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20 092010学年第 2 学期 考试方式: 开卷 闭卷课程名称: 外贸英语函电 使用班级:国际经济与贸易(中药国际贸易方向)英语特色班07(1)(2)班级: 学号: 姓名: Part 1. Single Choice (30*1=30 Points)Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. Then mark the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.1. Welookforwardto_atrialorder.A. receivingB. receivefromyou C. receiptD. receiptyour2We _ somebrochures _toillustratetheproduct we manufactured.A. enclosed, toyouB. enclosedyou, C. enclosed, D. enclosed, you3. Taking into consideration of our long-standing business relations with you, we accept _ by D/P.A. inquiries B. invite C. installment D. payment4. Your firm has been kindly to us by J. Smith &Co. as large importers of furniture.A. recommend B. recommending C. recommended D. recommendation5. We have the pleasure of ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.A. introduce B. know C. introducing D. knowing6. We are a state-operated corporation light industrial products.A. handle B. handling C. specialize D specializing7. The special advantages it has offer will it a quick-selling line.A. put B. make C. take D. place8. In order to these products, all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 10 per cent during the month of February only.A. popularize B. popular C. popularizing D. popularized9. The in the business is practically non-existent, and our generous terms must to heavy profits.A. risk B. danger C. cover D. insurance 10. A growing demand can _ increased prices.A .result B .result of C. result in D. result from11. We cannot see any possibility of business your price is too high.A. sinceB. whileC. thoughD. that12. Wehavemade _ that we would accept D/P terms for your future order. A. clearB. itclear C. thatclearD. itisclear13. Wewouldmakeyouthefollowingoffer, subject to your reply us not later than November 25.A. reachB. reachingC. reachesD. beingreached14. Afterinspectionoftheshipment, wefound5cases_.A. missingB. losingC. missedD. lost15. We are sending you the samples _ requested.A. be B. are C .as D. for16. We are anxious to _ the market for our Antimony, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.A .increase B. enlarge C. expand D. extend17. Your full cooperation_A. will be thanked very much B .is to be appreciated.C. is to appreciate. D. will be highly appreciated.18. Prices of raw materials_ steeply since our quotation of Nov.1.A. rose B. have risen C. have rose D. to have risen19. We confirm _ accepted your counter proposal yesterday.A. have B. having C. to have D. has been20. In the past years, we have made efforts to develop business _.A .in this line B .for the section C. of this D. on this line21、We thank you _for you cooperation.A、in advance B、in beforehandC、in progress D、in proceed22、We feel _very regrettable that we cannot accept any order for Tin Foil at present.A、it B、thisC、that D、what23、We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorable and cable us acceptance _your earliest convenience.A、of B、forC、on D、at24、Your L/C No.111 for 2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has_A、be arriving B、been arrivingC、arrived D、 thanked25、We take pleasure in _you a copy of our price-list.A、send B、sendingC、sent D、to send26、We have acknowledged your letter dated 26th September _connection _the above subject. A、for, withB、for ,toC、in, withD、in, to27、We regret _unable to agree to the buyers request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city.A、to be B、beingC、to have beenD、been28、We are pleased to _you that 6000 dozen shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123,L/C No.5678have gone off on S.S. DongfengA、askB、informC、speakD、talk29、Please advise at what price your clients will place orders _us.A、of B、forC、byD、with30、We shall do our best to satisfy your _A、require B、requiringC、requirementD、requirementsPart 2. Filling Blanks (10*1=10 points)Direction: Fill in the blanks with proper words and write them on the Answer Sheet.1. Can
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