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六年级英语第一单元测试题 班级_姓名_等级_I、 火眼金睛找一找,看看谁的发音不同。( ) 1. A. where B. there C. here( )2. book B. school C. good( )3. A. hard B. card C. shirt( )4. A. morning B. your C. rode( )5. A. door B. about C. how我有火眼金睛。找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中)( )1. A. better B. big C. light D. heavy( )2. A. mine B. yours C. ours D. them( )3. A. ate B. hoped C. find D. learnt( )4. A. Maths B. English C. science D. television( )5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional D. sausage、你记住下列动词的过去式了吗?1. ride_2.eat_3.make_4.wear_5.study_6.bring_7.buy_8.climb_9.give_10.learn 、单项选择。( )1.Last night we _ to a _ theatre .A. go ; childs B. went ; children C. went ; childrens( )2.The message will go to Dads computer _ work . A. on B .in C. At( )3.Where did you go _ your holidays ?A. in B. on C. for( )4.Thank you _ your help . A. to B. for C. from( )5.We _ you in three weeks . A. is see B. are going to see C. are seeing ( ) 6 _ are we going to do? A. What B. Where C. When( ) 7. Amy will give a vase_ you.A. for B. to C. with( ) 8. It will_ all right!A. be B. is C. are( )9. Do you agree? _.A. Yes, I do B. I think so C. I dont think so( ) 10.Well go to school_ half past six.A. on B. at C. of、英汉互译。(答对十个即可) 1. 可乐_ 2. 汉堡 _ 3. 美元 _ 4. 美分 _ 5. 享用 _ 6. 鸭子 _ 7. 吵闹的_8. 享受你的饭 _9.野餐_10. 在十二点半 _11.围着湖走 _12. 美好的一天 _ 13.在那棵树下 _14打算将要 _ 15.给买礼物_VI、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1.these(对应词)_ 2.rain (现在分词)_ 3. you (宾格) _ 4.sun (形容词)_ 5.cold(反义词) _ 6.warm(反义词) _VII、请选择合适的单词,使句子完整。bought went wrote helped sent was 1.My mother _ to bed early yesterday .2.Tom _ an email to his dad .3.Ms Smart _ three watermelons .4.Daming _ a letter to Lingling .5.Linglings grandma _ a dancer .6.Amy _ Tom write an email .I、用动词的正确形式填空。1.There _ (be) lots of cars there .2.What are you going to do there ? I _ (play) football .3.After the show we went to a restaurant and _ (eat) hamburgers .4._ (click) on “send” .5.You cant _(take) it to China .6.Dont forget _ (bring) your books .、趣味阅读,判断正(T)误(F)。 AThis morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesnt like milk,and she gave her milk to me . I didnt drink them . I will drink them tonight . My sister is a very good girl. We are good friends . She studies very hard . And all of us like her very much.She wants to be a teacher .( )1.Father bought us some milk .( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .( )3.I drank my milk .( )4.My sister studies very hard .( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor . BThis is Marys bedroom. Its big and nice room. Its bright and clean. There are some pictures on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map of China.There is a yellow desk and an orange chair in her room. Look! There is a colorful TV on the desk. The desk is near the window. Her bag and pencil-box are on the desk, too. There are some colorful pencils ,a pen, a short ruler and a knife in the pencil-box.( )1.-How is Marys bedroom? Its _.Its _.A. big and clean B. small and nice C. dark( )2.Her TV is _.A. colorful B. white C. black( )3.Whats on her desk?A. Some toys. B. School things and a colorful TV. C. Nothing( )4.Where is the map?A. Near the window.B. On the front wall.C. On the back wall.( )5.Where are her bag and pencil-box?A. On the chair. B. On the desk. C. Under her bed.
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