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IT互联网企业技术人才流失问题探讨4500字 本篇论文目录导航: IT互联网企业技术人才流失问题探讨导致IT企业技术员流失的原因研究导论IT互联网技术人才范围的界定和技术人才的特点人才流失相关理论研究IT技术人才流失研究总体设计IT互联网公司人才流失调查结果分析IT互联网企业技术人才流失对策研究IT互联网企业人才流失治理研究结论与参考文献 摘 要 在当下知识经济时期,人才成为企业生存和成长的一种重要资源,企业对人才的重视程度越来越高,人才甄选招募、人才培养、人才储备逐渐纳入了企业人力资源战略,甚至上升为企业战略。这对于 IT 互联网企业来说,技术人才的争夺更是如此。随着企业之间人才争夺的加剧,人才流动已经成为当下的一种普遍现象。从企业角度来看,人才流动可以及时给企业注入新的血液、淘汰不合格以及不认可企业雇主品牌文化的员工,在建设高素质人才队伍方面有着积极作用。但是过度的人才流动-人才流失,则必定会给企业带来各种管理方面和运营方面的问题。IT 互联网企业,由于产业群高度聚集、科技含量高、创新能力强已经成为当前我国经济发展的主要动力。然而因为各种原因,IT 互联网企业当前技术才流失严重,根据前程无忧公布的2016 离职与调薪调研报告,2015 年,企业在调薪 7.6%水平上,人才整体流失率持续上升,平均离职率达到 17.7%,其中高新技术企业离职率为 19.1%,IT 互联网企业技术人才离职率继续走高,已高达 25%以上。根据美世调研机构数据显示,IT 互联网企业技术人才的主动离职率已高达23.3%,这在所有行业中是最高的,将近 40%的技术人才在进入公司不足一年的时间内就再次选择了离职。另外,传统企业也逐步开始向 IT 互联网方面转型发展,这进一步加剧了 IT 互联网企业专业技术人才供需紧张状况。2015 年,根据相关数据显示,我国一线城市,以北京、上海、深圳等大城市为例,人才离职率为 18.3%,高出当前平均离职水平 0.6 个百分点,非一线城市的离职率也已经达到 17.3%,并且从趋势上来看,一线城市和非一线城市的离职率仍然呈上升态势。过度的技术人才流失,已经给 IT 互联网企业带来了种种问题,如何预防 IT 互联网企业技术人才流失,找出技术人才流失的关键影响因素,根据影响因素找出相应的解决对策,这都是本文的研究内容。关键词:IT 互联网企业,技术人才流失,因素分析,对策研究AbstractNowadays,in the background of knowledge economy, talents have become thekey factors for the survival and development of enterprises. As for enterprises,increasing attention has been focused on talent selection, cultivation, reserve and ithas been gradually incorporated into enterprise human resource strategy andconsidered as one kind of the enterprise strategy especially for the IT enterprises.With the increasing competition of talents, the flow of talents has become a commonphenomenon nowadays. From the enterprise perspective, the talent flow can refreshthe blood of the enterprise and bring new vitality, which is positive to the constructionof high quality talent team for the enterprise. However, the over talent flow will resultin brain drain, which will lead some bad effect on the management and developmentof the enterprise.IT Internet companies, due to its high technical content, strong innovationcapability, have become the main driving force of the development of China s ITeconomy. However, IT Internet companies suffer severe brain drain due to a variety ofreasons. According to the research report on turnover and salary survey report of 2016carried out by 51 Job company, during 2015, average turnover rate was up to 17.7%and even has a increase trend with the salary increases by 7.6%. IT Internet enterprisestaff turnover rate continued increase, and has been up to 25%. In addition, theeconomic translation of the traditional industries into IT industry also aggravate thesupply-demand relationship of the high-tech industry professionals.By 2015, employee turnover rate in the first tier cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai,has been up to 18.3%, which is 0.6 percent higher than that of the average level, andthe turnover rate in other cities in China has also been up to 17.3%. Additionally, boththe turnover rate in the first tier and non-first-tier cities have an increasing trend. Asthe excessive brain drain has brought severe problem (bad influence on) to the ITenterprises, how to effectively prevent the brain drain in IT enterprises been aproblem that urgently need to be solved. The main focus of this paper is to find outthe key factors the affect the brain drain of the technical personnel in IT enterprises,moreover, research the solving strategy of the problem based on the found key factors.Key words:IT Internet Enterprise ,Technical Personnel Loss ,Influence Factor ,Countermeasures目录第 1 章 导论1.1 研究背景1.1.1 问题的提出1.1.2 研究的背景与意义1.2 研究内容和方法1.2.1 研究内容1.2.2 研究方法1.3 国内外研究现状1.3.1 国外人才流失研究1.3.2 国内人才流失研究第 2 章 IT 互联网企业技术人才流失相关概念界定和理论研究2.1 相关概念的界定2.1.1 IT 界定2.1.2 IT 互联网企业2.1.3 人才的定义2.1.4 人才流失的定义2.2 IT 互联网技术人才范围的界定和技术人才的特点2.2.1 IT 互联网技术人才范围的界定2.2.2 IT 互联网企业技术人才的特点2.3 人才流失相关理论研究2.3.1 人才流失理论2.3.2 人才流失模型2.4 工作满意度2.4.1 工作满意度概念界定2.4.2 工作满意度的维度第 3 章 IT 互联网企业技术人才流失调查问卷设计与分析3.1 IT 互联网企业技术人才流失现状与问题3.2 研究总体设计3.2.1 研究变量的设计3.2.2 研究理论框架结构3.2.3 预测试3.2.4 调查问卷设计3.2.5 问卷发放及调查情况3.3 调查结果分析3.3.1 样本描述性分析3.3.2 信度分析3.3.3 效度分析3.3.4 相关性分析3.3.5 回归分析3.3.6 基本信息统计变量的方差分析第 4 章 IT 互联网企业技术人才流失对策研究4.1 建立以人为本的企业文化氛围4.2 建立完善的激励机制4.3 建立有效沟通的绩效管理体系4.4 建立健全多通道职业生涯轨道4.5 逐步构建起公司离职面谈系统4.6 构建核心技术人才流失预警体系第 5 章 研究结论5.1 研究小结5.2 本文的不足之处参考文献致谢返回本篇论文导航 靳世平. IT互联网企业技术人才流失因素分析与对策研究D.吉林大学,2016.
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