Li Lei _ computer games after class.A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( ) 4. Not only the students but also the teacher _ in the classroom, that is to say, the students as well as the teacher _ in the classroom.A.are; are B.is; is C.is; are D.are; is ( ) 5. _ you father _ your mother are doctors. A. Either; or B. Both; andC. Neither; norD. Not only; but also( ) 6. Whats this stone column _ dragons _ it? A. with; on B. with; in C.of; at D.for; on ( ) 7. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _ , Ill stay at home.A.will rain; rains B. rains; will rain C. will rain; will rain D. rains; rains( ) 8. There are many trees on _ side of the street. A.either B. neither C.both D. all ( ) 9. Whether we go to the park tomorrow _ the weather. A.pays for B.depends on C.agrees with D.puts up ( ) 10.We should try our best to _ global warming. A.fight against B.play against C. call for D.call on 参考答案.1.invented 2.largest 3.differently 4.promised 5.symbol 6.against 7.correct 8.discoveries 9.thirsty 10.dismissed .1.as/so well as 2.Not only; but also; works 3. in memory of 4. plays an important part 5. Either; or; likes .1.tofor或makingmake 2.roundaround 3. tryto try 4.to smokesmoke 5. sentset 6.likelikes 7. inventedwas invented 8. finishto finish 9.isare 10.areis.1.roofs 2.has 3.is giving 4.was dismissed 5.am 6.crowded 7.to buy 8.Northern; eating; made 9.Are 10.was brought. 1-5 CCACB 6-10 AAABA 5
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